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Jihadists seek to open new front in Burma

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Terrorism is created and justified when the "civilized,public representative" authorities as well as state entities refuse to respond to humanitarian crisis. When the international community is not taking notice and not taking measures to stop these killings, it is inviting these groups to go and take things into their own hands.

If Burmese govt takes concrete steps and adopts an inclusive approach towards all its citizens, there will be no people trying to fight the state's authority.

So Mukti Bahini was justified in its actions?

They claimed to fight Pakistani atrocities and what they did after the war was over was just gruesome.

Would you also support Shiites in KSA and Bahrain too?

Violence being answered by violence is not the solution and that too in the name of the religion is worse.

Pakistan should have refused burmese navy training and demanded sanctions by the OIC.
Dillinger you have not answered my question. Do you agree or disagree that these groups trying to set up operations in Burma is because the international community and the Burmese govt, is playing spectator to these killings.

Just a question, so these groups have copyright of God to fight for Muslims wherever there is an act of atrocity?
Myanmar attacked the ethnic Chinese Kokang in 2009. China did not do anything during the incident because any incursions onto undisputed territories (unlike south tibet) would be presented by the Burmese as aggression.

Kokang incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ne Win massacred ethnic Chinese during his rule in Myanmar and forced thousands to flee.

Ne Win - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China's only assets in Myanmar is the United Wa State Army and any major fighting going on near the border with Chija would be unnacptable to the government.

With Burma in Mind, China Quietly Supports Wa Rebels

With Burma in Mind, China Quietly Supports Wa Rebels - One News Page [US]

United Wa State Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wa State - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Los Angeles Times: Archives - OPIUM; Myanmar Tries to Kick Its Habit

OPIUM; Myanmar Tries to Kick Its Habit

From the Chinese the Wa have also learned about development. The Wa don't seem to have much in common with the Burmese majority far away in the rest of Myanmar. They don't love the ruling generals. They don't love [Aung San Suu Kyi]. They love China and everything Chinese. In remote areas of Special Region #2 you can see Chinese road builders camped in tents made of plastic sheeting, a sight evocative of images of Chinese building the American railroads 150 years ago. Chinese trucks ply these new -- albeit dirt -- roads. Chinese merchants operate the small shops in the villages. In one village of dirt streets and thatch-roofed structures, we saw dozens and dozens of large new electric streetlight poles, suitable for the downtown of a city. We were told that the town chief had admired similar light poles in China, and a willing Chinese salesperson had then obliged. And behind the scenes, the Chinese government presumably pressures the Wa leadership to abandon opium, just as Chinese intelligence officers quietly track drug traffickers across the Wa region.

Los Angeles Times - Los Angeles, Calif. Author: Mitchell Koss Date: Aug 10, 2003 Start Page: M.2 Section: Opinion; Part M; Editorial Pages Desk Text Word Count: 1681

Founding of Wa State can spark confusion | democracy for burma

UWSA, the largest of the armed ethnic groups in Myanmar, has reiterated the demand, which it has made since 2012.

Regarding the Wa’s demand, one Lower House MP said granting it without thorough analysis could make the country’s situation more confusing.

“In my opinion, it is too early to satisfy their demand. This issue must be discussed in a close-door meeting in Parliament. Are those living in the Wa region are genuine Wa nationals? It is necessary to monitor whether there are manipulators behind the demand. If it is granted without analysis, there will be confusion,” MP Kyi Myint said.

Some fear that the upgrading of the Wa self-administered division to a state might change the union pattern of Myanmar as the administrative board of the Wa region uses Chinese as an official language and only 30% of the population use Bamar language and other ethnic dialects.

Sao Aung Myint from Shan Descendent Force said: “The issue is not possible yet although they have the right to demand. Our country is multi-national. Various ethnic groups live in Shan State. If the Wa is allowed to form an autonomous state, the whole union will be in a state of fragility.”

Shan National League for Democracy’s chairman said the government was facing confusion though he did not want to make comments on the demand of UWSA, which is reportedly overwhelmed by Chinese people and the Chinese lifestyle.

“The situation is confusing. It is better to ask the public attitude. I said the public stance should be sought when the Wa region was granted to found a self-administered division. But the then government didn’t,” chairman Khun Tun Oo said.

