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Joe Biden: Why I’m Going to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia never needed Pakistan economically or military. They have had far more powerful allies than us and continue to have to this day. They could have dumped us for India from the beginning until today, yet that never happened. As I wrote, they have been one of our most trusted allies throughout our existence if not the most trusted. This alone deserves some kind of respect and recognition.

As for remittances, the shame is not that Saudi Arabia is opening its arms for us (when they have the entire world to chose from), the shame is the economic condition of Pakistan which is not the fault of any outsiders but that of our own corrupt useless political parties and establishment which is a "made in Pakistan" product.

You clearly have no idea, I used to live in Saudi Arabia and grow up there as a child and nothing could be further from the true. Pakistanis are highly respected and vice versa. You can ask many other Pakistani users here who either have lived in KSA or live there. There are many active ones.


When I read some of your posts, whenever Arabs are discussed, I only see hatred and insults. So what do you expect any outsiders to say?

I am a realistic person who does not like to live in delusion. Currently Israel has only grown stronger by each year. They have been around for almost 75 years now. Nothing points to them disappearing. Pakistan won't recognize Israel anytime soon because that would cause widespread unrest in Pakistan by our mobs even if such a relationship could help Pakistan militarily, economically in terms of agriculture etc. I am not pro-Israel nor in favor of normalization without a two-state solution but when I look at all the Muslim countries that recognized Israel, I see only benefits from this for those countries.

Iran had close relations with Israel for 30 years until 1979. Did Iran end? It is thanks to this that you had an air force (the best in the region at the time) that helped you protect yourself from Iraq.

Geopolitics is a complex thing. Religion is mostly used as influence only in geopolitics, but no state acts purely based on religious principle.

In fact, why is Iran supporting Christian anti-Muslim Armenia against one of the few other majority-Shia countries on the planet in Azerbaijan? Yet you have a problem with Arab leaders that you share most things with? You see this constant inconsistencies among Muslim leaders, makes it hard to take anyone seriously from a purely religious aspect. Religion and nation states are two different things.

Anyway, I have to go, and I hope that Arabs and Iranians one day can put aside their silly differences for the sake of the region and also for the sake of internal politics within Pakistan. Such a reaprochment would only benefit Pakistan.
Again you are talking about people to people relatioship.

I may have friends from Arabian peninsula too. Why not? It is not the case with family of Saud.

When i say Arabs in my comments, you have to know that i am talking about the betraying kingdoms.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said:

"We certainly hope that Riyadh’s development of relations with other capitals of the world will be in no way aimed against us,"

"We highly value the work with our partners, including with our leading partners, such as Saudi Arabia," he stated. "We highly value our interests, our approach to and cooperation with Riyadh."


Saudi Arabia will not harm Russia.. Yesterday, before Biden's arrival, Saudi Arabia announced that its production ceiling would not exceed 11 million barrels..
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MBS will milk him to the bottom if he wants to achieve something, he probably did not forget how Biden slandered him and country during elections.
The US will not be and is no longer believed in in the ME as before.. Hence, KSA will stay at an equal distance from everyone..

Most likely the Russian-Saudi rapprochement will continue and develop..

The US and Europe wish for a Saudi-Russian conflict.. and Putin's visit to Iran next week indicates that the matter went beyond negotiations.. This means that the world is in a critical political stage..

Saudi Arabia needs The US politically and militarily (Mostly TOT).. and needs Russia on the economic level, with oil and price coordination.. Therefore, the two countries are important to Saudi Arabia for the present and the future..

It is for The US to decide its relationship with Saudi Arabia; if it is a strategic alliance, then it should be a written agreement, and The US would be supportive of Saudi Arabia in all fields; political, economic and military, as well as support Saudi Arabia in its wars and stand by it, Also The US would not do any harm to Saudi Arabia, politically, militarily and in the media..

But if it wants just a normal relationship, Saudi Arabia will establish strategic partnerships with other countries..

In fact, the world will be re-formed based on the agreement to be reached between Saudi Arabia and The US in the coming days..

Indeed, Saudi Arabia knows that Biden and his party will not agree to making Saudi Arabia an ally and adhere to it with a strategic alliance that must be written..

Therefore, KSA takes advantage of this in front of everyone.. It is excused by this to move with any other countries..So In front of the world, KSA will be excused, for it is the US who do not want a strategic alliance..

This is to establish the argument and throw the ball in the court of the Americans..

In fact, Saudi Arabia wants to use what remains of Biden's rule to establish a stronger bond with other countries..

