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JF17:---More Hard Points Bigger Engine---Why!!!!!

Higher Frequency bands are used in Radars like C, S, L K etc unless you can specify a Radar in PAF or PA AD using Radars with lower frequency band than these. These UHF and VHF are used in communications mostly.

Per MoDP year book in the past few years, there was work undertaken to create indigenous UHF/VHF radars. If you follow the anti-stealth advances in China and Russia, they are also claiming radars in this band.
Per MoDP year book in the past few years, there was work undertaken to create indigenous UHF/VHF radars. If you follow the anti-stealth advances in China and Russia, they are also claiming radars in this band.
which radars are we currently using for this
Per MoDP year book in the past few years, there was work undertaken to create indigenous UHF/VHF radars. If you follow the anti-stealth advances in China and Russia, they are also claiming radars in this band.
I think u misunderstood radios as radars
I think u misunderstood radios as radars

Nopes. This was clearly discussed on the forum. And there is no confusion about the Chinese and Russian efforts. You need to seriously update your knowledge.

which radars are we currently using for this

There is an entire thread by @Tps43 on the topic. Search the forum for it.
Nopes. This was clearly discussed on the forum. And there is no confusion about the Chinese and Russian efforts. You need to seriously update your knowledge.
Please don't just talk and speculate, i looked in a few MODP documents and i didn't find UHF/VHF radars. Instead of accusing my "knowledge" why don't you give a link or back up your words. I inquired from you out of interest and you start condescending me ? Pity.
Please don't just talk and speculate, i looked in a few MODP documents and i didn't find UHF/VHF radars. Instead of accusing my "knowledge" why don't you give a link or back up your words. I inquired from you out of interest and you start condescending me ? Pity.

It was a friendly suggestion. It is annoying when people accuse you of confusing radar with radio


At the very least you need to put more effort into searching for information.

Some posters are still wanting a bigger engine ( not understanding that a more powerful engine would also put more stress on the frame as well thus reducing the life of the frame).

Some are wanting more hard points---actually most are wanting more hard points---and I do not know what they would do with them---.

The combat on the 27th proved a few points and shattered many a myth---. What it proved was---what I have been saying for a longtime---and what analysts have stated over the decade---most aircraft getting into a conflict will die without launching their missiles.

It proved to be 100% correct---the only aircraft that fell on pour side---had all its missiles intact---. Supposedly---the SU30 that we shot down---also did not launch any missiles---.

So---the myth for having a large number of missiles and spraying them in the air against other aircraft like a water coming from a hose has been busted so far---we are talking about CONVENTIONAL AIRCRAFT and not the 5th gen aircraft for the matter of discussion---.

What has also come true is that the one who fires the first shot---has a better chance of survival amongst equal type of aircraft---.

Now why I would ask for a 25% larger aircraft---it was for the reason that it could carry two large 1000 Kg weight category AShM---the reasoning behind the japanese F2.

The second reason was---as the technology would advance---there would be better availability of modular techno gizmos that could be mounted all around on the aircraft in designated spots---giving it a better 360* situational awareness---basing it on the fact that the one who can see better---either thru the electronic eye or thru his own eyes would have better situational control of the skies---.

For air forces with similar capabilities---lock---launch and dash would be the key to a successful operation---.

So again---whomsoever has better situational awareness will control the roost---.

More money needs to be spent on these items rather than those for show---. The proof is in the pudding now---. Now let us focus on conveying the right message and change our thinking---even though it is very difficult to get thru the skulls of my pakistani brethren and children---.
4 air to air missiles are enough but I am worried about the ground attack and weapon carrying ability of JF-17

Let me tell all of you, a story narrated by the daughter of Maulana Moudoodi - after his death.

She describes that in his last days, Maulana was ill. This would be very late 70s.
One day, two PAF officers came to visit him.
They were both PAF fighter pilots.

The two officers described a dream they (either one of them, or both - I don't exactly remember) had seen.

In the dream they saw a world where the Jews were killing Muslims without any inhibition.
So much so that they would kill a Muslim and then hang the meat, like the butchers hang on their shops.
This was widespread scenario and there was no one to stop it.

The two officers asked Maulana, what would / could be interpretation of this dream.

First, Maulana was very surprised - mostly because that the PAF officers came to see him with such a story.
His (maulana) thought was that such dreams are usually observed by Sufis and Saints - and hence he was surprised.

His interpretation was, that a time will come when the Jews will attack and kill the Muslims without any inhibition.
And …. he concluded ….. that PAF will play a very big role in that time to turn the things around.

If you look at the events of today's world, even the very recent events in Pakistan and New Zealand, this is pretty evident that we are living in those times.
Now! If you look at "Project Azm" - you can also see what is to come.

Nopes. This was clearly discussed on the forum. And there is no confusion about the Chinese and Russian efforts. You need to seriously update your knowledge.

There is an entire thread by @Tps43 on the topic. Search the forum for it.
i am browsing via a mobile phone therefore
its hard for me to find it its mostly based
on American tps radars e. g tps43s and
AN/FPS-117s and maybe some Chinese radar or radars.
but jamming itself is a type of
warning which warrents scrambling of other assets e. g
fighters and aew aircrafts etc

and moreover jamming all types of radars
in area of real interest or area of deception
is and will be feat to pull off.

so the doomsday picture which you have painted is a remote possibility but not
very probable.

