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Jinnah ka pakistan ya Abul kalam

So those who criticize Jinnah are basically scums of the earth?
So inorder to avoid being lable as a kaffir or a traitor in Pakistan we should glorify Jinnah as if he is a god.

He is not God. He was human and as all humans he was not perfect. But you could have a little respect for the father of our nation. If not that at least show respect for us who admire his efforts
...it's not the third post in which you've gone off-topic, is it?

It's only the third I've noticed.

Making hay of that 'premium' membership, eh? :D

It is very relevant because the suggestion was that we would have been better off by staying with India and this article debunks that
It is very relevant because the suggestion was that we would have been better off by staying with India and this article debunks that

It doesn't really. Had Muslims stayed back in India, Muslims would have been equal in majority with Hindus. Indian Muslims could have had a responsible leadership to take them forward. Today's India doesn't serve as an example of what could have been. Yet I could argue India has given more religious freedom to Muslims than Pakistan itself. Have you ever seen a riot that only involved Muslims in India. How many shootings happen based on just Shia-Sunni conflict in Pakistan? Considering India and Pakistan has more or less similar number of Muslims, Indian Muslims are living lot more peacefully than their Pakistani counterpart. No amount of rhetoric would negate this fact.

It doesn't really. Had Muslims stayed back in India, Muslims would have been equal in majority with Hindus. Indian Muslims could have had a responsible leadership to take them forward rather than the lower middle class that stayed back in India during Partition. Yet India had given more religious freedom to them than Pakistan itself. No amount of rhetoric would negate this fact.

Aryan_B is a well-known troll around here. Dont bother responding to him, you are only feeding the troll :P

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