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Jihad can resolve Kashmir issue

we have not lost a single battle yet

And who is "we" here?

You should perhaps concentrate more on your school work and acquire more knowledge before you post.It might lower the hot air content in your posts. Otherwise its just to bloated to even counter.
A man who will be out of job if he doesn't promote this so for obvious reason has no choice but to promote this .But the key board warriors from both side of the border makes me laugh as neither one of these warriors plus this so called leader will be seen near the border if bullets start to fly.

Josh kahi na kahin to nikalna chahiye na? :D

no sir :)

during kargil war,army held few camps for recruitment of civilians and if given chance we will surely go :)

Except for very few blind patriots, majority of those lining up to join the army were looking for employment.

And if you had seen the comments of the civilians screaming out for wars and nukes, you would be shaking your head in disdain.

One memorable comment I remember was when a guy was so serious and screaming on top of his lungs... "meri peeth pe atum bum baandh do... pakistan me kood jaunga!" (tie the nuke on my back, I will jump into Pakistan) as if it was not an atomic bomb, but some sort of school bag. :rolleyes:
Yaar I don't want to ruin the thread.

So let me be serious. What has Jihad given you yet ? First think what has Jihad taken from you ?

jihad has given us pride
pride of defeating russians
and will give us the pride of defeating americans
and inshaallah will be proud after defeating indians as well
let me give you an example when there was tension between pakistan and america after sallala incident our great pakhtun tribes announced a lashkar of 1 million fighters

dont forget first kashmir war

And how many thousand fighters have the Pashtun tribes of NWFP devoted to Taliban?
jihad has given us pride
pride of defeating russians
and will give us the pride of defeating americans
and inshaallah will be proud after defeating indians as well

Pakistan defeated Russia and America..??what are you smoking dude..?
Thank God few more have started using this word 'Jehad' for Kashmir again. I thought they had forgotten it.
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