And the source of jamming can also be triangulated and homed in on but it requires a degree of sophistication which we may or may not possess. i. e our ground based assets.
Supposedly---the SU30 that we shot down------.
my question is about often Indian mates claims that Indian SU-30mki is unique and different than the SU-30 operating others Air Forces of many countries ? is this true ?
my question is about often Indian mates claims that Indian SU-30mki is unique and different than the SU-30 operating others Air Forces of many countries ? is this true ?
other than israeli ecms/jammers indan rwrs and french panels bars pesa radar no

those variants which are equipped with bars radar have canard foreplanes too.
i am browsing via a mobile phone therefore
its hard for me to find it its mostly based
on American tps radars e. g tps43s and
AN/FPS-117s and maybe some Chinese radar or radars.
but jamming itself is a type of
warning which warrents scrambling of other assets e. g
fighters and aew aircrafts etc

and moreover jamming all types of radars
in area of real interest or area of deception
is and will be feat to pull off.

so the doomsday picture which you have painted is a remote possibility but not
very probable.

And the source of jamming can also be triangulated and homed in on but it requires a degree of sophistication which we may or may not possess. i. e our ground based assets.

You are failing to consider the entire gamut of threats faced by early warning radars. Jamming, spoofing, hacking, evasion are all possible ways to thwart radars.

Selective jamming will target a sharp beam of EM energy for a very short duration. Enough for a high speed aircraft to slip through.

Spoofing will create ghosts in an entirely different sector, taking away your prime assets.

Hacking/subversion will cause malfunction in the very software. I am including kill switches in this category.

Finally, no radar coverage can be comprehensive. Clusters of radars will cause localized cancellation effects creating a gap. ELINT assets are used to find out such gaps.

And creative minds can think of even more ways. Given the above, it is imperative for PAF to:

1. Acquire indigenous capability to create both the hardware and software for radars.

2. Adopt multiple modes of surveillance including thermal, acoustic, visual, space based, and HUMINT.

3. Utilize the power of MIMO processing to get a real-time 3D picture that is robust in the face of enemy subversion.

Once this coverage is up to scratch, then there is a whole world of FCRs, tracking radars, and SAMs.

And then comes the part of creating a comprehensive strategy to combine the various elements.

other than israeli ecms/jammers indan rwrs and french panels bars pesa radar no

those variants which are equipped with bars radar have canard foreplanes too.

Hoe can you say with authority what technology is used by Indian Flankers?
You are failing to consider the entire gamut of threats faced by early warning radars. Jamming, spoofing, hacking, evasion are all possible ways to thwart radars.

Selective jamming will target a sharp beam of EM energy for a very short duration. Enough for a high speed aircraft to slip through.

Spoofing will create ghosts in an entirely different sector, taking away your prime assets.

Hacking/subversion will cause malfunction in the very software. I am including kill switches in this category.

Finally, no radar coverage can be comprehensive. Clusters of radars will cause localized cancellation effects creating a gap. ELINT assets are used to find out such gaps.

And creative minds can think of even more ways. Given the above, it is imperative for PAF to:

1. Acquire indigenous capability to create both the hardware and software for radars.

2. Adopt multiple modes of surveillance including thermal, acoustic, visual, space based, and HUMINT.

3. Utilize the power of MIMO processing to get a real-time 3D picture that is robust in the face of enemy subversion.

Once this coverage is up to scratch, then there is a whole world of FCRs, tracking radars, and SAMs.

And then comes the part of creating a comprehensive strategy to combine the various elements.

Hoe can you say with authority what technology is used by Indian Flankers?
Or do joint ventures..with the likes of Turkey ..back door into European devices
Or do joint ventures..with the likes of Turkey ..back door into European devices

In an ideal world, I would see completely indigenous development. The result of JV MUST NOT be Pakistan paying money and someone else doing development, or Pakistan making local copies.
You are failing to consider the entire gamut of threats faced by early warning radars. Jamming, spoofing, hacking, evasion are all possible ways to thwart radars.

Selective jamming will target a sharp beam of EM energy for a very short duration. Enough for a high speed aircraft to slip through.

Spoofing will create ghosts in an entirely different sector, taking away your prime assets.

Hacking/subversion will cause malfunction in the very software. I am including kill switches in this category.

Finally, no radar coverage can be comprehensive. Clusters of radars will cause localized cancellation effects creating a gap. ELINT assets are used to find out such gaps.

And creative minds can think of even more ways. Given the above, it is imperative for PAF to:

1. Acquire indigenous capability to create both the hardware and software for radars.

2. Adopt multiple modes of surveillance including thermal, acoustic, visual, space based, and HUMINT.

3. Utilize the power of MIMO processing to get a real-time 3D picture that is robust in the face of enemy subversion.

Once this coverage is up to scratch, then there is a whole world of FCRs, tracking radars, and SAMs.

And then comes the part of creating a comprehensive strategy to combine the various elements.

Hoe can you say with authority what technology is used by Indian Flankers?
not with authority just generally published stuff.
AND to every measure there is (or can be) an equal and opposite countermeasure just like newton's third law of motion there can be exception to this but exceptions proves the rule i am posting via mobile so i can't write large articles. hoshyar kay liya ishara
kafee hota hay.
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