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Joe Biden: Why I’m Going to Saudi Arabia

If you are referring to Saudi Arabia's inability to destroy Houthi movement, you may forget that Israel cannot destroy Hezbollah either. The war between Israel and Hezbollah has lasted for 40 years.

Saudi Arabia does not need the USA, and the USA needs Saudi Arabia.
Exactly Muslim majority countries should cease their dependence on the West, look for alternatives, and make the West lose its leverage over Muslim countries.
He won’t do that. The Saudis can’t defend themselves against Iran. If Biden just threatens to reduce US presence the Saudi will pack their coffers and run to US, EU.
Most of the Arab rich are already in London, Paris and New York.
HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman receives US President Joe Biden at Al Salam Palace in Jeddah.



King Salman’s schedule is very busy, he did not receive US President Joe Biden at the airport, as he received Trump, and a period of no more than half an hour was set for him to meet with the Saudi King..




His Highness the Crown Prince and His Excellency the President of the United States of America chair an expanded meeting at Al Salam Palace in Jeddah.



This reception suggests that Biden won't get much..

The visit will not stop the accelerated growth of relations with China and Russia..

But, it is only an attempt to minimize the damage as much as possible..

China has a "strategic" relationship with Saudi Arabia, and the upcoming visit of the Chinese president to Saudi Arabia will surprise everyone..

The planned trip by President Xi will be his first trip to the Gulf kingdom since 2016, and the first time the two leaders will meet in person since a 2019 trip that MbS took to Beijing to sign energy and trade deals.

"The crown prince and Xi are close friends and both understand that there is huge potential for stronger ties,".. Reuters Report
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Biden: The Saudi crown prince confirmed that he was not personally responsible for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and that he had taken the necessary measures against those responsible for his murder.

Biden: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has taken just and legal measures against those who contributed to the Khashoggi murder.

Biden: We discussed the security and military needs of Saudi Arabia to confront the threats, and we discussed with the Saudi leadership the energy security file..

Biden, when reporters asked him when energy prices would drop, was silent and said: We should be patient..
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Biden: The Saudi crown prince confirmed that he was not personally responsible for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and that he had taken the necessary measures against those responsible for his murder.

Biden: Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has taken just and legal measures against those who contributed to the Khashoggi murder.

Biden To Release Report That Finds Saudi Crown Prince Approved Killing Of Jamal Khashoggi | MSNBC​

Biden: We agreed on partnerships with the Kingdom on the fifth generation technology..

Cooperation in the field of 5G and 6G technologies and an open radio access network

The two sides welcomed the signing of a new memorandum of cooperation linking technology companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America, in order to enhance the application of the fifth generation technology (5G) using open radio networks, and to enable the development of the sixth generation (6G) through similar technologies, and to strengthen the partnership in the field of infrastructure Cloud and related technologies. The partnership within the framework of the memorandum of understanding confirms the Kingdom's leading position as a regional incubator for the application of fifth generation (5G) technologies, and the future developments of sixth generation (6G) technologies.
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US summit with the Gulf states


This is an American presence under heavy pressure, hoping for any gain, and depending on what they will offer.. But the Saudi position is already known and proven - neutrality -
I am going to make prediction, Saudis will establish permanent diplomatic relations with Iran for middle east peace and prosperity next year. MBS knows US won't protect him anymore, so its best to align with your arch foe. Biden is a two faced backstabber just like Trump and all future US presidents since US is the world's largest oil producer/rival.
Amen to that.
I am going to make prediction, Saudis will establish permanent diplomatic relations with Iran for middle east peace and prosperity next year. MBS knows US won't protect him anymore, so its best to align with your arch foe. Biden is a two faced backstabber just like Trump and all future US presidents since US is the world's largest oil producer/rival.
Yes most Arabs will do that with Iran.. but it will take the time necessary to build trust..Jordan, Iraq and the UAE just declared today that they won't side with anyone against Iran..