As for peace with Israel, it is since year 2000 that Saudi Arabia's message is clear.. There is no problem if you understand and agree with the Palestinians on a two states solution..
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Oh I now

Biden is going to Saudi Arabia, to learn how coffee etiquette and how to keep the shamagh straight.

While at it, he will learn to appreciate the taste of najdi sheep, and understand why it is better than the rest.

I don't know what the whole thread is for...

Why should OPEC produce twice as much oil for half the price. One barrel $100 at the moment Two barrels at $50 on increased production. Does Biden really think they are that stupid.

Maybe he has a lever that we don't know about ?

Business is Business, and Arabs are excellent at it.
we may not see dollar exchange, but they will extract their pound of flesh.
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View attachment 861394

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said:

"We certainly hope that Riyadh’s development of relations with other capitals of the world will be in no way aimed against us,"

"We highly value the work with our partners, including with our leading partners, such as Saudi Arabia," he stated. "We highly value our interests, our approach to and cooperation with Riyadh."


Saudi Arabia will not harm Russia.. Yesterday, before Biden's arrival, Saudi Arabia announced that its production ceiling would not exceed 11 million barrels..

I always found the KSA-Russia relationship intriguing. One would expect KSA and Russia to be major rivals in terms of the oil and gas market (mineral market too) due to being the two foremost fossil fuels/mineral wealth powers of the world, but somehow they always manage to agree even though Russia operates outside of OPEC.

The Chechen Grand Mufti was just recently in Makkah as well (for Hajj) along with most Muslim religious world leaders and many Muslim leaders.

This is also quite funny given that KSA helped keep some of Ukraine's military industries alive and helped finance the Hrim-2 (Grom-2) short range ballistic missile system.

Whose technology has already been transferred to KSA.

I wonder what KSA-Russia future ties have in store, I was quite surprised (or maybe not really) that KSA never condemned Russia to far and that Lavrov was recently in KSA. He met all GCC ministers in Riyadh even.

On visit to Saudi Arabia, Lavrov hails OPEC+ cooperation​

KSA has so many cards to play and have cordial ties with all world powers (basically), with some even genuine strategic ties (China) that KSA can afford the luxury to try to get as much out of the US in its favor and interests. MbS has a unique opportunity here less than 4 years after the Khashoggi incident where most of the world were talking about KSA's upcoming political isolation, MbS needing to step down etc. In fact the damage has been minimal from a geopolitical viewpoint with KSA expanding on all strategic fronts quicker than ever and even forming new alliances and making new rapprochements with old friends/partners.

And most importantly with the talk of a Arab/Middle Eastern Nato with Biden openly talking about Israel being integrated with the region and with KSA being the biggest prize for Israel, KSA has a unique opportunity here to get as much out of the situation as possible.

I would love to be a fly on the fall when regional leaders are going to met up in Jeddah in a few days after or before Biden arrives directly from Israel. Also a symbolic decision and probably a sign in itself.
The US will not be and is no longer believed in in the ME as before.. Hence, KSA will stay at an equal distance from everyone..

Most likely the Russian-Saudi rapprochement will continue and develop..

The US and Europe wish for a Saudi-Russian conflict.. and Putin's visit to Iran next week indicates that the matter went beyond negotiations.. This means that the world is in a critical political stage..

Saudi Arabia needs The US politically and militarily (Mostly TOT).. and needs Russia on the economic level, with oil and price coordination.. Therefore, the two countries are important to Saudi Arabia for the present and the future..

It is for The US to decide its relationship with Saudi Arabia; if it is a strategic alliance, then it should be a written agreement, and The US would be supportive of Saudi Arabia in all fields; political, economic and military, as well as support Saudi Arabia in its wars and stand by it, Also The US would not do any harm to Saudi Arabia, politically, militarily and in the media..

But if it wants just a normal relationship, Saudi Arabia will establish strategic partnerships with other countries..

In fact, the world will be re-formed based on the agreement to be reached between Saudi Arabia and The US in the coming days..

Indeed, Saudi Arabia knows that Biden and his party will not agree to making Saudi Arabia an ally and adhere to it with a strategic alliance that must be written..

Therefore, KSA takes advantage of this in front of everyone.. It is excused by this to move with any other countries..So In front of the world, KSA will be excused, for it is the US who do not want a strategic alliance..

This is to establish the argument and throw the ball in the court of the Americans..

In fact, Saudi Arabia wants to use what remains of Biden's rule to establish a stronger bond with other countries..

As for peace with Israel, it is since year 2000 that Saudi Arabia's message is clear.. There is no problem if you understand and agree with the Palestinians on a two states solution..

