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Jordan may be next "Arab spring" country in the American list.

Well, I thought better about you seeing your other positive posts about KSA and the Arab world in general.

There is a HUGE difference between posting an innocent video of a overweight American eating a burger and what you posted. What you call a stereotype is not a stereotype but only that among the dumbest and most ignorant of all people in the West and they make less than 0,1% of the population and could barely pinpoint London, Europe or the Middle East on a world map. On the other hand USA is the most overweight nation in the world and there is nothing wrong with that since obesity is also a problem in the Middle East.

My comment was obviously a joke since I also joked about my own people (Arabs). I thought that was clear.

What you posted on the other hand correspondents to me posting mass-murderers, American war crimes, the American extermination (nearly) of the native Americans etc.

Anyway a pointless discussion. My innocent joke was obviously misunderstood and if it really caused you that much offense then I apologize.

EDIT: You have also seen my posts on the US and know that I have studied there for 1 year so you should know that I have no problem with the US.

Nor would I since I praised the ambassador and his wife's action of putting regional and traditional clothes on in the same very post.
It only seems different to you because you are not an American. You only think what I posted is NOT a stereotype, because you are not a westerner. Is it an ignorant stereotype? You bet it is....just as the one posted about my country that was the source of such amusement. As I said, no more double standards with me. I have been on this board because in my career, I have traveled and worked in dozens of other countries, including the Arab world, and loved it. What I have found, however, is a stark double standard when it comes to America and the west, especially in the education received from so many posters on this board. I used to be a real believer in the idea that relationships between my country and other cultures could have great mutual benefit. After experiencing the unfiltered ideas about America, that are expressed over and over again, in thread after thread here, I am no longer such a fool about such things. As I have expressed in several posts now, I plan on putting my new found knowledge into action, politically, in my country. I realize now that America will always be hated and mocked and that she has virtually no friends, no allies, with only a handful of exceptions. So from now on, no double standards for me. When America is insulted, I will pay it back. When others tell me that country's have only self-interest in mind, then when people ***** about American drones killing Pakistani villagers, my response is, "Why should I care? You told me, American idealism is fake and countries only act out of self-interest." They are right. Almost no one here gives a tinker's damn about whether American lives are taken or other westerners, so I am no longer going to worry about theirs. Al-Qaeda slaughters westerners and in most of the countries that are America's "friends" in the Muslim world, there is jubilation, even if quiet, that the attack was successful. So I'll tell you what, we Americans will work on our diets and you Muslim men should work on growing a pair and owning up to the stereotype these murdering bastards have absolutely created regarding Islam, in the west, and take charge of your religion and create a new image for it. But as for me, I plan on making sure in my role in my political party and in elections, that my representatives know absolutely, that we have no friends, no allies in the Muslim world and so the best thing we can do is stop meddling and stop sending even one more dime, one more fighter plane, signing one more trade deal, or mutual agreement, one more treaty, allowing one more immigrant from, with people's and countries that have nothing but hatred, unjust criticism, and scorn for America.

And again, if you are wondering why the change, as I said, that new found education in reality, I received right here on this board, reading what people really think, without the filter of liberal western press and diplomatic niceties.
It only seems different to you because you are not an American. You only think what I posted is NOT a stereotype, because you are not a westerner. Is it an ignorant stereotype? You bet it is....just as the one posted about my country that was the source of such amusement. As I said, no more double standards with me. I have been on this board because in my career, I have traveled and worked in dozens of other countries, including the Arab world, and loved it. What I have found, however, is a stark double standard when it comes to America and the west, especially in the education received from so many posters on this board. I used to be a real believer in the idea that relationships between my country and other cultures could have great mutual benefit. After experiencing the unfiltered ideas about America, that are expressed over and over again, in thread after thread here, I am no longer such a fool about such things. As I have expressed in several posts now, I plan on putting my new found knowledge into action, politically, in my country. I realize now that America will always be hated and mocked and that she has virtually no friends, no allies, with only a handful of exceptions. So from now on, no double standards for me. When America is insulted, I will pay it back. When others tell me that country's have only self-interest in mind, then when people ***** about American drones killing Pakistani villagers, my response is, "Why should I care? You told me, American idealism is fake and countries only act out of self-interest." They are right. Almost no one here gives a tinker's damn about whether American lives are taken or other westerners, so I am no longer going to worry about theirs. Al-Qaeda slaughters westerners and in most of the countries that are America's "friends" in the Muslim world, there is jubilation, even if quiet, that the attack was successful. So I'll tell you what, we Americans will work on our diets and you Muslim men should work on growing a pair and owning up to the stereotype these murdering bastards have absolutely created regarding Islam, in the west, and take charge of your religion and create a new image for it. But as for me, I plan on making sure in my role in my political party and in elections, that my representatives know absolutely, that we have no friends, no allies in the Muslim world and so the best thing we can do is stop meddling and stop sending even one more dime, one more fighter plane, signing one more trade deal, or mutual agreement, one more treaty, allowing one more immigrant from, with people's and countries that have nothing but hatred, unjust criticism, and scorn for America.

