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John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

Trump's former national security adviser says the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan presents an opportunity for the United States to confront Pakistan over its ties to the Taliban and nuclear stockpile.

John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

Trump's former national security adviser says the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan presents an opportunity for the United States to confront Pakistan over its ties to the Taliban and nuclear stockpile.

Friday, August 27, 2021

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When he served as national security adviser, John R. Bolton resisted President Donald Trump’s efforts to negotiate with the Taliban. Bolton left the White House on acrimonious terms a week after the president tried unsuccessfully to organize a secret summit with Taliban leaders at Camp David – just before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2019.

Islamabad and Washington have long had an alliance, but Pakistan's military and intelligence services have been uncomfortably tight with the Taliban. Four presidents have grudgingly put up with this duplicity since 2001 because Pakistan provided supply lines for the United States' military presence next door – and also because Pakistan has an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

In an op-ed for The Post, Bolton makes the case that the time has come to take a much harder line on Pakistan.

Pakistan's national security adviser said in an interview with Josh Rogin that the country wants to be treated like an ally, not a scapegoat.

Pakistan have moved on so does the US and we all are getting old, bored and tired of US game of snakes and ladders. Pakistan nuclear weapons are for Pakistan to decide what to do and how many we need and same applies for the US. Similarly despite US atrocities, killings, brutality and human rights violations Taliban have triumphed and US have lost. No wonder US ran out of the Afghanistan in the early hours of the morning without any lights on the planes. Pakistan have helped US with the face saving and dignified withdrawal otherwise Afghan lynch mobs could have been chasing after the US forces by now. So John be gracious and say "Thank you Pakistan" and sing Pakistan national anthem to entertain us otherwise you are going to look down as a soar looser. If John Bolton wants to be an Indian spokesman then at least speak Hindi and wear doghti and say ram ram. White old boy under under the influence of cow piss and having no job trying to sell the stories can only going to get slapped by all and loved by no one. Poor John talking tough when is unemployed dole office this way, i understand it hurts John. 🐒
Trump's former national security adviser says the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan presents an opportunity for the United States to confront Pakistan over its ties to the Taliban and nuclear stockpile.

John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

Trump's former national security adviser says the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan presents an opportunity for the United States to confront Pakistan over its ties to the Taliban and nuclear stockpile.

Friday, August 27, 2021

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When he served as national security adviser, John R. Bolton resisted President Donald Trump’s efforts to negotiate with the Taliban. Bolton left the White House on acrimonious terms a week after the president tried unsuccessfully to organize a secret summit with Taliban leaders at Camp David – just before the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks in 2019.

Islamabad and Washington have long had an alliance, but Pakistan's military and intelligence services have been uncomfortably tight with the Taliban. Four presidents have grudgingly put up with this duplicity since 2001 because Pakistan provided supply lines for the United States' military presence next door – and also because Pakistan has an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

In an op-ed for The Post, Bolton makes the case that the time has come to take a much harder line on Pakistan.

Pakistan's national security adviser said in an interview with Josh Rogin that the country wants to be treated like an ally, not a scapegoat.

Bro the man is a certified loon. He has no say now. Yes some may listen to him but at the end of the day I've read the statements of yesteryears men for over 30 years and nothing has come of it. He's also hated far and wide within the US deep state.

I posted plenty here;

Washington is full of lobbyist.
This time indian lobbyists must have hired him. But yes he has been anti pakistan historically. But he is nobody in this regime and even removed in the previous ones.
All he can do is lobby against us and makes mind of those who matter.

Yes, lobbies.
And it is odd that Bolton keeps bringing up Pakistan in Op-ed columns, podcasts, and in interviews lately. At a time when Washington is probably going to need Pakistan to take over security matters in Afghanistan, Bolton wants to alienate Pakistan. Only yesterday heard him in an interview saying that US should have 'contingency plans' to take out Pakistan's nukes or neutralize them if they are detected to be moved around in any hostile posture. And that the Taliban take over of Afghanistan threatens Pakistani Jihadis to take over Islamabad.

But, as of now, he is a discredited person. Democrats HATE him but occasionally find him useful because of his anti Trump recent past. And 'the buck stops' at President Biden.
This is the correct title:

John Bolton wants U.S. to get tough on Pakistan after fall of Afghanistan

My thanks to whoever rectified the title according to PDF rules.
John Bolton 😳 ?!!

I thought he was dead :what: ...

Any relation to Michael Bolton :rofl: ?


Before and After
Bro the man is a certified loon. He has no say now. Yes some may listen to him but at the end of the day I've read the statements of yesteryears men for over 30 years and nothing has come of it. He's also hated far and wide within the US deep state.

