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John Kerry calls Shivshankar Menon to express regret about Devyani's treatment; defends US laws

Devyani case: US distances itself from Preet Bharara's statement

New Delhi: Sensing the delicacy of the Devyani Khobragade matter, the United States of America on Thursday distanced itself from the statement of US Attorney Preet Bharara, who is prosecuting the case. Preet Bharara had outrightly denied claims that Devyani Khobragade was mistreated, arrested in public and handcuffed.

Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke to Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh on Thursday evening and distanced the US authorities from Bharara's statement.

ALSO SEE India will protect Devyani, US must drop the case, says Khurshid
Bharara, in fact, said that Devyani was accorded courtesies that are generally not given to most Americans. Bharara went to the extent of saying that she was even allowed to make personal phone calls before she was arrested and the arresting officers even offered to get her refreshments.

But Bharara maintained that the strip-search was standard operating procedure and that it was done by a female Deputy Marshal.

ALSO SEE American media, public say Devyani Khobragade is wrong
Meanwhile, India has stood firm and is demanding that US withdraw the case against its diplomat and issue an apology over the whole row.

This comes even after the US Secretary of State John Kerry expressed 'regret' over the treatment meted out to Devyani, but fell short of apologising for it. "Hope the incident would not damage the close relationship the US has with India," he had said in a call to India's National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon on Wednesday.

Devyani case: US distances itself from Preet Bharara's statement
There isn't an intent to bring harm or humiliate India diplomat or any other national diplomat in the US, in the future if India diplomats or other national diplomats follow US rule of law, there won't be any circumstance happen in the 1st place, you can ensure India diplomat being as an foreign dignitarian hosted by the US nation.

But the harm and humiliation has done.. More over, Bharara made remarks over Indian judicial system and law enforcement.. It will not go well among judiciary..
External affairs minister Salman Khurshid said he had received a call from his American counterpart John Kerry last night but he was not available at that time to take it and that is the reason the US secretary of state talked to the national security advisor.

"I was not available when John Kerry called. We are trying to lock a time for a call this evening or may be tomorrow. Kerry is in the Philippines and there is a huge time difference," he said.

Though Khurshid said he was not available to take Kerry's call, speculation is that the call was not taken by the minister to show India's unhappiness over the case against its diplomat and the way she was treated.
He stated the facts of the arrest, at least his version of the events. It provides a good balance and counterpoint to the Indian rumors running rampant.

The longer this goes on in the media, the worse it makes India look, because it raises questions why India doesn't want an objective assessment of facts and wants to quash the legal process.

He is the prosecuting attorney so he used the terms 'victim' and 'alleged perpetrator' properly.

As for Indian law, I already explained why protecting the family of a witness is important. From his perspective, Indian legal system was being used to obstruct (US) justice.

India courts will not be accepting your explanation or Mr. Bharara's nor will the U.S. state department be able to easily live this down. For the rest, wait & watch.

Senior US official Wendy Sherman today called India's foreign secretary Sujatha Singh in an effort to find a solution to the diplomatic row over the manner in which Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade was arrested in New York last week. During their 20-minute talk, sources said, Ms Sherman discussed specific steps with Ms Singh to de-escalate the matter and distanced the US administration from a statement made by US attorney Preet Bharara justifying the arrest.
i ask one question,why were sangeeta richard's family allowed to be evacuated?

Uski haddiyan todna tah,something is very fishy here.
Some people are trying to sound very worried about the maid. We know their real intentions from long history. Not that it matters to anyone.

Even the diplomat doesn't earn the kind of money that is being talked about here. The staff gets a lot of privileges (accommodation, food, visa, travel, holidays, entertainment etc. are gratis) by Indian standards and actually end up saving a decent amount of money.

The whole thing has been orchestrated and will just whimper out now.

Some people may get excited in the meanwhile that it makes India "look bad".
Some people are trying to sound very worried about the maid. We know their real intentions from long history. Not that it matters to anyone.

Even the diplomat doesn't earn the kind of money that is being talked about here. The staff gets a lot of privileges (accommodation, food, visa, travel, holidays, entertainment etc. are gratis) by Indian standards and actually end up saving a decent amount of money.

The whole thing has been orchestrated and will just whimper out now.

Some people may get excited in the meanwhile that it makes India "look bad".

Bro if we put together maid was receiving more than double of minimum USA wage!! No labor law violation in this case. bout forging visa application I cannot comment till it is available in public domain. But if Devyani is guilty of falsifying documents the maid is equally or more guilty for submitting false documents for her visa application.

What can I say Hypocrisy at it's best!!
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Some people are trying to sound very worried about the maid. We know their real intentions from long history. Not that it matters to anyone.

Even the diplomat doesn't earn the kind of money that is being talked about here. The staff gets a lot of privileges (accommodation, food, visa, travel, holidays, entertainment etc. are gratis) by Indian standards and actually end up saving a decent amount of money.

