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Jordanian F-16 "Shot Down" by ISIS

If the lying Americans are saying this then it is true that an ISIL MANPAD had indeed shot down the plane.

Any ways Jordanian Air Force will get advance F 16 in the coming days.
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Jordan News Agency (Petra) |Jordanian warplane crashes in Syria’s Raqqa region, pilot taken hostage
Amman, Dec. 24 (Petra) -- A Royal Jordanian Air Force warplane crashed over the Raqqa province in Syria and the pilot was taken hostage by the Daash terrorist group, an official source in the Jordan Armed Forces announced on Wednesday.

As per the source, the incident occurred when a number of Royal Jordanian Air Force fighter jets were targeting certain positions of the terrorist organization in Raqqa.

"The pilot was taken hostage by the terrorist organization," the official source added.

"It is well known that this organization does not hide its terrorist agenda and has committed criminal acts and killed innocent Muslims and non-Muslims in Syria and Iraq. Therefore, Jordan holds this group and whoever supports it responsible for the safety and life of the pilot," the source said.

Jordan News Agency (Petra) |Parliament warns "Daesh" of grave consequences if Jordanian pilot is harmed

Amman, Dec. 25 (Petra) -- The Lower House of Parliament, on Thursday, said the terrorist "Deash" organization is fully responsible for the life and safety of the Jordanian pilot whom the group captured after his plane went down in Syria's Raqqa province.

The House warned the group and, whoever supports it, of grave consequences if pilot, 1st. Lit. Muath Kasasbeh, is harmed and urged the government to do its utmost to ensure a safe return of the pilot.

The Legislature voiced full backing of the army's efforts in fighting terrorism, drying up all of its resources and safeguarding the nation's security and stability from any threat .
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria group has published what it says is an interview with a Jordanian pilot it captured after his plane crashed in Syria last week.

In the comments attributed to the pilot, he says his plane was hit by a heat-seeking missile, endorsing the jihadist group’s version of events, which has been rejected by both Jordan and the United States.

The purported interview published by the ISIS online English-language magazine Dabiq on Monday is accompanied by photographs of First Lieutenant Maaz al-Kassasbeh, 26.

In it, he is quoted as discussing how the air strikes in Syria are coordinated between the countries of the U.S.-led coalition.

He says his role was to destroy anti-aircraft weapons on the ground and to provide cover for the strike aircraft.

Kassasbeh was captured by ISIS on December 24 after his F-16 jet crashed while on a mission against the jihadists over northern Syria.

His father, Safi al-Kassasbeh, has urged ISIS to show “mercy” and treat his son as a “guest.”

The crash was the first warplane from the U.S.-led coalition lost in combat since air strikes on ISIS began in Syria in September, and marked a major propaganda victory for the Sunni extremist group.

Jordan is among a number of countries that have joined the U.S.-led air raids against ISIS, which has declared a “caliphate” straddling large parts of Iraq and Syria.
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Syrian government has defence pacts/agreements and understandings with the Iranian government since the 80's already. Now that some terrorists that come from **** stan and other states to Syria for jihad have some ''grievances'' is none of our business. We will blow them to smithereens. And about FSA, werent they the ones cheering for ISIS when they were beheading and mutilating Syrian soldiers ? Werent they ones who made many (short term) alliances and agreements with ISIS and Nusra in the beginning (some factions of FSA continue to have until this day).

Amnesty can be given to Syrians only who are in FSA yes but not to any other nationality, as this conflict is none of their business and should have stayed in Saudia or **** stan. Best thing FSA can do is to give in their weapons and surrender to the SAA and build Syria over again. Or they can continue with the destruction and achieve nothing for another 4 years (or 40 if it has to be).
right correctly PAKISTAN
ASSAD is the only man left in the middle east. The rest of the robe wearers are in a bent position with their robe above their waist. That the shape of the arab world now.
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Lebanese Al Mayadeen news says he got executed
Lebanese Al Mayadeen news says he got executed

There are reports suggesting that it might be the result of a failed rescue operation led by the US but I'm not sure if it is true. Hopefully not.
January 3, 2015

Helicopters ‘try to land in raid on Daesh capital’
It may have been an attempt by US-led forces to rescue captive Jordanian pilot

Military helicopters have tried to land, under heavy covering fire, in the de facto capital of radical Islamist militants in Syria in a dramatic hostage rescue effort, local activists have reported.

If confirmed, the night raid in Raqqa, which was aborted when the helicopters came under attack, may have been an attempt by members of the US-led coalition forces to rescue a Jordanian pilot being held by the Daesh.

Lieutenant Mua’th Al Kasasbeh was captured when his plane crashed near Raqqa last month, and has been threatened with execution by Daesh.

Activists from the group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently posted details of Thursday’s attack on their website. The group, which operates in secret inside the city, was the first to break the news of a failed rescue mission led by US special forces last July. In details later confirmed by the Pentagon, the group accurately reported the location and strategy of that raid.

Thursday’s raid involved heavy bombardment across the city and military clashes as decoys, the group said. “In the hours before, drones were flying over Raqqa,” said Abu Ebrahim Al Raqqawi, a spokesman who has now left the city. “Then there was the heaviest bombardment of the city since the start of air strikes by the coalition.”

An air strike reportedly destroyed a building used as a barracks by Daesh fighters. Jets were also flying in an area west of the city centre before clashes broke out on the ground, Al Raqqawi said. “I have friends in the area. They saw what was happening from their rooftop and then had to take cover. There was an exchange of gunfire for 20 minutes, and someone was firing flares to light the sky.” This may have been a rescue mission, or a decoy for the military operation on the other side of the city, he speculated.

In eastern Raqqa two helicopters were “making an attempted landing”, he said. “Daesh started shooting at them and they had to abort.” He said a mole in Daesh had told him of the attack, and had confirmed that the helicopter landing was taking place in the area where Lieutenant Kasasbeh was being held.

This newspaper cannot independently confirm the details. The US-led coalition declined to comment on whether there had been a raid or rescue mission. A spokesman said: “We have received no information to confirm or refute this event took place.”

Helicopters ‘try to land in raid on Daesh capital’ | GulfNews.com
Jordan still holding prisoner demanded by Islamic State: government spokesman| Reuters

Anwar Tarawneh (front), the wife of Islamic State captive Jordanian pilot Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh, and his sister weep after listening to a statement released by Islamic State in front of the Royal Palace in Amman January 28, 2015.

Credit: Reuters/Muhammad Hamed

Jordan is still holding a prisoner whose release has been demanded by Islamic State militants and her freedom depends on the fate of a Jordanian pilot captured by the insurgents, government spokesman Mohammad al-Momani said on Wednesday.

"It's not true she has been released. Her release is tied to freeing our pilot," Momani said of Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman on death row for her role in a 2005 suicide bomb attack.

The fate of the pilot was thought to be tied to that of Japanese hostage Kenji Goto after a video was released on Tuesday purporting to show the Japanese national saying he had 24 hours to live unless Jordan released al-Rishawi.
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