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JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

Do you mind if I inquire about your source for this pic? And is it possible to get a higher quality one?

From the looks of it, there seem to be no major external modifications. The hinges, as already noted on the thread, seem less visible, the pitot tube is gone, which means they have now gained enough confidence on the stability of the aerodynamic characteristics, and the new FBW control system. The announcement shared by Fatman notes what I have been saying since the first prototype:

The aircraft also features a more swept vertical tail in order to reduce drag and to maintain the center of gravity.

Combine this with:

More composite materials have been used in order to reduce the weight and to strengthen the structure.

and it becomes highly probable that max speed has also increased. I hope they start the weapons testing soon, and we get to see some videos of B version causing some mayhem!
I hope by the end of this year or the start of the next... IAF will get first batch of Rafale next year.

I personally find it unlikely they will run two prototype programs (Version B and Block 3) in parallel. I think it will have to wait until B version is production ready. But I will be very happy if I am wrong.
Is 03 basd upon any improvements of previous prototypes????
is testing still undrway fo final a model for serial production?
or this configuration is final and prototypes are under Routine testing before being handed over to PAF?
What is status of 01 and 02?
still undr trials or scraped?
I personally find it unlikely they will run two prototype programs (Version B and Block 3) in parallel. I think it will have to wait until B version is production ready. But I will be very happy if I am wrong.
I feel we are getting too late especially IAF gets Rafale we should also have an AESA-equipped A/C. Also nothing is clear about Project Azm.
JF-17B will, in all likelihood, end up being an 'electronic warfare' aircraft like the Prowler.
I feel we are getting too late especially IAF gets Rafale we should also have an AESA-equipped A/C. Also nothing is clear about Project Azm.
We rdmain on time given our meagre resources and the need for thorough testing. Even if IAF receives its Rafales fhey will need a good 12-18 months before they can have enough confidence to try out the platform to the best of its ability. Secondly the platofrm would not be available in numbers before 2022/23 so we do have time. JFT 3 would essentially be the same platform with minor upgrades so induction would be much smoother and quicker. So we may have some breathing space till that time to build up numbers. However the response to Rafale would be a neqer platform. Which one remains to be seen.
I feel we are getting too late especially IAF gets Rafale we should also have an AESA-equipped A/C. Also nothing is clear about Project Azm.

Agreed. Unfortunately, there is a disparity between what we need and what is available at the moment. Development of a new variant takes the time it takes. I don't see a way around it. That said, it should take IAF a few years to fully induct the new fighter in terms of maintenance, operationalization, integration, tactics, and finally training. I am personally hoping that the new AESA radar will be ready before Block 3, so we can start developing tactics and training. That should give us some lead time.
JF-17B will, in all likelihood, end up being an 'electronic warfare' aircraft like the Prowler.

We don't need Prowler it outdated in current threat scenario, we need Growler.
We don't need Prowler it outdated in current threat scenario, we need Growler.

Growler, Prowler ... same shi.t different names. Who cares as long as it is done. JF-17B is destined to become a Growler type aircraft.
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Growler, Prowler ... same shi.t different names. Who cares as long as it is done. JF-17B is destined to become a Growler type aircraft.

Nope its not same, there is a big reason Growler is replacing Prowler.
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