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Joe Biden: Why I’m Going to Saudi Arabia

The Egyptian president proposes a 5-point plan at the Jeddah summit to confront the region's crises

The Egyptian president said: “We must continue to confront the forces of terrorism that enjoy the support of external forces,” stressing that “there is no place for militias or their supporters who provide them with money and weapons.”

Al-Sisi added: “We support that the region be free of weapons of mass destruction,” noting that “Arab security is an indivisible whole to confront any dangers,” explaining that reviving the peace process is not enough, but rather a final and irreversible solution must be reached.

He added, "An independent Palestinian state must be established on the 1967 borders."

Mubarak couldnt even close the suez canal in 2003 that how weak Egypt was
This man calls out Turkey The UK and The US infront of the american president and in Europe in Germany
He rarely barks he gets it done with no delay
Fact is beggers have no choice to please those who fund them for survival if we cannot develop our economy over population than we will remain beggers until day the world ends
This applies on Pakistan Not Egypt
So why are you replying to me?
This applies on Pakistan Not Egypt
So why are you replying to me?
That exactly applies to every Arab country. Pakistan has not recognized Israel yet. But Arabs have been s@king up to Jews behind the scene for years and they unveiled it just recently.
Hey buddy, one question. Are you a cock sucker of Arab kingdoms? Don't get offended, because your are pretending as if i said we are going to fight people of Arab countries.

:rofl: Yes.

There is a famous Indian song.

Ek paisa de de, o babu, o babu, o jane wale babu, ek paisa de de. That's why.

Ask the Indians to translate it for you.
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That exactly applies to every Arab country. Pakistan has not recognized Israel yet. But Arabs have been s@king up to Jews behind the scene for years and they unveiled it just recently.
Actually.. and if you are at least true to yourself (Iran gate).. it is Usrael sucking up to Arabs.. but you won't tell the truth.. because the Arabs have had terminated your arrogant Persian empire twice.. not once.. and have Islamised and Arabised you..
Actually.. and if you are at least true to yourself (Iran gate).. it is Usrael sucking up to Arabs.. but you won't tell the truth.. because the Arabs have had terminated your arrogant Persian empire twice.. not once.. and have Islamised and Arabised you..
Your comment has big blunders in it. So i hope my ideas can change the mind of an other ignorant Arab.

First of all Islam is not something about race, being Arab is not equal to being a Muslim, however it is a fact that Arabs are Muslims by majority but being an Arab is not a prerequisitte for being a Muslim.

Arab kingdoms are dependent on west in evey matter and from every point of view.

Apparently, You don't know the difference between a tactic and an strategy. Strategically speaking, Arab kingdoms are western planted puppets doing bidding of west in the region esp after Ottoman collapse. Arab support for terror elements and Jews in the region was done in that concept. But tactically, these kingdoms can do manuevers to prove west their high value as a loyal puppet. Turning to China and Russia will be a short term an a tactic from Arab kingdoms. USA knows it well.

because the Arabs have had terminated your arrogant Persian empire twice.. not once.. and have Islamised and Arabised you..
According to prophet Muhammed pbuh and holy Quran, Arabs are ignorant and before Islam and even after Islamic revolution of prophet, Arabs continued to their ignorance. For example
۱۵۴ سوره آل عمران (یَظُنّونَ بِاللهِ غَیرَالحقِّ ظنَّ الجاهِلیَّةِ)
آیه ۵۰ سوره مائده (اَفَحُکْمَ الجاهِلیَّةِ یَبغونَ)
یه ۳۳ سوره احزاب (ولاتَبَرَّجنَ تَبَرُّجَ الجاهِلیَّةِ الاُولی)
آیه ۲۶ سوره فتح (اِذْ جَعَلَ الّذینَ کَفَروا فی قُلوبِهم الحَمِیَّةَ حَمِیَّةَ الجاهِلیَّه)
Plenty of Hadiths other than Quranic verses.

It is true that ignorance is not something bound to Arabs but according to Islamic teachings, Arabs and their ancestors are the brightest examples of ignorance esp the ones who buried their daughters alive for being woman!.

Iranians were not Arabized, on the contrary they embraced Islam since they found it so similar to their own traditions. This solely proves that Iranians were closer to Islam unlike the Jahil Arabs before Islam who buried their daughters alive. Almost upto 90 percent of prophet's wars were conducted against ignorant Arabs and their kingdoms who threatened Muslims when the number of Muslims didn't exceed more than a couple of hundred people.
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