The whole thing has been orchestrated and will just whimper out now.

Some people may get excited in the meanwhile that it makes India "look bad".

Actually she got all she wanted.. Got a visa, got her family to US and now can stay there forever.. Whats more she want..
Bro if we put together maid was getting more than double of minimum USA wage!! No labor law violation in this case. bout forging visa application I cannot comment till it is available in public domain. But if Devyani is guilty of falsifying documents the maid is equally or more guilty for submitting false documents for her visa application.

What can I say Hypocrisy at it's best!!

True. It is travesty that the visa used was not the correct one.

It is not the mistake of the diplomat but the pathetic visa system used by the embassy.
American Double Standards !!!

- The US fears Russia, but has no such worries about India
Diplomacy: K.P. Nayar
Convicts are beneficiaries of a caste system and class hierarchy when they are sent to prison. Michael Milken, the king of junk bonds in the United States of America, was sentenced to ten years in prison, but he got out in two — released for good behaviour and other reasons. Ivan Boesky, one of the first insider traders to be prosecuted in the US, became a legend in popular culture because such prosecutions were rare in the 1980s. He, too, got out of jail in two years, but he was sentenced only to three and a half in any case. At one point, he embraced Judaism and took seminary classes in that religion.
Men like Milken and Boesky do not live with common criminals in prison. White-collar convicts are often better off separated into relatively more comfortable quarters in jail with facilities that convicts of a lower order are not entitled to. The rationale is that such segregation is necessary for their own protection.
The wholly unacceptable arrest of India’s deputy consul general in New York, Devyani Khobragade, and the barbaric way in which she was handcuffed and separated from her daughter at school to a lock-up, while another three-year-old child was waiting for her at home, proves that distinctions prevail in America even in the treatment of those accused of crimes. Raj Rajaratnam, whose crimes were far more grave than anything the Indian diplomat is being accused of, was arrested in the privacy of his exclusive Sutton Place residence in Manhattan in the early hours of the morning, when there was no public display of law enforcement. Arguably, Rajaratnam caused more harm to Americans and their institutions by illegally profiting off them to satisfy his greed.
Khobragade’s actions, if they are proved in court, affected a single person, but as of now, even that assumption is open to question. Her maid, Sangeeta Richard, is in New York on Indian official behalf because she landed on American soil not on an ordinary passport like an immigrant or a visitor, but with a travel document that is issued only to those travelling on official Indian government business.
Rajat Gupta, the fallen idol of the Indian American community, once an oracle on business strategies for all Americans in corporate boardrooms, was allowed to ride in limousines with his band of high-profile lawyers to the office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to surrender when he was charged with financial crimes. The authorities did not pick him off the street, as they did Khobragade.
There are no two opinions that New York City and its namesake state have lost all sense of proportion in dealing with diplomats in their jurisdiction. Why that is so is another matter. Because Khobragade has been described everywhere by her normal designation of deputy consul general, it is not very well known that at the time of her arrest, she was actually acting consul general in New York. Thus, she was head of a diplomatic post, and therefore, the action against her was irresponsible on the part of the Obama administration, which, without doubt, approved the arrest. At any rate, it did nothing to stop it, which it well could have.
It is the US state department’s mandate to ensure the smooth functioning of diplomatic missions in its country. In this case, because the state department did nothing to stop an acting consul general’s detention by an out-of-control Manhattan law enforcement, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, the charge d’affaires at the Indian embassy in Washington, had to fly out a senior diplomat from his office to keep work at the New York consulate going.
Sandhu, on his third posting in the US, knows the American system better than even many Americans. He is more hands-on than the ambassadors of most countries who get to serve in Washington. He then personally rushed to New York to put one of India’s busiest and most important diplomatic posts in working order, although complete normalcy there after last week’s traumatic experience for its staff will take a very long time.
Only a few days before Khobragade’s choreographed detention, New York’s heady prosecutors drew up a litany of charges of medical- insurance fraud against 49 Russian diplomats to the tune of $1.5 million. These 49 Russians now figure in a criminal complaint unsealed in the same Manhattan court, where India’s acting consul general was produced for a $250,000 bail hearing last week. Of these, 11 Russian diplomats continue to work at the Russian consulate in New York or at Moscow’s permanent mission to the United Nations in the Turtle Bay area of Manhattan.
So when Preet Bharara, the attorney for the Southern District of New York, unsealed the criminal complaint against the Russians in court in his usual flashy style, reporters who cover Bharara expected at least a few of the 11 Russians still within the reach of New York’s law enforcement to be paraded before them: it would have been a precursor to Khobragade’s arrest and subsequent bail. But nothing of that sort happened. Instead, when Bharara’s men set out in quest of the alleged offenders, with handcuffs in their pockets, they were promptly restrained by the US state department, according to authoritative sources who spoke to this writer. The state department told Bharara’s office that all the 11 serving Russian diplomats on US soil had diplomatic immunity and could not be arrested.
How could that be? It has been ascertained that many of these 11 Russians are in far more junior positions than India’s deputy consul general — acting consul general at that time. Yet the Obama administration told Bharara to take his hands off those 11 men and women and not go anywhere near those Russians still on American soil because they enjoy diplomatic immunity. But in Khobragade’s case, the same state department insisted that she does not enjoy immunity except in the discharge of her official duties. There is a clear double standard here. That is because the Americans fear Russia. They have no such worries about India.
Within minutes of Bharara unsealing his complaint, the Russian deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, said ominously that “we have many claims against American diplomats in Moscow. There are dozens of situations where we can make a complaint against them”. Offering an olive branch, though, for a negotiated settlement, Ryabkov added that “we don’t air them out in public”.
Last weekend, Russia’s macho foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, weighed in: “Foreign diplomats, including from America, regularly violate Russian laws.” He said embassies had been set up in each other’s capitals to resolve such issues, not to make “an information bomb out of it”. Because some of the Russian diplomats allegedly committed the insurance fraud in 2004, Lavrov had only ridicule for Bharara and his tactics. “If diplomats are seen violating the norms of behaviour and laws of their country of stay, why wait ten years. They probably wanted to stockpile more cases so that the figure would be more considerable.”
It is clear by now that not one of those Russian diplomats charged by Bharara will be touched. If the Americans act otherwise, Moscow will come down on Washington like a ton of bricks. The state department spokesperson, Marie Harf, was proportionately conciliatory: “We don’t think this should affect our bilateral relationship with Russia. Quite frankly, there are too many important issues we have to work on together.” The implication, on the one hand, is that with India there are no such important issues. On the other, White House knows that it can offer the Indian prime minister another state dinner and all will be forgiven.