I posted plenty here;

This blame game supported by a whole group of desperate indians, afghans and butt hurt westerns is why Pakistan has to play the PR game well and go out of it's way to be seen to be essential and helpful

I have seen multiple tweets and messages from multiple countries and ambassadors thanking Pakistan for it's support getting their people out and it's vital we counter the propaganda against us
@waz @Horus @Zaki @Foxtrot Alpha @araz @The Eagle @HRK @LeGenD

John Bolton lays it all on the table. He spills the beans so to speak. Please listen to the full podcast and give your perspective.

John Bolton is American equivalent of Maulana Abdul Aziz of Lal Masjid. Nevermind him. He does not have many followers to begin with.

But for general knowledge sake;

They do have 'contingency plan(s)' for significant countries including China and Russia. Each plan defines Last Resort Option in case of war with any 'significant country'.

They would have a 'contingency plan' for even friendly countries such as Israel and UK.

Let us hope that it never comes down to that. Diplomacy and Cooperation above everything.
They do have 'contingency plans' for significant countries including China and Russia. Each plan defines Last Resort Option in case of war with any significant country.

I can assure you that even Iron Brother China has contingency plans for Pakistan in case the security of its nuclear weapons is ever in doubt. And Russia. And USA. And I can also tell you that all three will co-operate in this matter if it is ever needed.
It is important to listen and comprehend very carefully. Our enemies are dead serious. When they utter these words and feelings they really mean it in its entirety.

First real sensible post on the subject. I think Pakistan needs to intensify it's diplomacy. I just see incompetency in this area and that's criminal in nature as it damaged the entire country in the Western world. Back in the days, KSA and other ME nations used to come to Pakistan's rescue. That's no longer the case. So Pakistan needs to counter these narratives with maturity and polish. Knowing that the Indian factor is huge and it seems that the US leadership isn't happy with Pakistan either. So you need to play it smart and safe. Writing a bunch of emotional hateful posts on here don't really serve you anything.
I can assure you that even Iron Brother China has contingency plans for Pakistan in case the security of its nuclear weapons is ever in doubt. And Russia. And USA. And I can also tell you that all three will co-operate in this matter if it is ever needed.

Another post with truth in it and yes I know it's double standard. Sadly, no one wants any power within Islamic nations and that's not a hidden secret. Turkey got sanctioned recently so it's clear to anyone if you can think
First real sensible post on the subject. I think Pakistan needs to intensify it's diplomacy. I just see incompetency in this area and that's criminal in nature as it damaged the entire country in the Western world. Back in the days, KSA and other ME nations used to come to Pakistan's rescue. That's no longer the case. So Pakistan needs to counter these narratives with maturity and polish. Knowing that the Indian factor is huge and it seems that the US leadership isn't happy with Pakistan either. So you need to play it smart and safe. Writing a bunch of emotional hateful posts on here don't really serve you anything.

Another post with truth in it and yes I know it's double standard. Sadly, no one wants any power within Islamic nations and that's not a hidden secret. Turkey got sanctioned recently so it's clear to anyone if you can think

Pakistan is doing the best it can. Whether the US or European nations deliberately choose to brush under the carpet isn't Pakistan's fault. The scapegoating won't stop through. The damage has been done. You cannot reverse 30 and 40 years of constant propaganda in just a a few years.

Pakistan is going to focus on regional cooperation. That will be the main focus for years to come.
Pakistan is doing the best it can. Whether the US or European nations deliberately choose to brush under the carpet isn't Pakistan's fault. The scapegoating won't stop through. The damage has been done. You cannot reverse 30 and 40 years of constant propaganda in just a a few years.

Pakistan is going to focus on regional cooperation. That will be the main focus for years to come.

Let's not blame the opposite side as always (and is very common on any Pakistan related thread). Back in the 80's (way before Afghan wars of later times), the US was still hated the most due to the F-16 saga and blamed for everything that went inside Pakistan. I was told by a friend in New York that the US was behind the electric outages in Pakistan, instead of realizing the short comings in production, grids and water infrastructure.

Point I'm trying to bring is, you can't control the other side. You see the table and what's put on it. You put your best foot forward to deal with what's in front of you. I see total competency in that area. There is no "damage control" or "foreign policy" at work here. It's much easier to blame someone than actually doing the hardwork.
Let's not blame the opposite side as always (and is very common on any Pakistan related thread). Back in the 80's (way before Afghan wars of later times), the US was still hated the most due to the F-16 saga and blamed for everything that went inside Pakistan. I was told by a friend in New York that the US was behind the electric outages in Pakistan, instead of realizing the short comings in production, grids and water infrastructure.

Point I'm trying to bring is, you can't control the other side. You see the table and what's put on it. You put your best foot forward to deal with what's in front of you. I see total competency in that area. There is no "damage control" or "foreign policy" at work here. It's much easier to blame someone than actually doing the hardwork.

Frankly we don't even care at this point. Whether any side chooses to resort to scapegoating and blame games is their choice. It won't affect Pakistan. We cannot stop John Bolton from exercising his warmongering.

Like I said, Pakistan has other priorities. Regional connectivity and development. The US and European nations are free to join. If not also fine.
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