Well put. I agree with this analysis. KSA/Arab countries allied with the US saw how untrustworthy the US were way back (during the Arab-Israeli wars) but back then the Arabs did not have much strength (as individual states) to seek other world powers with China being a backwater (compared to today) and USSR the only alternative (which was already aligned to pro-USSR Arab states).

I think that the stroke that broke the camels back was the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003 based on well-known lies that the Arabs already knew were a complete and utter lie. Nobody more than the Arabs (KSA in particular being a neighbor of Iraq and knowing the region completely) knew what a fatal catastrophe the invasion of Iraq back in 2003 would become.

Arab leaders declare opposition to war in Iraq​

Arab League calls on Saddam to cooperate with inspections​

Sunday, March 2, 2003 Posted: 1427 GMT (10:27 PM HKT)

Saudi King Condemns U.S. Occupation of Iraq​

By Hassan M. Fattah
  • March 28, 2007

A year before the invasion:

Saudis Warn Against Attack on Iraq by the United States​

By Michael R. Gordon
  • March 17, 2002

In fact ironically all this nonsense started with Saddam's foolish decision to invade Kuwait back in 1991. It's due to this that so much was lost for the region IMO. It started the isolation of Iraq and was the start of major US presence in the region and the start of a pivotal buffer state (Iraq) failling apart. Rest is history.

Later came the whole Arab Spring and the US's position in this, Obama's supposed withdrawal from the region, then Trump and now Biden. So yes, I imagine, that the core trust is at its lowest point.

Anyway I think that you are forgetting China. China is far more important (economically) to KSA than the US and Russia is. China is far more involved in key strategic Saudi Arabian projects spanning from the Saudi Arabian ballistic program, local uranium extraction, drone and laser cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative. Huawei and 5G is also running in KSA. So as I see it the US has already lost the battle to China in KSA.

Spot on about the written agreement and USA backing KSA 100%. If not KSA has every right and will continue to strengthen its strategic partnerships with China, Russia and any other state. You can't have it both ways, either you are with KSA or not and if not, you cannot make demands that KSA should not work with China on this or that front.

Anyway what is interesting about all this, is that Israel is also dissatisfied with the US in the region. KSA and Israel share the same regional rival. If the US is not going enough (as they see it) to boost their interests, they will naturally start to cooperate. I think that this is what is happening. Unofficially at least.
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I always found the KSA-Russia relationship intriguing. One would expect KSA and Russia to be major rivals in terms of the oil and gas market (mineral market too) due to being the two foremost fossil fuels/mineral wealth powers of the world, but somehow they always manage to agree even though Russia operates outside of OPEC.

The Chechen Grand Mufti was just recently in Makkah as well (for Hajj) along with most Muslim religious world leaders and many Muslim leaders.

This is also quite funny given that KSA helped keep some of Ukraine's military industries alive and helped finance the Hrim-2 (Grom-2) short range ballistic missile system.

Whose technology has already been transferred to KSA.

I wonder what KSA-Russia future ties have in store, I was quite surprised (or maybe not really) that KSA never condemned Russia to far and that Lavrov was recently in KSA. He met all GCC ministers in Riyadh even.

On visit to Saudi Arabia, Lavrov hails OPEC+ cooperation​

KSA has so many cards to play and have cordial ties with all world powers (basically), with some even genuine strategic ties (China) that KSA can afford the luxury to try to get as much out of the US in its favor and interests. MbS has a unique opportunity here less than 4 years after the Khashoggi incident where most of the world were talking about KSA's upcoming political isolation, MbS needing to step down etc. In fact the damage has been minimal from a geopolitical viewpoint with KSA expanding on all strategic fronts quicker than ever and even forming new alliances and making new rapprochements with old friends/partners.

And most importantly with the talk of a Arab/Middle Eastern Nato with Biden openly talking about Israel being integrated with the region and with KSA being the biggest prize for Israel, KSA has a unique opportunity here to get as much out of the situation as possible.

I would love to be a fly on the fall when regional leaders are going to met up in Jeddah in a few days after or before Biden arrives directly from Israel. Also a symbolic decision and probably a sign in itself.
Russia is an economic competitor, a regional competitor.. and a political friend

Saudi Arabia will not change its position, as its decisions are strategic and long-term, and do not change according to momentary positions..

Well put. I agree with this analysis. KSA/Arab countries allied with the US saw how untrustworthy the US were way back (during the Arab-Israeli wars) but back then the Arabs did not have much strength (as individual states) to seek other world powers with China being a backwater (compared to today) and USSR the only alternative (which was already aligned to pro-USSR Arab states).

