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No he's not having a check ride.....as for a check ride he will need to fly from the front seat which he can't as he has not maintained his PIC (Pilot In Command) status for a long time.
The official term is "Check ride" to evaluate a performance of an aircraft. He was pretty impressed by the roll rate of the aircraft
Ugly looking? I see it flying every other day and I bet you would like it more than the single seater when it flies
It's just a very sleek design. In this pic ACM Sohail Aman is having a check ride in JF-17B while being escorted by another JF-17A

When is the second one Due for delivery to paf/pac ?

Noticed how the rear seating is higher than the front one for better visibility. So this is actually an improvement compared to the F-16B and other US designs like F-14 & F-18B. Russians have been following the similar approach for their twin seaters as well.

AVIC Brochure looks to be pitching it as a LIFT aircraft, if so then the JF-17B is actually one of the most if not the most high performance LIFT options out there. It will give tough competition to YAK-130 and T/A-50.

There a diff between lead in fighter and fighter dual seater

T38 is usaf lift and f16b and d model are f16 dual seaters

Similarity jf b model vs current f-7 shooters sqn is lift

Paf plan to use k-8 to jf straight with sim plus dual seaters

Normal take of weight of jf b model is 9400 kg compared to 9100 kg for A model

Mirage 3 / 5 was the most beautiful girl in the arena when it came out---if you have any doubts---just look at the list of operators who owned this aircraft---.
Same case as the F-16 later on...
No he's not having a check ride.....as for a check ride he will need to fly from the front seat which he can't as he has not maintained his PIC (Pilot In Command) status for a long time.
Hi is it possible for the rear seat to take control of the plane from PIC in case of some mishap
Thank you
Hi is it possible for the rear seat to take control of the plane from PIC in case of some mishap
Thank you
Yes but if you're capable of it then yes it is possible. It has happened numerous times....

But the former air chief was not qualified to fly anything....he was qualified to ride in jets more recently....
Ok you have your opinion, i have mine, no hard feeling bro, performance matters first look/beauty comes to least consideration @Manidabest @Manidabest :angel:
my brother i dont say that looks should be good and performance second but i say that both should go hand in hand but i agree that looks should come after the performance is being improved

Indeed---the F16 took the word beauty to a new level---a true american beauty---.
I'm a big fan of F16 when I was young.

my brother i dont say that looks should be good and performance second but i say that both should go hand in hand but i agree that looks should come after the performance is being improved
It's little bit bulky, but you have sacrifice some beauty for more fuel.
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