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Jharkand: A few days after CM claimed there were no mob lynchings in his state, FORTY Hindus lynch ONE Muslim man

I don't think Hindus attack Muslims for no cause; it's usually Muslims who declare jihad. They begin attacking Hindu temples, Hindu men and women, and Hindu children in the name of Allah, and when Hindus defend themselves, they begin to play the victim card, whether in the Mewat riot, the Delhi riot, the Muzaffarnagar riot, the Gujarat riot, or anywhere else in India, the same pattern is observed.
I don't think Hindus attack Muslims for no cause; it's usually Muslims who declare jihad. They begin attacking Hindu temples, Hindu men and women, and Hindu children in the name of Allah, and when Hindus defend themselves, they begin to play the victim card, whether in the Mewat riot, the Delhi riot, the Muzaffarnagar riot, the Gujarat riot, or anywhere else in India, the same pattern is observed.

you're a disgusting sub-human.
you're a disgusting sub-human.
You have no idea how this all began. In Myanmar, the same thing happened. Rohingya Muslims vowed jihad against Rakhine province's minority Buddhist population. In the name of Allah, they assaulted Buddhist temples, raped women, and slaughtered people. When the Buddhists attacked in self-defense, the jihadis began to play the victim card. The scenario in India is similar to that of Myanmar.
I don't think Hindus attack Muslims for no cause; it's usually Muslims who declare jihad. They begin attacking Hindu temples, Hindu men and women, and Hindu children in the name of Allah, and when Hindus defend themselves, they begin to play the victim card, whether in the Mewat riot, the Delhi riot, the Muzaffarnagar riot, the Gujarat riot, or anywhere else in India, the same pattern is observed.

A hindu justifying mob lynching unlike Pakistani muslims in your threads @Kingdom come
A hindu justifying mob lynching unlike Pakistani muslims in your threads @Kingdom come
In Pakistan, Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians are not targeting the majority Muslim community in the name of religion; they are not destroying mosques or disparaging Islam. Minorities in Pakistan are being punished for no cause, in India and Myanmar, Muslims are the aggressors who attack non-Muslims in the name of jihad, Islam, and Allah, and non-Muslims retaliate in self-defense.
In Pakistan, Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians are not targeting the majority Muslim community in the name of religion; they are not destroying mosques or disparaging Islam. Minorities in Pakistan are being punished for no cause, in India and Myanmar, Muslims are the aggressors who attack non-Muslims in the name of jihad, Islam, and Allah, and non-Muslims retaliate in self-defense.

I personally think muslims are getting lynched because they are not killing enough Hindis

If hindus are targeted and killed for their crimes then things would improve and everyone would live peacefully
I personally think muslims are getting lynched because they are not killing enough Hindis

If hindus are targeted and killed for their crimes then things would improve and everyone would live peacefully
Every Muslim-non-Muslim riot begins the same manner, not only in India, but in every non-Muslim country where Muslims live in considerable numbers. Muslims begin killing people in the name of Allah, Islam, and Jihad, and non-Muslims respond in self-defense, while Muslims play the victim card. How many Pakistanis are aware that Muslims burning 75 Hindus alive in the name of Islam sparked the Gujrat riots in 2002?
Every Muslim-non-Muslim riot begins the same manner, not only in India, but in every non-Muslim country where Muslims live in considerable numbers. Muslims begin killing people in the name of Allah, Islam, and Jihad, and non-Muslims respond in self-defense, while Muslims play the victim card. How many Pakistanis are aware that Muslims burning 75 Hindus alive in the name of Islam sparked the Gujrat riots in 2002?

Yeah yeah

I got your point

More hindus need to be killed for peace
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