As for the US protecting MBS and KSA that is a false claim swinged around by ignorant people..remember in an interview with Bloomberg in the US, MBS told Trump that Saudi Arabia buys its weapons with its own money, the US provide the weapon systems and the related services as in any business..and if you go visit the Made in KSA thread and look a lil' far back you'll see an official statement from Saudi Arabia that it has insured every possible military systems (apart from some very advanced ones like the THAAD for example) are already made in KSA in worldwide partnerships and with a very high % of ToT..

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In analysis of US president Joe Biden, I heard people from Washington political circles, most Americans are fed up of Biden & regard him as incapable of current policies. They were talking about letting all deported Mexicans back into US with benefits paychecks (from US tax pay roll which angered most Americans).
Sunday, 10 July, 2022

View attachment 860526

Forty-eight hours before his visit to the Middle East, US President Joe Biden wrote an op-ed to the Washington Post, “Why I’m Going to Saudi Arabia.”

Published on Saturday, he wrote: “I’ll travel to the Middle East to start a new and more promising chapter of America’s engagement there. This trip comes at a vital time for the region, and it will advance important American interests.”

He explained: “A more secure and integrated Middle East benefits Americans in many ways. Its waterways are essential to global trade and the supply chains we rely on. Its energy resources are vital for mitigating the impact on global supplies of Russia’s war in Ukraine.”

“And a region that’s coming together through diplomacy and cooperation — rather than coming apart through conflict — is less likely to give rise to violent extremism that threatens our homeland or new wars that could place new burdens on US military forces and their families,” he added.

“Avoiding that scenario is of paramount importance to me. I’ll pursue diplomacy intensely — including through face-to-face meetings — to achieve our goals.”

Biden claimed that the Middle East he is visiting “is more stable and secure than the one my administration inherited 18 months ago.”

“One month before my inauguration, our embassy in Baghdad faced the largest rocket attack in a decade. Attacks against our troops and diplomats had increased fourfold over the preceding year.” Referring to former President Donald Trump without naming him, Biden said: “My predecessor repeatedly ordered B-52 bombers to fly from the United States to the region and back again to deter these attacks. But it didn’t work, and the attacks continued.”

Yemen and Iran

Biden noted the war in Yemen, saying it created the “one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with no political process in sight to end the fighting.”

Moreover, he noted Trump’s withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, saying: “After my predecessor reneged on a nuclear deal that was working, Iran had passed a law mandating the rapid acceleration of its nuclear program. Then, when the last administration sought to condemn Iran for this action in the UN Security Council, the United States found itself isolated and alone.”

“In my first weeks as president, our intelligence and military experts warned that the region was dangerously pressurized. It needed urgent and intensive diplomacy. To restore deterrence, I ordered airstrikes in response to the attacks against our troops and began serious diplomatic outreach to bring about a more stable region,” continued Biden.

He listed what he described as his administration’s successes in handling files in Iraq, Yemen and Iran.

“In Iraq, we ended the US combat mission and transitioned our military presence to focus on training Iraqis, while sustaining the global coalition against ISIS we forged when I was vice president, now dedicated to preventing ISIS from resurging.”

“We’ve also responded to threats against Americans. The frequency of Iranian-sponsored attacks compared with two years ago has dropped precipitously. And this past February, in Syria, we took out ISIS leader Haji Abdullah, demonstrating America’s capability to eliminate terrorist threats no matter where they try to hide.”

Biden noted his appointment of Timothy Lenderking as US envoy to Yemen, adding that he engaged with leaders across the region to lay the foundation for a truce. This has resulted in the delivery of humanitarian aid and “as a result, the past few months in Yemen have been the most peaceful in seven years.”

On Iran, Biden said: “We reunited with allies and partners in Europe and around the world to reverse our isolation; now it is Iran that is isolated until it returns to the nuclear deal my predecessor abandoned with no plan for what might replace it.”

“Last month, more than 30 countries joined us to condemn Iran’s lack of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency on its past nuclear activities. My administration will continue to increase diplomatic and economic pressure until Iran is ready to return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, as I remain prepared to do.