coward congressi leaders with no spine..

why the US consular officers are still not arrested if they have broken Indian laws.

I have just one question,

if US can arrest Indian consular person for violating US law, why India is not arresting US consular person for violating Indian laws. or does it mean no US consular person broke any Indian laws?????

the longer it gets the more I want this coward congressi and Italian waitress out of my country.:close_tema:
There isn't an intent to bring harm or humiliate India diplomat or any other national diplomat in the US, in the future if India diplomats or other national diplomats follow US rule of law, there won't be any circumstance happen in the 1st place, you can ensure India diplomat being as an foreign dignitarian hosted by the US nation.
That is the biggest "BS" being run down our throat....This whole damn issue is nothing new and is being a norm not only for Indian diplomats in the past as well and even true for diplomats of other nations...Rest there is a simple unwritten rule in the book of diplomacy..."RECIPROCAL"....New Delhi is not budging from two demands
a) Unconditional Apology.
b) Dropping the case.

Now in an election year with Congress already on the back-foot and media highlighting this as a snub to India's sovereignty i don't see this issue going to cold storage any time soon...So let'sd wait and watch!!

coward congressi leaders with no spine..
why the US consular officers are still not arrested if they have broken Indian laws.
I have just one question,
if US can arrest Indian consular person for violating US law, why India is not arresting US consular person for violating Indian laws. or does it mean no US consular person broke any Indian laws?????
the longer it gets the more I want this coward congressi and Italian waitress out of my country.:close_tema:

Not that i am congress supporter by any stretch of imagination having said that govt. don't run on adrenaline...Each move needs to be calculated precisely...revenge should be taken but not like a jerk...As of now some steps have been taken thereby giving a clear message to US that New Delhi means business...now even after that they don't budge(which i believe they won't) then next line of steps should come into fore...
That is the biggest "BS" being run down our throat....This whole damn issue is nothing new and is being a norm not only for Indian diplomats in the past as well and even true for diplomats of other nations...Rest there is a simple unwritten rule in the book of diplomacy..."RECIPROCAL"....New Delhi is not budging from two demands
a) Unconditional Apology.
b) Dropping the case.

Now in an election year with Congress already on the back-foot and media highlighting this as a snub to India's sovereignty i don't see this issue going to cold storage any time soon...So let'sd wait and watch!!

Take it how you want to take it, I careless, I'm happy with the US justice department upheld the US highest law of the land and prosecute the criminal and diplomacy status associated with her in the US.
Take it how you want to take it, I careless, I'm happy with the US justice department upheld the US highest law of the land and prosecute the criminal and diplomacy status associated with her in the US.

That is the whole point...b/w second bold statement is far from truth....but then what can be done to folks who have closed their eyes and ears!!
That is the whole point...b/w second bold statement is far from truth....but then what can be done to folks who have closed their eyes and ears!!

I didn't make the bold part, the bold part happened to highlight after I posted my statement.
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