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Jihad should replace democracy to overcome challenges: Munawar Hasan

I like my avatar very much. I have little interest in what age it portrays but rather what it infers to.
oh yes by the first looks of it a man seems to be kissing or rubbing his face on side of another man a picture most probably picked from old Bollywood films anyway just a suggestion
The context in which Munawwar Hussain has said this is militant fascist Jihad, not struggle. Munawar Hussain is an apologist of the Taliban and other militant groups. By labeling major terrorists like Hakimullah Mehsud as martyrs he has made the entire muslim people look bad and these are the types of comments which make people adopt a negative image of Islam.

The problem is wider than just one man making horrid claims. The entire education system supports the jamaatia version and Islamic textbooks are full of biddatein. So we need to improve ourselves and reject the terrorist support of the Jamaat E Islami.

We should also make efforts to raise our children as peaceful citizens who love their nation and respect the law. Not Mumtaz Qadri's.
Nothing to do with age..... this particular piece of art is no time immemorial for fans, regardless of their age!
when was this picture made if im not wrong 1969 by looks of it u guys are OLD dont mean to sound offensive
Jamaat Islami was always an anti –Pakistani and anti Quaid e Azam political party. However their policies were moderate until the election of the bigot Munawwar Hassan.

I have personally heard the bigot Munawar Hassan openly admitting his admiration for the Taliban and welcoming butcher of Swat Sufi Mohammed. It was expected that Siraj ul Haq would steer the JI back to moderation but it appears that this was a vain hope. Now JI is almost as pro-Taliban, pro terrorist & pro Khilafat Jamaat as physically possible short of actively taking part in the beheading of innocents

Reference to Qital – fi- Sabilallah is in my view the most quoted and misinterpreted Quranic verse. Decision of when & against home this verse is applicable is not given to an individual but to the State as a whole. In no way this implies that you start killing person or group of persons simply because you think that they are unbelievers or that you declare a sect as kafir & start their genocide as LeJ & Takfiris are doing.

That is out and out animal behaviour. Such actions & proclamations result in rest of the world considering all Muslims as barbarians

IMO opinion Dr Javed Ghamdi is one the foremost scholars of Islam and his view is:

While Jihad essentially means struggle. the gentleman would be well placed to describe what sort of Jihad he is referring to and in what context. All he has said essentially is that democracy should be replaced with struggle... what struggle genius?
The fact that the "ex-emir" conflated the "rejection of democracy" (loosely interpreted as the voice of the people) and the "promotion of Jihad" as an alternative, in his speech, are clear indicators in my opinion that Munawwar Hassan is referring to extremism, violence and dictatorship of the Mullah's (or bus drivers and thugs pretending to be Mullah's) as his preferred option.

I suppose it would be too much to expect the current JI leadership to officially distance itself from his extremist and pro-terrorist views ...
another islam bashing thread
The so called "Scholars of Islam" need to stop opening their mouths to spew rubbish, hatred and extremism if you want Islam to stop being criticized.

Until people like these are openly shunned and disparaged by large parts of the Muslim world, those who oppose their extremism and hate-mongering will continue to conflate Islam and the distorted interpretations of Islam promoted by these individuals.
These people know only one jihad that is terrorism. Killing people and trying to grab power in the name of Islam. Shame on them, Munawar and Siraj.
These idiots need to wage Jihad on their education and bring their knowledge at par with the modern world. Its time they study Islam and learn how much more there is in this religion beside jihad.
Muno bacha and his jamiat of monkeys busy giving green signals to khalifa baghdadi and his moronic organisation Islamic state (IS)
another islam bashing thread

Hon Sir,

From your flippant comment I understand that other Muslims should not criticize a bigot who is inciting JI members to go out and start killing in the name of Islam. Not being entirely stupid the bigot Munawwar Hassan does not specify who should be killed, but the innuendo surely refers to the minorities. Would you agree with LeJ killing Hazras of Quetta because they are Shias or burning alive of the Christian couple without any trial in a court of law?

With due respect, this is not an Islam bashing thread. Far from it, it is the ex-Amir of JI that is bashing Islam. Being an intelligent and rational person that you obviously are; you should instead be asking Munawwar Hassan to stop mis-interpreting Qur’anic verses and turning the peaceful religion preached by our holy Prophet (PBUH) into a savage blood thirsty creed.

I am simply amazed as to how questioning even vitriolic speech by a bigot can be interpreted as bashing Islam by a section of the society.

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