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Joe Biden floats the idea of bases in Pakistan post withdrawal to keep an eye on Afghanistan-Denied

They just need to offer us latest F-16 and then you will see. Though bases doesnt look possible now.

What do you suggest to see in lieu of F-16s when you are of the opinion that bases doesn't look possible now. I don't think that Pakistan will settle for mere F-16s for Afghanistan peace talks & safe exit for US. . . .that seems to be cheap bargain & settling for to low. This base farce was to please some deep state operators and nothing else... time has long gone.
nope...not gonna happen! Too much is at steak for global players like China & Russia to have a trouble maker like the u.s. close to their neighborhood. Russia already knows all too well the trouble they cause in Ukraine & Georgia, China already knows all to well the trouble u.s. caused in Hong Kong...Pakistan won't alienate these two powerhouses.

PMIK already rejected this Idea....China also showed interest in developing small Naval base near Gawadar....which was also rejected previously.
Joe Biden will not be president. That being said, whoever is, if they wish to have bases in Pakistan I don't care. But what they give us in return I do certainly care about. If China wants a naval base in Gwadar, commit to transferring manufacturing and R&D jobs to pakistan and employ pakistanis. Help us build a fifth generation fighter, long range air defense and air craft carrier (not build it for us...joint project where learn). Same goes for US. We don't want/need your F16s. If you want a base....cool. But we want hard cash for dam projects along with transfer of technology.
Pakistan won’t provide bases to US
Islamabad to continue efforts for Afghanistan peace



September 14, 2019

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan will not provide bases to the United States under any circumstances for operation inside Afghanistan, officials said on Friday.

Close aides of Prime Minister Imran Khan told The Nation that Pakistan cannot provide bases against any country.

“If the US has to conduct any operation, we will not be part of it. This is against our sovereignty (to provide bases to any other country). We will, however, continue our role for peace in Afghanistan,” said one aide of the premier.

Another close aide said that the US had not sought any bases officially but “we will not accept this demand if made.”

Earlier, US Democratic Party front-runner for presidential nominee Joe Biden said that the US should insist that Pakistan provide it with bases to conduct operations against terrorists in Afghanistan and unilaterally pull out troops from there.

Participating in the Democratic Party presidential nomination debate, the former vice president said: “We can prevent the US from being the victim of terror coming out of Afghanistan by providing for bases -- insist the Pakistanis provide bases for us to airlift from and to move against what we know.”

Biden gave an incoherent description of the Afghanistan situation saying that it was ‘three countries’ with one under “Pakistani control.” “It’s three different countries. Pakistan owns the three counties - the three provinces in the east. They’re not any part of - the Haqqanis run it. I will go on and on,” he said.

Last week, US President Donald Trump said talks with the Taliban aimed at ending the 18-year war in Afghanistan were ‘dead.’ “As far as I’m concerned, they are dead,” he told journalists in the White House.

Trump cancelled secret plans to host a Taliban delegation in the US after the militant group admitted killing a US soldier. The two sides had appeared close to a deal and the Taliban said the US would “lose the most” for cancelling talks.

The US president has made withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan a key foreign policy aim, but asked about the 14,000 US troops still there, he said: “We’d like to get out but we’ll get out at the right time.”

Trump had been due to host the Taliban as well as Afghan president Ashraf Ghani at the Camp David presidential retreat before abruptly cancelling.

Last month, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had said Prime Minister Imran Khan wanted to meet Afghan Taliban leaders to take forward the peace process.

Qureshi made it clear that Pakistan was not a guarantor but only facilitator in the Afghan peace process. “Prime Minister Imran Khan wants to have a meeting with the Taliban to woo them for the intra Afghan dialogue. Pakistan is moving forward in good faith,” the FM said.

Qureshi’s remarks come days after Doha-based Afghan Taliban leaders announced that they were ready to visit Islamabad and meet PM Khan if invited.

Islamabad has already arranged landmark direct talks between the US and the Taliban in an attempt to find a political solution to the lingering conflict in Afghanistan, which has entered its 18th year.