Support for Israel, Palestinians

Turning to the Palestinian Territories, Biden boasted that his administration “helped end a war in Gaza — which could easily have lasted months — in just 11 days.”

“We’ve worked with Israel, Egypt, Qatar and Jordan to maintain the peace without permitting terrorists to rearm. We also rebuilt US ties with the Palestinians.”

“Working with Congress, my administration restored approximately $500 million in support for Palestinians, while also passing the largest support package for Israel — over $4 billion — in history.”

On his visit to Saudi Arabia, Biden attempted to assert that “my aim was to reorient — but not rupture — relations with a country that’s been a strategic partner for 80 years.”

He hailed the Kingdom’s role in several regional files, stressing: “Today, Saudi Arabia has helped to restore unity among the six countries of Gulf Cooperation Council, has fully supported the truce in Yemen and is now working with my experts to help stabilize oil markets with other OPEC producers.

Russia and China

Biden added that his visit also seeks to “counter Russia’s aggression, put ourselves in the best possible position to outcompete China, and work for greater stability in a consequential region of the world.”

“To do these things, we have to engage directly with countries that can impact those outcomes. Saudi Arabia is one of them, and when I meet with Saudi leaders on Friday, my aim will be to strengthen a strategic partnership going forward that’s based on mutual interests and responsibilities, while also holding true to fundamental American values,” he added.

“On Friday, I will also be the first president to fly from Israel to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. That travel will also be a small symbol of the budding relations and steps toward normalization between Israel and the Arab world, which my administration is working to deepen and expand. In Jeddah, leaders from across the region will gather, pointing to the possibility of a more stable and integrated Middle East, with the United States playing a vital leadership role.”

Confronting challenges

Biden acknowledged that the Middle East “remains full of challenges”. He pointed the finger at “Iran’s nuclear program and support for proxy groups, the Syrian war, food security crises exacerbated by Russia’s war against Ukraine, terrorist groups still operating in a number of countries, political gridlock in Iraq, Libya and Lebanon, and human rights standards that remain behind much of the world. We must address all these issues. When I meet with leaders from across the region, I will make clear how important it is to make progress in these areas.”

Biden again boasted that his administration’s policy is better than that of his predecessor.

“Compared to 18 months ago, the region is less pressurized and more integrated. Former rivals have re-established relations. Joint infrastructure projects are forging new partnerships.”

“Iraq, which had long been a source of proxy conflicts and regional rivalries, now serves as a platform for diplomacy, including between Saudi Arabia and Iran. My friend King Abdullah of Jordan recently referred to the ‘new vibe’ in the region, with countries asking, ‘How can we connect with each other and work with each other.’”

“These are promising trends, which the United States can strengthen in a way no other country can. My travel next week will serve that purpose.”

Not surprisingly Saudi Arabia is looking for alternatives to USA.

Countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Russia are the biggest alternatives to USA.
Biden apparently told MBS to his face that he was responsible for the Khashoggi killing (its being reported in USA press). Why the USA is obsessing over this......I don't know. Presidents of USA have ordered the deaths of millions of innocent civilians over the last 50 years. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan....a zillion different places. Ordering assinations through drone stirkes is routine for American presidents today. Many killed in these drone assinations are innocent civilians. People that live in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones.
I am going to make prediction, Saudis will establish permanent diplomatic relations with Iran for middle east peace and prosperity next year. MBS knows US won't protect him anymore, so its best to align with your arch foe. Biden is a two faced backstabber just like Trump and all future US presidents since US is the world's largest oil producer/rival.
From what hear rapprochement between KSA and Iran is being discussed behind closed doors in both countries. If all key blocs (Turkish, Iranian, and GCC) in the MENA focus on peace, rebuilding and development then region will boom in the next 50 - 100 years.

Biden: We agreed on partnerships with the Kingdom on the fifth generation technology..
This refers to 5G cellular equipment.......not F-35s.
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