I think that the stroke that broke the camels back was the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003 based on well-known lies that the Arabs already knew were a complete and utter lie. Nobody more than the Arabs (KSA in particular being a neighbor of Iraq and knowing the region completely) knew what a fatal catastrophe the invasion of Iraq back in 2003 would become.

Arab leaders declare opposition to war in Iraq​

Arab League calls on Saddam to cooperate with inspections​

Sunday, March 2, 2003 Posted: 1427 GMT (10:27 PM HKT)

Saudi King Condemns U.S. Occupation of Iraq​

By Hassan M. Fattah
  • March 28, 2007

A year before the invasion:

Saudis Warn Against Attack on Iraq by the United States​

By Michael R. Gordon
  • March 17, 2002

In fact ironically all this nonsense started with Saddam's foolish decision to invade Kuwait back in 1991. It's due to this that so much was lost for the region IMO. It started the isolation of Iraq and was the start of major US presence in the region and the start of a pivotal buffer state (Iraq) failling apart. Rest is history.

Later came the whole Arab Spring and the US's position in this, Obama's supposed withdrawal from the region, then Trump and now Biden. So yes, I imagine, that the core trust is at its lowest point.

Anyway I think that you are forgetting China. China is far more important (economically) to KSA than the US and Russia is. China is far more involved in key strategic Saudi Arabian projects spanning from the Saudi Arabian ballistic program, local uranium extraction, drone and laser cooperation and the Belt and Road Initiative. Huawei and 5G is also running in KSA. So as I see it the US has already lost the battle to China in KSA.

Spot on about the written agreement and USA backing KSA 100%. If not KSA has every right and will continue to strengthen its strategic partnerships with China, Russia and any other state. You can't have it both ways, either you are with KSA or not and if not, you cannot make demands that KSA should not work with China on this or that front.

Anyway what is interesting about all this, is that Israel is also dissatisfied with the US in the region. KSA and Israel share the same regional rival. If the US is not going enough (as they see it) to boost their interests, they will naturally start to cooperate. I think that this is what is happening. Unofficially at least.
Of course China is the big one here.. but these news concern the Oil output mostly..and that involves Saudi Arabia and Russia in the first place..

And when KSA is talking about strategic partnership with other countries..it means China at the top of the list..of course..

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The West took the ME into account while they export to you their products whose price has definitely been proven to be more than one hundred times the price of the local product, which is of no less quality???

Look at the luxury life they live and the huge budgets to learn the size of the profit margin.. and don't believe their justifications they say just so you don't get irritated and keep paying..

Their profits are astronomical and we will not care about their statements..

The question that arises is why did the price of everything fluctuate in times when oil was low??

Unfortunately, they teach our economists that everything may rise except for our commodity…..oil

So it is simple.. when they will lower the prices of their products.. then we can lower the oil price..
According to the Israeli channel N12, US President Biden answers:

Is there normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel during the visit?

No, that peace between Saudi Arabia and Israel needs a long time..
The US President's statements came during an interview with Israel's Channel 12

Earlier this year, the Kingdom renewed its adherence to its position on the Palestinian issue
Arab issues stress that there will be no peace and the region will not enjoy security
Without resolving these issues, the Kingdom said that partial settlements is no longer sufficient or acceptable
Saudi Arabia called on Israel to withdraw completely from all occupied Arab territories, including the occupied Lebanese territories and the occupied Syrian Arab Golan.

Saudi Arabia: Without a solution to the Palestinian issue, the region will not enjoy security and stability..

Saudi Foreign Minister: Our priority now is a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital
Saudi Arabia calls on Israel to withdraw completely from all occupied Arab territories..
Again you are talking about people to people relatioship.

I may have friends from Arabian peninsula too. Why not? It is not the case with family of Saud.

When i say Arabs in my comments, you have to know that i am talking about the betraying kingdoms.
Betraying who? Are we not going to mention the country that is expanding and trying to promote an extreme derivative of islam where iran is some sort of demi God country and uses that to expand on other muslim countries mainly arab countries? Why didnt you expand to afghanistan? Iran and israel operate on the same principle and yet claim to be the complete opposite such a shame the family of saud did better for saudi arabia than the morshed did for Iran

@Khan2727 This might intrest you
He won’t do that. The Saudis can’t defend themselves against Iran. If Biden just threatens to reduce US presence the Saudi will pack their coffers and run to US, EU.
I am going to make prediction, Saudis will establish permanent diplomatic relations with Iran for middle east peace and prosperity next year. MBS knows US won't protect him anymore, so its best to align with your arch foe. Biden is a two faced backstabber just like Trump and all future US presidents since US is the world's largest oil producer/rival.

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