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JF17 AESA radar

the jf-17 is target practice for the IAF even if you improve it with the best radar its still short legged, the design rotates around the RD-93 turbofan, if you're replacing the engine, it would require major changes in the design. It will take many years before anything decent comes PAFs way and by then the IAF will be locked an loaded with squadrons of rafales and 5th generation stealth fighters, how on earth can the PAF compete against that?
Took you guys 10 years to sign a deal for already commisined Rafale will take another 2 decade before you get them fully integrated. Then you come around and say locked and loaded before that sentence will finish SAMs will be on their way to say hello to mighty Rafales which happened to be locked and loaded. Think about it and drink some cold water.
There are some major developments in the block 3 version. I think you will be happy to hear that it gets closer and closer to our block52's. But do remember that it is still lighter and cheaper plane. It is not running in the same league as F16, just like f16 is not in the league of F15 and f15 is not in the league of F22. But HMS is one of the items that is going to rock block 3...
There are some major developments in the block 3 version. I think you will be happy to hear that it gets closer and closer to our block52's. But do remember that it is still lighter and cheaper plane. It is not running in the same league as F16, just like f16 is not in the league of F15 and f15 is not in the league of F22. But HMS is one of the items that is going to rock block 3...
Oh! I may have missed the commissioning news. Can you share please.
It will be on Indian sources soon stay tuned

Well actually it is not LOCKED AND LOADED as you say!
PAF currently have 49 aircraft in service and these we have two squadron up and running. The third squadron is being set up and will have a mix of Blk 1 and Blk 2 aircraft. The first two Blk-2 planes are in production.
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the jf-17 is target practice for the IAF even if you improve it with the best radar its still short legged, the design rotates around the RD-93 turbofan, if you're replacing the engine, it would require major changes in the design. It will take many years before anything decent comes PAFs way and by then the IAF will be locked an loaded with squadrons of rafales and 5th generation stealth fighters, how on earth can the PAF compete against that?

we don't and we can. Happy now?
man your post is so so funny!! Do you come up with this stuff all by your self or do they really teach you this there??

Kindly refrain from posting such stupid and baseless things that will lead to troll war. I am just replying you to try for once to guide you in this, there wont be any further reply from my side if you cannot start posting something sensible!
It is being developed right now but might be block 4 or later. Block52 has no aesa either. And one needs to test lots of software lines... We are not pumping very expensive items on a affordable plane...

Let the Indians post what they want. If you hear what their upgrades cost... If you thought Mirage upgrade was a big bang... You could buy a Rafale for the price of one MKI upgrade. Who are the idiots...?
we don't and we can. Happy now?
man your post is so so funny!! Do you come up with this stuff all by your self or do they really teach you this there??

Kindly refrain from posting such stupid and baseless things that will lead to troll war. I am just replying you to try for once to guide you in this, there wont be any further reply from my side if you cannot start posting something sensible!
you're post is a failure much like you. To admit one side has an advantage and in the foreseeable future its hard to see our own side compete against them is the truth, most people in the army and airforce have told me the same thing. people like you who are failures can never full accept the truth because the truth hurts. The IAF has close to 200 SU-30MKIs and about 60 M2000 which they are upgrading to 2005 standard they have over 100 Mig-29s including the ones with the navy. The only way the situation can improve is if the economy sky rockets overs the next 10 years and our economic forecast doesn't look good at all.
It is being developed right now but might be block 4 or later. Block52 has no aesa either. And one needs to test lots of software lines... We are not pumping very expensive items on a affordable plane...

Let the Indians post what they want. If you hear what their upgrades cost... If you thought Mirage upgrade was a big bang... You could buy a Rafale for the price of one MKI upgrade. Who are the idiots...?

more like..Who are the rich ones...?

you did say let the indians post what they like.

you're post is a failure much like you. To admit one side has an advantage and in the foreseeable future its hard to see our own side compete against them is the truth, most people in the army and airforce have told me the same thing. people like you who are failures can never full accept the truth because the truth hurts. The IAF has close to 200 SU-30MKIs and about 60 M2000 which they are upgrading to 2005 standard they have over 100 Mig-29s including the ones with the navy. The only way the situation can improve is if the economy sky rockets overs the next 10 years and our economic forecast doesn't look good at all.

