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Jihadists seek to open new front in Burma

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One of the most blatant calls for Muslims to wage jihad in Burma came from a senior cleric and spokesman from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Abu Dher Azzam, who is also known as Abu Dher al Burmi. In the statement, which was released on Nov. 28, 2012 and was obtained and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group, Azzam assailed the Burmese government and accused China and Germany of supporting "these massacres and this genocide" in Burma.

"Rise O servants of Allah to help your brothers and sisters!," Azzam proclaimed. "Rise to save your sons and daughters! Do your best in jihad, O guardians of creed and [monotheism], against the enemies of Allah the idolatrous Buddhists, and target the most important installations of Burma, China and Germany, and their interests and the interests of the United Nations, which supports these massacres and this genocide in Arakan."

Read more: Jihadists seek to open new front in Burma - The Long War Journal

By the way this guy is on crack. China and Germany haven't supported any massacres in Myanmar. I don't even know why he even thought of Germany when its not even close to Myanmar.
1) What Burma does with its citizen, it's it internal affair.
2) If they are not their Citizens, they can do what they want. None of anybody's business.
3) If you are so much worried, give them asylum.
4) Its so irritaing to see Muslims interfering in other countries ( even when their won country is burning). They just don't know to mind their own business.
I don't get it. When Burma was under military rule the condition of rohingyas was much worse but nobody bothered despite completely aware of it back then the moment it became Democratic all hell breaks loose Something's definitely fishy going on there.
the uniform looks like bangladesh army uniform.

things will get worse for myanmar after next bangladesh election. secularists are set to leave and islamists are waiting to rule. bnp-islamists party have won all the city level election since 2009 and its just a matter of time. they have previously supported ulfa and they are more than willing to support a jihad .... interesting time ahead. revenge was long overdue.

That's because they are from Bangladesh.

Experts Reject Claims of ‘Rohingya Mujahideen’ Insurgency
By PAUL VRIEZE / THE IRRAWADDY| Monday, July 15, 2013 |


A radical Muslim website distributed 28 photos purportedly showing Rohingya insurgents in Arakan State. But veteran Burma journalist Bertil Lintner says the photo was taken in Bangladesh many years ago. (Photo: Arrahmah.com - Berita Dunia Islam Terdepan)

RANGOON — Regional security experts say it is possible that some militant Rohingyas have sought support from Indonesian hardline Muslim organizations, but they dismiss claims that an armed Rohingya insurgency is under way in western Burma’s Arakan State.

The experts reacted to recent reports on radical Islamic websites stating that a cleric and military commander of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO) have met with hardline Indonesian civil society organizations to request funding, weapons and military training for an armed struggle.

The RSO members visited a rally of the Forum Umat Islam in central Jakarta on June 19, with the military commander Abu Shafiyah reportedly saying, “We need the Mujahideen from Indonesia to train and supply the Mujahideen in their training camp in Rohingya [sic], especially in bomb making,” according to one English-language radical Muslim blog.

Another website, called Arrahmah.com, posted 28 photos last week purportedly showing 300 “Rohingya Mujahideen” fighters receiving military training at a camp in northern Arakan State.

Sidney Jones, an Indonesia-based security analyst with the International Crisis Group, said it was likely that the supposed RSO members spoke at the Forum Umat Islam rally. “This is not a rumor, hundreds of people were there to hear them speak,” she added.

Jones said the Forum Umat Islam is not a Jihadist terrorist organization but a registered advocacy organization with a radical pro-Islamic agenda, adding that it sometimes engages in attacks on religious minorities in Indonesia.

Such Indonesian groups have thousands of members and have mounted an aggressive public response to the Rohingya issue in order to bolster their popularity in the Muslim-majority country.

The Rohingya, a stateless Muslim minority, have suffered decades of persecution in Burma. During deadly clashes with local Buddhist communities last year, about 140,000 people, mostly Muslims, were forced to flee their homes and 192 people were killed.

Shwe Maung, a ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party member, rejected the claims that the photos showed RSO fighters in his region. “There is not a square meter without Nasaka [border guard] forces in northern Arakan,” said the MP, who represents the Muslim-majority Maungdaw Township in northern Arakan.