UWSA with more than 30,000 troops and 10,000 auxiliary troops is serving under the United Wa State Party (UWSP) and it is mainly active in the areas of Panhsai, Mongmaw, Panwai, Narphan, Mongpauk, Mongyan and Hopan of Shan State.

On April 29, UWSA dismissed a report from Janes Intelligence that it acquired armed helicopters from China. It was also denied by the Chinese government.

The Chinese embassy in Myanmar strongly denounced the report on May 7 while UWSP officials gave a clarification during the meeting with the government’s peace working group on May 10. But their denial came long after the release of that report.

According to the UWSA’s clarification, it purchased a helicopter, a Foker and a vessel from Thailand. But they have no engines and are to be used in a local natural garden, it explained.

However, questions have arisen over the links between the UWSA and China.

In its press release issued on May 7, the Chinese embassy said China is committed to joining hands with the Myanmar side to uphold the peace and stability of the border areas. This, however, contradicts the Wa’s demand to found an autonomous state.

Political analyst Dr Yan Myo Thein said: “China’s central government seemed to have no direct links with UWSA. Yet, I think there are more or less cooperation between it and the Chinese provincial governments. Here, there should be transparency in cooperation between the UWSA and Chinese provincial governments. Only then will suspicion over Sino-Myanmar relations reduce.”

Reports erupted that UWSA has links with Chinese intelligence agencies; Chinese military officials are training the Wa troops and in other words, they are an army formed by China in Myanmar, Swedish journalist Bertil Lintner, an expert of the background history of the UWSA, told the Eleven Media Group last October.

Dr Yan Myo Thein also said: “Let alone the demand of the state level, Parliament should reconsider the designation of the Wa region as a self-administered division. It is also necessary to re-access the rights and powers vested in regional governments and self-administered zones and divisions.”

The Myanmar government cannot take a census in the Wa self-administered division in current condition. Having an area of 17000 square feet, the Wa division has approximately a population of 600,000. The division is divided into Northern and Southern Wa regions. Seventy per cent of the total population speaks Chinese, using China currency Yuan. The division even can access Chinese language TV channels within the region.

Their main businesses are gems, minerals, fuels, electronics, communication equipment, water purifiers, and shopping malls. Hompan is the prominent company of the Wa people.

The UWSP is derived from the Burma Communist Party (BCP). The UWSP took the Panhsan area, where the BCP headquarters was located, establishing the Wa community.

The Wa community has already agreed to live peacefully and have relations with the Myanmar military. They attended the National Convention in 1993, making negotiations with other ethnic armed groups.

Although they announced the termination of opium cultivation in 2005, the international community still believes that they are producing opium.

Their armed forces have been increasing since 2009 when they have some conflicts with the Myanmar military over the border guard force issues.
These so-called "Jihadists" are also fighting against the state authority in Pakistan and in China.

We hate it when it happens to us, right? So why does Burma deserve these "Jihadists" for the crimes of a few monks?

The worst affected countries from terrorism are Muslim countries. Is this because their countries are not "inclusive" enough towards Muslims? No, since they are the majority. It has more to do with extremist ideology.

And more to the point, this kind of violent reaction doesn't help anyone. It doesn't help the victims, it doesn't help the innocent bystanders, it doesn't help the fighters. It doesn't help Muslims in the rest of the world.

wow such strong words i bow to u my worldly citizen
first 71 is totaly propaganda against pakistan by bharat so i dont buy it.
next aghan taliban are freedome fighters . dont look it with your indian media glasses. look it with an afghans eye. what he feels. no one ever stayed in afghanistan. afghans dont want any one to dictate them nor they bare any opperessor. this is afghan history.

nw why dnt u stop calling every wrong thing that u r cuntry commits as indias propoganda ? stop looking frm u r brainwashed eyes and start looking frm the worlds view or atleaast frm the victims view....
The last pic of the monks in red (posted by Mj. Shaitan Singh) looks UNLIKE that of Burma. Guys - please post pics with a courtesy of credit to the SOURCE of photographs instead of just picking up randomly from the internet.
This venture will only create a Budhist vs Muslim phenomenon creating bigger problems for Muslim countries. Other venues should be accessed, the Jehadist element will not only backfire in the long run but will give legitimacy to Burmese state atrocities in name of tackling terrorism. Right or wrong such a sales pitch will find many buyers in the international community.