I dont disagree with you too much.. but what is your point. What do you suggest we all do?
I dont disagree with you too much.. but what is your point. What do you suggest we all do?
the point i'm trying to make is that we shouldn't expect our armed forces to be able to compete with the indians and hope that the JF-17 will be the answer to the technological disadvantage the PAF has faced for the last 20 years. It may improve the aviation industry in our country and introduce new technologies to the air force but we will still continue to lag behind in a major way technologically vs IAF, they would have already inducted the rafales and there current SU-30s would be more superior and more proven then the JF-17,
Another problem allot of people on this forum have is they are so pro F-16. The F-16 is being used as a measuring scale for the JF-17, the JF-17 in all honesty isn't as good as the F-16 this isn't such a bad thing, but lets look at things in context, The f-16 is a 1970s design most modern airforces will be retiring the F-16s the F-16s do not represent the future of modern warfare.
the current situation the PAF is facing is not good at all in terms of modern future combat aircraft. we shouldn't pretend that aircraft like the JF-17 or second hand F-16s are the solution to the problem, and i believe that china isn't the answer, the PAF would rather go with european or american technology rather then chinese technology. I'm not saying the PAF should give up acquiring aircraft i think we should look at trying to fix the economy and improve the socio-political situation in pakistan, PAF needs to look at potent 4-5 generation western aircraft rather then yesterdays news.
To admit one side has an advantage and in the foreseeable future its hard to see our own side compete against them is the truth, most people in the army and airforce have told me the same thing. people like you who are failures can never full accept the truth because the truth hurts. The IAF has close to 200 SU-30MKIs and about 60 M2000 which they are upgrading to 2005 standard they have over 100 Mig-29s including the ones with the navy. The only way the situation can improve is if the economy sky rockets overs the next 10 years and our economi
I don't think your chanting in this post is worth a reply, not point by point at least but let me just put it forward for you, if YOU think that it is people like you who think they are the champions and every one else is a Fail (the word you used three times for me) will take this country forward, then i wish you good luck with that. It is the typical slave thinking that have incorporated in many of our people mind that makes you say such baseless stupid things and this part of our nation is the weight that drags us back every time.

the point i'm trying to make is that we shouldn't expect our armed forces to be able to compete with the indians and hope that the JF-17 will be the answer to the technological disadvantage the PAF has faced for the last 20 years. It may improve the aviation industry in our country and introduce new technologies to the air force but we will still continue to lag behind in a major way technologically vs IAF, they would have already inducted the rafales and there current SU-30s would be more superior and more proven then the JF-17,
Another problem allot of people on this forum have is they are so pro F-16. The F-16 is being used as a measuring scale for the JF-17, the JF-17 in all honesty isn't as good as the F-16 this isn't such a bad thing, but lets look at things in context, The f-16 is a 1970s design most modern airforces will be retiring the F-16s the F-16s do not represent the future of modern warfare.
the current situation the PAF is facing is not good at all in terms of modern future combat aircraft. we shouldn't pretend that aircraft like the JF-17 or second hand F-16s are the solution to the problem, and i believe that china isn't the answer, the PAF would rather go with european or american technology rather then chinese technology. I'm not saying the PAF should give up acquiring aircraft i think we should look at trying to fix the economy and improve the socio-political situation in pakistan, PAF needs to look at potent 4-5 generation western aircraft rather then yesterdays news.

Now this was better!

No one is saying that PAF with current arsenal can match up with IAF. If you study it you will find what is the primary role of our air force, look at our assets then and you will see if they will be able to fulfill that duty?
Personally i think it still be one hell of a job but just jumping is and saying that Jf17 will be a target practice and a paper plane is NOT TRUE! Battles of today are not fought like this, not on A vs B basis. Lots and lots of things will come into play and those sitting at the helm of affairs are not sleeping or childish like some people here. Even with the limited resources and as you pointed out no immediately improvements visible, they are fighting hard and are keeping in way or an other to just keep that minimum force required to give a chance to achieve there targets. Again, the PAF doctrine, our policies, tactics and role give you a better idea of what is asked from PAF to deliver!
China has never refused Pakistan access to any of its military technology. Not even Nuclear!
Right, just like they sold DF-21s to KSA but refused to "share" them with us. The nuclear weapon design they shared was primitive and outdated.
Right, just like they sold DF-21s to KSA but refused to "share" them with us. The nuclear weapon design they shared was primitive and outdated.

Perhaps you need to revisit history on Nuclear support by China, now that much has been revealed. You also need to take into account the ban on transfer of missiles with range in excess of 300km's as well as history of development of our missiles.......or perhaps you are led to believe that we developed our missiles sans Chines help.
Perhaps you need to revisit history on Nuclear support by China, now that much has been revealed. You also need to take into account the ban on transfer of missiles with range in excess of 300km's as well as history of development of our missiles.......or perhaps you are led to believe that we developed our missiles sans Chines help.
History; exactly. It is all history now.
The Chinese have now refused to extend major help with the nuclear/missile program. The tot of M-11s was the last thing they did open-heartedly. We did have help with the rest of the missile program, but not on the scale you imply.
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