And again, if you are wondering why the change, as I said, that new found education in reality, I received right here on this board, reading what people really think, without the filter of liberal western press and diplomatic niceties.

Well, you sound extremely hysterical and even slightly comical. I am sorry to say that. This is a internet forum. Every nationality is insulted here form time to time but very few takes it seriously. Arabs included. Don't believe it? Then ask other Arab members than me.

If you think that my harmless post was a insult and comparable to your reply then that says more about your mentality than anything else and makes your quoted reply even more contradictory.

Well, since when have Americans cared about about anything other than their own interests let alone people in the Middle East or outside of Europa at most? Don't act holy and all that. All countries have their interest above anything else.

I told you already that I don't have any problem with the US or Americans. Americans are not a ethnic group but you have 3-4 million Arab-Americans, 50-60 million Latin-Americans 30-40 million Black-Americans and all other minorities. There is no need to generalize and neither should you.

Just out of interest. Which political party are you planning to create? Last time I checked there are only two political parties in the US and from what I remember they are there to stay.

Anyway you are free to do what you want to. I am not stopping you nor do that really bother me. That goes for all members here.

Well, nobody likes occupiers. The Iraqis or Afghans have every right to resist a invading force just like the Americans would have the same right if the Mexicans or Canadians invaded you guys.

BTW, you have still not posted any traditional clothing from USA.

EDIT: Oh, we have about 10 active Arab members here at most. Your rant towards Muslims should be directed to the vast majority of Muslims here who are Pakistanis. After all this is a PAKISTANI forum. I can't take responsibility for their supposed "double-standards" nor have I seen such posts here yet. I only can and wish to take responsibility for my posting and not that of others which should be a completely logical thing.
Well, you sound extremely hysterical and even slightly comical. I am sorry to say that.
Oh, I assure you that I am not. Not angry, not miffed. I am just no longer the American idealist. The scales have fallen from my eyes. I see America's "friends" much more clearly now. I appreciate the education I have received here.

As to your question, I am not planning on "creating" any political party. I am already an elected official in one of them, albeit, a minor one, but I know my congressman personally and he knows me and elections are coming up. My new found ideals are ever present in my party and are increasing. I used to be one who fought them and thought them overly nationalistic. I will no longer.
Oh, I assure you that I am not. Not angry, not miffed. I am just no longer the American idealist. The scales have fallen from my eyes. I see America's "friends" much more clearly now. I appreciate the education I have received here.

As to your question, I am not planning on "creating" any political party. I am already an elected official in one of them, albeit, a minor one, but I know my congressman personally and he knows me and elections are coming up. My new found ideals are ever present in my party and are increasing. I used to be one who fought them and thought them overly nationalistic. I will no longer.

Well, as I said I am not going to stop you. We will do just fine though.

These school of thoughts are nothing more than a pure wishful thinking.

Just recently, Jordan has joined the Gulf Cooperation Council, the GCC will automatically entails all member-state to request a military assistance in case of any internal or external threat to any country within the council, the PAS - Peninsula Armor Shield - is definitely strong enough to restore law and order, with that being said, why would Jordan need a foreign assistance which will only come for something in return when Jordan is a member of a union such as the GCC that gives each and every member a security coverage? I can't find any reason why Jordan would seek any sort of a military assistance from the US in this sense.

