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Joe Biden floats the idea of bases in Pakistan post withdrawal to keep an eye on Afghanistan-Denied

This is not how world work, you have to make yourself relevant to world powers if you want them to support you or at least stay silent when you rock the boat, I am not saying we should give them base without check and balance or Pakistan specific restrictions.

If history ever teaches us anything is that america has constantly used pakistan as a tissue paper and sanctioned them everytime they were done so no thank you with whatever they may offer

:lol: These yuthias would bring bring pics of former friend of their current pm.
So tell me any good thing in govt of Niazi ?
Anything regarding pulbic benefits ? Police ? Economics ? Infrastructure ? Has the honeymoon period not over yet ?
Mr. Niazi is soon going to visit US and if US withdraw totally from Afghanistan, their new military bases would be established in Pakistan.

Still better than the previous khotaa gosht eating prime minister
If the US really tries to push this idea, I hope Pakistanis absolutely do not tolerate it and force the repeal of any such attempt.
Democratic party front runner Joe biden, at a democratic party debate, floats the idea of bases in Pakistan after withdrawal to keep a check on threats that might emerge from Afghanistan. (For context) That entire debate in US regarding withdrawal is, what if Afghanistan becomes safe havens for international terrorists again.

Also this is an interesting sentence. "Its three different countries. Pakistan owns the three provinces in the east". Don't know what exactly he means by that. Was he talking about Former FATA, KPK & Balochistan in regards to being eastern provinces of Afghanistan or saying that Taliban control eastern provinces of Afghanistan? You be the judge.

No offense .... Joe .... but ain't gonna happen, EVER!!!!
Still better than the previous khotaa gosht eating prime minister
One of the most troubling thing about last two governments and also military is that they never countered the narrative coming out of US about not doing enough when it could have been countered easily.
One of the most troubling thing about last two governments and also military is that they never countered the narrative coming out of US about not doing enough when it could have been countered easily.

No foreign minister what narrative did we have

Democratic party front runner Joe biden, at a democratic party debate, floats the idea of bases in Pakistan after withdrawal to keep a check on threats that might emerge from Afghanistan. (For context) That entire debate in US regarding withdrawal is, what if Afghanistan becomes safe havens for international terrorists again.

Also this is an interesting sentence. "Its three different countries. Pakistan owns the three provinces in the east". Don't know what exactly he means by that. Was he talking about Former FATA, KPK & Balochistan in regards to being eastern provinces of Afghanistan or saying that Taliban control eastern provinces of Afghanistan? You be the judge.

beaten defeated America wants bases in Pakistan...
:lol: These yuthias would bring bring pics of former friend of their current pm.
So tell me any good thing in govt of Niazi ?
Anything regarding pulbic benefits ? Police ? Economics ? Infrastructure ? Has the honeymoon period not over yet ?
Mr. Niazi is soon going to visit US and if US withdraw totally from Afghanistan, their new military bases would be established in Pakistan.
If I am a Youthia you are a khota khor patwari who knows nothing than to bark on each and every thread and even accuse IK of the timeline he was never there on the scene.
And Why should I tell you anything? i am not your google, besides would it make any difference to a khoto khor? Enjoy your biryani and keep whining, Marid-e-Momin will remain in Jail.
There was no IK 17 years back, it was Musharraf and than ofcourse we had the marid Momin after that who resisted americans on every front.
A photo of mardid-e-Mujahid telling the americans to back off

He proved himself better then Mush,starting from number of Drone Strikes.

:lol: These yuthias would bring bring pics of former friend of their current pm.
So tell me any good thing in govt of Niazi ?
Anything regarding pulbic benefits ? Police ? Economics ? Infrastructure ? Has the honeymoon period not over yet ?
Mr. Niazi is soon going to visit US and if US withdraw totally from Afghanistan, their new military bases would be established in Pakistan.
Give him 70 years atleast.

One of the most troubling thing about last two governments and also military is that they never countered the narrative coming out of US about not doing enough when it could have been countered easily.
It was last years of 2nd Govt tenure with honey moon of Pak was ending with Chacha Sam.

Its an interesting idea and I'm curious about where it came from. Joe Biden is not just a presidential candidate but also an ex-President of the US. You won't have an Ex President just say it.

I can see why something like could be considered given the Taliban are unlikely to agree to keeping any US bases there.

The @Khafee leaks -( new F-16s) makes sense in this context as well. I mean this would give the Americans a long term reason to be 'good' with us and not sanction us the moment they are out of Afghanistan.

This would, theoretically, get the Indians out of Afghanistan (along with the US) and make our western border less hostile. Unless they go to war with Iran, it shouldn't be too much of an issue there as well.

Whether this whole thing is a good idea or not given the US has multiple agendas in the region that may run counter to our interests - I can't say. However, it does seem like the kind of thing that could have been considered at some point.
President Joe Biden?
Did I sleep through his presidency?
He proved himself better then Mush,starting from number of Drone Strikes.

Give him 70 years atleast.

It was last years of 2nd Govt tenure with honey moon of Pak was ending with Chacha Sam.
It started after OBL raids.While India and US were ramping up their narrative we did nothing.
Democratic party front runner Joe biden, at a democratic party debate, floats the idea of bases in Pakistan after withdrawal to keep a check on threats that might emerge from Afghanistan. (For context) That entire debate in US regarding withdrawal is, what if Afghanistan becomes safe havens for international terrorists again.

Also this is an interesting sentence. "Its three different countries. Pakistan owns the three provinces in the east". Don't know what exactly he means by that. Was he talking about Former FATA, KPK & Balochistan in regards to being eastern provinces of Afghanistan or saying that Taliban control eastern provinces of Afghanistan? You be the judge.

Old Age Is Getting To Him.He Is Making More and More Gaffes

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