As for Pakistan, this decade is only for looking inward and creating a cohesion between state organs and bringing the religious, sectarian, lingual and racial groups on the same frequency regarding the anti-state forces.
yap this is a valid question. but its part of our faith if a muslim is being attacked in any part of the world all muslim should feel the pain and support them.

If Muslims kill Muslims Than? Do you felt same pain when army of your own country killed 3 million citizens of your own country, the east Pakistan?
first 71 is totaly propaganda against pakistan by bharat so i dont buy it.
next aghan taliban are freedome fighters . dont look it with your indian media glasses. look it with an afghans eye. what he feels. no one ever stayed in afghanistan. afghans dont want any one to dictate them nor they bare any opperessor. this is afghan history.

Than why did your country helped America to attack Taliban, the Muslims? Why even today your government allows drone attack in your own country and kill your own people?
If the Burmese Govt, International community, SAARC, China,India, Muslim world, UN is deciding to to let the Monks kill people at will, they are all inviting these groups to come into play no?

They are not?... Which part of world do you live in?

To have critical thinking and prove ourselves worthy of our creation. Blowing up innocent people is not involved though.

Says the innocent bystander. How come all the South Asian terror groups have established offices in Pakistan? And you cringe about why the world says the centre of terrorism is Pakistan.

Btw, why is the Pak military supporting the Burmese if they are committing atrocities against Muslims?

@Chinese-Dragon don't try explaining. You will soon get a taste of your 'deeper and taller than whatever' in your provinces. 10 years down the line you will be telling us, "we should have believed you guys".
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Says the innocent bystander. How come all the South Asian terror groups have established offices in Pakistan? And you cringe about why the world says the centre of terrorism is Pakistan.

Well the article says they also have support in other muslim countries like Indonesia but the Bharati inside you only read Pakistan in that article. Well that so called office might be just a camp in some far fledged tribal areas along the afghan border. It isn't like they huge headquarters in Karachi or Lahore.

Btw, why is the Pak military supporting the Burmese if they are committing atrocities against Muslims?

We are working with the Burmese state. It is a state to state relationship. However if someone goes and kills a few buddhist monks for their crimes then I don't have an issues with that.

@Chinese-Dragon don't try explaining. You will soon get a taste of your 'deeper and taller than whatever' in your provinces. 10 years down the line you will be telling us, "we should have believed you guys".

Says someone who give asylum to so called Tibet govt in exile and support secession of Tibet from China. What a joke.
I said before that Countries like China and India need to step up to pressure Burma to stop killing Rohinga because it may create some extremist terrorist group in our region and unstable our region. But no one cares now see what is happening. Right now they may just fight against Burma govt. but later will fight against entire region.
Well the article says they also have support in other muslim countries like Indonesia but the Bharati inside you only read Pakistan in that article. Well that so called office might be just a camp in some far fledged tribal areas along the afghan border. It isn't like they huge headquarters in Karachi or Lahore.

My point was not about support. But of offices. It said "Quddus and his Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami Arakan are based in Korangi Town in Karachi, Pakistan." Not me saying, the article said so. Read before responding.

We are working with the Burmese state. It is a state to state relationship. However if someone goes and kills a few buddhist monks for their crimes then I don't have an issues with that.

Come on, naughty boy. You know, that is not what I was saying. The PA trains the Burmese military, which is supposedly being used against the Rohingyas?

Says someone who give asylum to so called Tibet govt in exile and support secession of Tibet from China. What a joke.

I can only laugh at your desparation. Comparing Tibet to terror from the hizb this and dawa that. And btw, India does not support secession of Tibet. Knowing facts before responding is very important.
double post.

I said before that Countries like China and India need to step up to pressure Burma to stop killing Rohinga because it may create some extremist terrorist group in our region and unstable our region. But no one cares now see what is happening. Right now they may just fight against Burma govt. but later will fight against entire region.

I agree, this is the right approach and needs to be addressed seriously. The last thing we want is this spilling over.
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