Bertil Lintner, a veteran journalist who has written extensively about insurgencies in Burma, said it was “very possible” that the RSO had been seeking support from Islamic militants abroad, adding that the group had worked closely with the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami party in Bangladesh for years.

Lintner said, however, that the published photos did not show an RSO fighting force in Arakan State. “The pictures are genuine but old and were taken near Ukhia between Cox’s Bazar and Teknaf in Bangladesh. The RSO has never had any armed presence inside Burma,” he wrote in an email.

Lintner said many of the pictured fighters were not from Burma, but from Jamaat-e-Islami’s youth wing, which used the RSO camp for training many years ago. This youth wing has carried out bomb attacks and religiously motivated assassinations in Bangladesh in the past.

The RSO is a militant Rohingya organization founded in the early 1980s after Burma’s military launched violent operations in Arakan State that pushed about 250,000 Rohingyas over the border into Bangladesh.

It was a relatively small insurgency group with a few camps in Bangladesh near the Burma border and did not pose a serious threat to the authorities in Arakan. In 2001, Bangladesh authorities cracked down on the group, and little is known about its activities since.

“As far as we know the RSO still exists with three factions but none have been militarily active for years, and certainly not in Arakan State with the current heavy presence of the Nasaka and the Burmese army,” said Chris Lewa, who heads the Arakan Project, a Rohingya advocacy group.

Bangladesh’s current government, she added, would not support the RSO.

RSO founder Muhammad Yunus, a medical doctor from Arakan, currently leads one RSO faction. He denied that his faction had sought support from radical groups in Indonesia.

“I have no armed activities since long and now I am actively involved in political activities,” Yunus told The Irrawaddy in an email, adding that he had joined the recent Arakan Rohingya Union conference in Saudi Arabia, where some Rohingya representatives reportedly gathered to discuss a political solution to the Arakan crisis.

Abu Tahay, a Rohingya leader and chairman of the Union Nationals Development Party in Burma, dismissed the claims of a militant Rohingya insurgency and said radical Indonesian groups were abusing the Arakan crisis to advance their own domestic goals.

“This is being created by bad persons taking advantage of the Rohingyas’ problems,” he said.

Phil Robertson, Asia deputy director at Human Rights Watch, said Indonesian radical Muslim groups “have been milking the Rohingya issue for everything it’s worth, seeking to use the misery and discrimination faced by the Rohingya as a recruiting tool for their own rights-violating, violent radicalism.”

He warned that Arakanese Buddhist nationalists in turn would use the unconfirmed reports of links between Islamic militants and the Rohingya to further fuel anti-Muslim sentiments in the state.

“Sadly, both the [Indonesian Muslim groups] and the extremist Rakhine [Arakan] response for ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya are two sides of the same coin of hatred and violence. Both should be condemned by the Indonesia and Burma governments,” he said.
Experts Reject Claims of

The Rohingya atrocity is a kick in the ball for all ASEAN nation. It should have never happened to begin with. Thankfully the Authoritarian Myanmar government is also quick to deal with the scums responsible for the violence on Rohingya & other unfortunate muslims who just happened to be unfortunate enough to be caught in the middle.

19 Sentenced to Prison Terms for Meikhtila Violence
Yes yes everywhere small small offices. Multinational company style! Talk about going global, thinking local!

Small office in a slum. By Indian standards they might be a major office. You know more about slums than us after all.

Comprehension problem, I tell you! I was mentioning the chaps you train will be the chaps who will go after the Rohingyas. Naughty boy

Yes you do have comprehension problems. Read my post again and you might understand that your rant had already been answered.

yes, yes. We are the descendants of chanakya. What did you expect? If no reasoning available turn to religion! Go for it!

Well your hatred for Islam and Muslims forces us to turn towards religion or at least I had no plans to turn towards it.
Well your hatred for Islam and Muslims forces us to turn towards religion or at least I had no plans to turn towards it.

No reasoning available, then standard response, you are muslim hater. superlative!:P go for it.
I already did, when they kill people and they will, the onus of that will lie on their heads rather than being the fault of the international community. So the answer is a clear NO. Is that clear enough an answer?

