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John Kerry calls Shivshankar Menon to express regret about Devyani's treatment; defends US laws

Do you mean western world? I believe in western world this kind of practice are outlaw, US labor law to prevent the mistreatment of employee by the hand of the employer.

No, I meant developing countries in Asia, Africa, South America, etc.

Not Sweden, Germany, etc.
How India gonna retaliate USA? Or just let it go like the previous Italian soldier killing Indian fishmen case? Dare India do anything against USA as you guys buyer dozen of weapon from them?

It's time to prove you guys have some balls.

Italian soldiers are now in Indian jails awaiting trials .
It's time to prove you guys have some balls.

Thanks in due time we will.

We are not like the Chinese who let their embassy be bombed and did nothing, cause they were too afraid of the white man.
Thanks in due time we will.

We are not like the Chinese who let their embassy be bombed and did nothing, cause they were too afraid of the white man.

How India going to retaliate that will bring US to her knee?
Thanks in due time we will.

We are not like the Chinese who let their embassy be bombed and did nothing, cause they were too afraid of the white man.

when was the embassy bombed??
i don't know
I assume you have read the NY DA's statement (posted in another thread).

It is very precise and very damning about the alleged conduct of the consular officer.

It also reaffirms what I have been saying all along -- the maid is not just "anybody". She is a material witness in an ongoing case. The US authorities deem it a top priority to ensure the safety of witnesses and their families. This part about families is doubly relevant because it seems quite clear that there was a concerted attempt to harass and even coerce the maid's husband to make false statements.

Once again, the NY DA's statement contains some extremely damning allegations about what the consular officer did to the maid and her family. And he makes it clear there's plenty more he is not revealing because the case is ongoing.

Ya, it's pretty damning. For him actually. Already seeing some fireworks. Poor Kerry will have a tough time. Bharara just made his life very, very difficult. He is also legally in error, referring to the alleged victim as a "victim" when nothing is yet proven, raising plenty of questions? His comments on Indian courts & his admission of subverting them won't help anyone in the U.S. much.

Wait & watch developments in this matter. Will be interesting.
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Ya, it's pretty damning. For him actually. Already seeing some fireworks. Poor Kerry will have a tough time. Bharara just made his life very, very difficult. He is also factually, referring to the alleged victim as a "victim" when nothing is yet proven raising questions? His comments on Indian courts & his admission of subverting them won't help anyone in the U.S. much.

Wait & watch developments in this matter. Will be interesting.

US justice are to protect the victim and not the criminal, this isn't India justice system that let the convict romp free and prosecute the poor victim instead.
US justice are to protect the victim and not the criminal, this isn't India justice system that let the convict romp free and prosecute the poor victim instead.

Do you have any idea about the subject you are talking about? Or are you here for the mental masturbation?
Do you have any idea about the subject you are talking about? Or are you here for the mental masturbation?

I'm to tell you US law won't change to cater the Indian national in the US, get used to it, you commit the crime expect to pay the time with your life.
I'm to tell you US law won't change to cater the Indian national in the US, get used to it, you commit the crime expect to pay the time with your life.

u have said enough,now carry on elsewhere
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