Qureshi said that the entire onus of the Afghan peace process cannot be put on Pakistan. He said Pakistan believes that it is the shared responsibility of all the stakeholders to take forward the peace process.

He said convergence was seen on Afghan issue during a meeting between Prime Minister Imran Khan and the President Trump. “This has opened a new chapter in Pakistan-US relations,” he added.

International affairs expert Dr Khurrum Iqbal said Pakistan had previously remained successful to convince US administration that negotiation was the ultimate solution to Afghan dispute.

“It is diplomatic victory of Pakistan that US has endorsed Pakistan’s stance in resolving Afghan issue. Pakistan should continue to play its role to facilitate Afghan reconciliation process,” he said, adding the US will ultimately have to come to the talks table.

Short translation: No more do more!

Now we must embrace the news cycles of antiPak feeds and GanguDaeshi support network in full swing.

The denial is accurate but in my view, such officials shouldn't trigger US trolls in advance like this that too in response to someone who is merely contesting for next US President election and most probably will lose. At once, it may help for Biden's rivals to use this statement to play him down while on other hand, it can trigger much of unwanted tussle in these times. I really hope that foreign office should have addressed the issue if it was necessary.
The denial is accurate but in my view, such officials shouldn't trigger US trolls in advance like this that too in response to someone who is merely contesting for next US President election and most probably will lose. At once, it may help for Biden's rivals to use this statement to play him down while on other hand, it can trigger much of unwanted tussle in these times. I really hope that foreign office should have addressed the issue if it was necessary.
Bhai u know we are a reactive nation. Knee jerk reaction on everything.
The only good think we did was stay silent on su30mki and releasing of the attack videos. Allowed the indians to make fools of themselves and then say here you go
Ain't gonna happen, since we know what US is thinking of.
The denial is accurate but in my view, such officials shouldn't trigger US trolls in advance like this that too in response to someone who is merely contesting for next US President election and most probably will lose. At once, it may help for Biden's rivals to use this statement to play him down while on other hand, it can trigger much of unwanted tussle in these times. I really hope that foreign office should have addressed the issue if it was necessary.

Would it have been better had Pakistan stated it could continue to police its side of the border more effectively with US material and economic support (increased trade and investment), especially in these hard economic times and the pressure of moving forces to counter the increased Indian threat? A statement that is vague but a positive re-enforcing one.

US supplies of promised military equipment (Cobras for example) will allow Pakistan to monitor and act against miscreants as the Pakistan Army on Pakistan's own terms and laws, and has done in the past with operation Zarb-e-Azb and the operations to hunt down international groups, while also not antagonizing the sensitivities of the Pakistani population.

Other democratic candidates have stated that economic development and trade will lead to rooting out one of the major causes of youngsters being mislead by miscreants.

Further, the US has access to bases in Central Asia for its limited counter terror role; which will allow them to counter international groups and not antagonize the Pakistani population.

The Foreign Office needs to change the accepted narrative among US decision makers to those of mutually shared interests, that don't cross Pakistani Red lines (like asking for bases). Pakistan is getting its message across to some extent on Kashmir, it also needs a similar narrative change push for a mutually acceptable long term counter terror strategy.
Joe Biden is US establishment's candidate, Bernie Sanders as president of USA will be better for Pakistan and for the whole world.
there is no future for Afghanistan as a country .. it should be divide into 3 parts, one part to Pakistan of pushtoon areas and one to Uzbekistan area with uzbek people and one to Iran area of farsi speaking people .

he is saying that 3 provinces of afghanistan are under haqanis control and run by Pakistan
Imran Khan doesn't need approval of PTM supporters living Germany to rule Pakistan
He only approval of Queen in England, which he will get after washing her dogs, or may be you can help him after media cell job.
One thing you need to understand is that this is a suggestion by a candidate who is running for elections and he would probably not win like 90 percent .
And you talk as if we have given them bases and it's a done deal .
We cannot trust them anymore.. Besides China insisted so much and we never allowed them yet. So how come we allow Americans. Though in the past we have made the mistake and we have learned from it a lot.


I know he is a candidate. I gave a hypothetical answer to a hypothetical scenario presented by the presidential candidate.
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