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Jihadists seek to open new front in Burma

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I agree, this is the right approach and needs to be addressed seriously. The last thing we want is this spilling over.

burma then will call America for help, you will see American bases just next to your door which india never wants.
burma then will call America for help, you will see American bases just next to your door which india never wants.

I am agreeing with you that china and India should try and ask Burma to solve the issues. We dont want snoopers in our backyard.
I said before that Countries like China and India need to step up to pressure Burma to stop killing Rohinga because it may create some extremist terrorist group in our region and unstable our region. But no one cares now see what is happening. Right now they may just fight against Burma govt. but later will fight against entire region.

Why would they intervene their natural ally.. Instead they should provide all means to Burmese Govt to crack down these jihadis, after all we both are suffering from same terror..
Why would they intervene their natural ally.. Instead they should provide all means to Burmese Govt to crack down these jihadis, after all we both are suffering of same terror..

yet you have not seen worse, you will see Al-Qaeda type group.
yet you have not seen worse, you will see Al-Qaeda type group.

What the hell Al-Qqeda? Let them come and whole world's sympathies will be with Burma.. Burmese Army will eat them alive without any traces..
What the hell Al-Qqeda? Let them come and whole world's sympathies will be with Burma.. Burmese Army will eat them alive without any traces..

sorry bro, they hardly come with arms, they are suicide bombers. Before you realize their presence you will see they are blowing themselves and killing innocent people in the street. recently similar kind of thing happened in India outside Cinema Hall near Bus station.
they cant fight islamic fighters.
but look at hindus hate against islam. they were sleeping sound when rohangya muslims and there children were bucherd and burnt.
Don't talk like an idiot! What have Hindus got to do with the Buddhist-Muslim war in Burma which is a sovereign country? It's up to them to resolve the issue.

And what where you Muslims in Pakistan doing when Muslims were being butchered in Burma? Twiddling your thumbs? What did your government do? What did the much touted OIC do? They keep passing useless, nonsensical, lame duck resolutions on Kashmir at the drop of a hat, but when it comes to countries like Burma, there's not even a squeak!!

Don't pass the buck on to Hindus who have nothing to do with what's going on there.

I really don't know why I even bother to reply to school children or drop-outs.
oh mery laal ghusa kar gaya.
but you hindus poke your nose when there ever is a problem in pakistan with some minority.
but you hindus poke your nose when there is some thing related to muslims around the world.
but when it comes to kashmeeri muslims your hindoism sleeps
when its against palastine muslims your bloody hinsoism sleeps
when its aginst rohangia muslims.............

Post reported - insulting religion

Poking nose as in? taking in your minority refugees is different then sending militants to Burma. Does Burma send their army to take of Islamic militants in Kashmir?

So why should we bother with what happens in their country?
look at what i replied . he said what hindus got to do with rohangya muslims. arnt muslim a minority there??
thori aqal udhar he ley lety
Post reported - insulting religion
Poking nose as in? taking in your minority refugees is different then sending militants to Burma. Does Burma send their army to take of Islamic militants in Kashmir?

So why should we bother with what happens in their country?
Why do you even bother to reply to imbeciles? This world is full of a$$holes and some of them are out here on PDF!! :hitwall:
Terrorism is created and justified when the "civilized,public representative" authorities as well as state entities refuse to respond to humanitarian crisis. When the international community is not taking notice and not taking measures to stop these killings, it is inviting these groups to go and take things into their own hands.

If Burmese govt takes concrete steps and adopts an inclusive approach towards all its citizens, there will be no people trying to fight the state's authority.
In that case Iran is justified in starting a war against Pakistan because Shias are being killed whole scale in Pakistan.
India is justified in starting a war against Pakistan because Hindus have been killed, and their women forcibly kidnapped and converted
European countries are justified in a war against Pakistan because Christians colonies are burned at will

and in all cases, no government of Pakistan is willing to stop all this.

Lastly...as long as India and China support Myanmar, no Muslim country can so much as lift a finger against Myanmar.
These so-called "Jihadists" are also fighting against the state authority in Pakistan and in China.

We hate it when it happens to us, right? So why does Burma deserve these "Jihadists" for the crimes of a few monks?

The worst affected countries from terrorism are Muslim countries. Is this because their countries are not "inclusive" enough towards Muslims? No, since they are the majority. It has more to do with extremist ideology.

And more to the point, this kind of violent reaction doesn't help anyone. It doesn't help the victims, it doesn't help the innocent bystanders, it doesn't help the fighters. It doesn't help Muslims in the rest of the world.

And apart from that another pointer is that if Islamist starts striking in Myanmar, it will indirectly strengthen Mynamar military GOV with a justification to do further action...And in turn it will help further to India that Islamist are cuasing havoc in Myanmar so India and Myanmar have the scope to come close to each other....
Myanmar? the badboy from ASEAN. No one dare to lay finger against them because of Chinese interest is so great here. But i agree at some Indian forumer, going to Jihad against Myanmar is never solve the problems here, how about for you all to push your respective government to accomodate some lands in your country for Rohingya refugee to live and and giving them the basic needs like homes, work and health and education as help. It must be a cheaper solutions for rich country like Saudi and UAE. Since they are the so called your dearly moslem brother in which you had prepare to going to Jihad against Myanmar, it must be easy for you to do something as simple this huh :azn:
My point was not about support. But of offices. It said "Quddus and his Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Arakan are based in Korangi Town in Karachi, Pakistan." Not me saying, the article said so. Read before responding.

It might be just a small office in some slum. Doesn't mean they have huge headquarters like you Indians foolishly portray. In any case they also have offices in other countries too but you trolled only about Pakistan. That bharati helped you to ignore that part.

Come on, naughty boy. You know, that is not what I was saying. The PA trains the Burmese military, which is supposedly being used against the Rohingyas?

Would say the same again. Those are state to state relationship. But if some group targets the buddhist monks who are the real criminals in all this massacre then we have no issues with that either.

I can only laugh at your desparation. Comparing Tibet to terror from the hizb this and dawa that. And btw, India does not support secession of Tibet. Knowing facts before responding is very important.

Supporting the so called self exiled govt of tibet and then presenting oneself to be the biggest well wisher of China. Only an Indian can be that much hypocrite. In fact it is the hatred for Islam that made you a well wisher of China at this point of time.
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