I don't remember any one whining about the fact that in 1947 the Jami-a-tul Ulema-e Islam organisation was started by Omra Meah? The aim was to start a mujaheddin insurgency which they did, towards the goal of merging the Mayu frontier of Arakan with East Pakistan. Have we forgotten our history lesson? The said insurgency lasted for 14 years and took a bloody toll on the Burmese. What of the Northern Arakan Muslim League which was founded just after the aforementioned organisation and started an armed insurgency to achieve their demand of merger with East Pakistan?

"Within a few years, Mujahid rebels made rapid progress and banished the Arakanese villagers. The Arakanese inhabitants of Buthidaung and Maungdaw were forced to leave their homes. In June 1949, the Burmese government's control was reduced to Akyab city only, while the Mujahids were in possession of all of northern Arakan. The Burmese government accused the Mujahids of encouraging illegal immigration into Arakan of thousands of Bengali people from East Pakistan."

READ THE HISTORY. The end of that specific insurgency was followed by three more, the last of which ended in the previous decade. SO WHAT RIGHT DOES ANY MUSLIM HAVE TO POINT ANY FINGERS AT THE BURMESE STATE?

AND pray tell, when your favorite poster boys the Taliban couldn't even tolerate a statue of Lord Buddha, instead they shelled it and blew it up with artillery then why complain? Almost all Pakistani posters here are waiting with bated breaths for the day that the Taliban reasserts its control over Af, no? Are you not cheering them on in every thread that there is? Is my assessment wrong when I state that? So if a simple statue was unbearable what would happen to a live and breathing monk one wonders? After all have not Muslims started extremist organisations and perpetrated terrorist attacks as reprisal for the demolition of a mosque? Is it not the law of equivalent exchange in operation here?

I would love to read the history that you just described, can you post a link to this?
I would love to read the history that you just described, can you post a link to this?

You can always resort to Wikipedia but it is frowned upon as a not so accurate source. Rather get your hands on a copy of Aye Chan's "On the Mujahid Rebellion in Arakan" or Moshe Yegar's "Between integration and secession: The Muslim communities of the Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, and Western Burma/Myanmar"- here is a google books link for the latter- Between Integration and Secession: The Muslim Communities of the Southern ... - Moše Yegar - Google Books
they r not from burma genius. go figure.

I was not talking about the pictures posted in this thread, but the idea of posting pictures of genocide in Burma. But I see you resorted to sarcasm to make a personal attack.

Post reported for personal attack.
I was not talking about the pictures posted in this thread, but the idea of posting pictures of genocide in Burma. But I see you resorted to sarcasm to make a personal attack.

Post reported for personal attack.

1. The images posted are not Burmese. Which part of this is difficult to understand?

2. Please read the comment made by me, "the photos posted are not related to this thread. Yet it is being used to spread in this thread. Why is it not being deleted?" This is called "off-topic".

Which part of this is difficult to understand, that the photos posted along with the photos of the supposed Burmese Mujahideen, are false which again has been confirmed by the Indonesian member?

3. Read the part in Red marked by the poster " Graphic Images of innocent Rohingya Muslims being slaughtered in Burma" This is tantamount to spreading falsehood about the topic?

For once, think before typing? Keep reporting for 'personal insult'.
Bad move if true, the junta will wipe their @sses with these mujahadeens.
As per Surya Kiran's claims, some of these pictures were not taken in Burma. Please visit these links for more info


Here is the actual story regarding the charred bodies in photo 2.

It was a fuel tanker explosion in Congo and not Nigeria. Article with Reuters link.
Fuel tanker explosion kills over 230 in Congo | Reuters

There are 3 images there. You can also find a written article here
False Protest Message Claims Picture Shows 500 Christians Burned By Muslim Terrorists

Fake Picture caption still doing the rounds

Fuel truck explosion kills at least 230 people in Congo | World news | guardian.co.uk

The Guardian link has photos of the charred bodies covered.

Photo where the worker is throwing a body is from Haiti.


Best News Pictures of 2010: World Press Winners

Haiti earthquake | Darker side of 2010 | Photos World | - hindustantimes.com

The baby is from Cyclone Nargis. Let me try and locate source

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