As for the Patriot missile defense system, Jordan must seek whatever means to secure its nation and the 1 million and something refugees as well. Assad is irrational ruthless SOB, and we don't know yet wether he's willing to commit political suicide or not.
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If I may ask please, where are you from?
jordan has reason to to revolt . saudi arabia does not . the obvious reeason is life in jordan is miserable and people need to immigrate to live normal lives they deserve . in saudi its not the situation after spending 7 years living around the world I can tell you that people of the GCC are quite privileged in their life styles . we have our set of problems yes but nothing that cannot be solved . issues in jordan however is prefferably subdued for the sake of dividing the country between 2 distinct groups of people . one military and governmental and the other financial and industrial . its a tale of 2 cities really

:( No Al-Baik in Riyadh ._.
Right now I wanna break down and cry :(
My Grandma brought me back one of your traditional Arab Headdresses (the Kiffeyh...I think its called) when she came to KSA for Umrah a few years back; too bad the Imam at the local mosque, near my home, took it - He apparently thinks that the Arab Headdress bought from a kiosk (shop) right next to Al-Baik in some mall in Riyadh is his ticket to heaven ! :omghaha:

You Arabs are evil...so evil - You've even corrupted our clerics ! :lol:

^ Yes, the Saudis are evil :devil: we controll the whole world :omghaha:

Soon we will annex Pakistan :coffee:
I dunno which City she was in because we've got relatives in Mecca, Medina, Riyadh, someplace called Dammam & one other place so it could've been either one of them that she bought it for me ! :unsure:

Al-Baik is owned by multiple investors, that Palestinian is the same guy who owns Kudo, but he's been living here for ages, he's a 100% Saudi.
al baik is not not allowed to open . the owner is originally Palestinian and he is quite adamant control freak (they do exist ) the farther the branches go the less they feel they are in control.

they could open in the GCC . eygpt . Jordan anywhere but choose not to . Arabs (especially those of the northern parts ) are quite proud and stubborn .

I wish brother, very beautiful,greenish and cooler climate. Not to mention the tasty food.


If you were born or used to live here you won't move a single inch yoo!!

The use of WMDs isn't Jordan's nightmare or the Jews' nightmare or America's, but everyone's nightmare. Having said that, I'm glad that the Jordanians try to isolate themselves from the Syrian crisis as much as possible. Assad is insane and he might do something too foolish that none of us could take.
he doesn't now about the deteriorating relations with Bashar and his indirect threats to Jordan, and the possibility of using WMD against it.

I had a talk with my manager just few hours ago about what happened in Egypt, although that he is a successful man who has a degree in engineering, he accused the KSA and the UAE of financing Egyptian uprising to oust Morsi, and when I asked him for a proof he changed the subject, he and many others are just like him. You can find Islamists, liberals, Socialists, moderates, monarchists, leftests, rightests, and every group have their own point of view.

By the way, MB and their sympathizers hate GCC regimes guts.

Speaking for KSA, the Gov't as well as our people never liked the MB prior to their raise of power, but when they won the elections, we were forced to compromise with them on a bunch of issues. For those of you who don't know, I know this may come to you as a shock but the MB supported the Hauthis over KSA during the war, stating that KSA escalated the situation further by conducting more airstrikes, and they had forgotten that the Hauthis were the ones who provoked us.

Your manager can't defend his argument and accusation as he relies on nothing but conspiracy theories. Without a doubt the UAE had a very hard time dealing with the MB, but for us, we never shown any sign of hatred to them or to their doctrine - even though we disagree with them on many issues -
If I may ask please, where are you from?

:( No Al-Baik in Riyadh ._.
Right now I wanna break down and cry :(

I spent four years in Maan, I used to eat at this restaurant everyday, their Mansaf is heavenly :smitten:

I used to have two breakfasts, two lunches (Arabic lunches);) , two dinners. In less than one year, I gained 40 KG :cry: I don't know why though :P
Man, I eat and eat but I weigh the same. 85kg but I am quite tall. 1.90-1.91 m.;) But I am 21 years old so I am not going to grow anymore. Luckily! I feel that I need to exercise and leave the computer and studies more often in the future to keep that weight and reduce risks of getting diseases such as diabetes.

But since both of you are younger then you gan grow more.:cheesy:

LOL those videos, i just typed I am not fat on Youtube and copied here. I have not even seen them.:omghaha:
Yes, your armed forces are as nasty as Hellz.

Yeh, people there told me about the training, :girl_wacko: running for tens of miles under scorcher days with little food and water, swimming in sewage water, being bossed around till your spirit gets broken to get later reformed...etc. Pls, their salaries can barely cover your expenses (about 400-450 JOD), standerds of living in Saudi Arabia is cheaper than Jordan nowadays.
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