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Alan Warnes


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There is s total requirement for 26 JF-17Bs in the PAF.
5:55 pm · 14 Jan 2020·

I highly doubt that PAF will need some Two squadrons of Dual seat Thunder Bravos just for training.

Each sqn will also get 1 or 2 dual seaters and ocu may get 4-6

Expecting two ocu going foreword as the number of sqn goes up and No 26 along with another jf sqn Becomes am ocu perhaps at same base ???
There is s total requirement for 26 JF-17Bs in the PAF.
5:55 pm · 14 Jan 2020·

I highly doubt that PAF will need some Two squadrons of Dual seat Thunder Bravos just for training.

I agree with @khanasifm. It is IMO very much unlikely that any dedicated twin-seater Sqn will be formed. I expect - similar to the common procedure (see F-16A + a few F-16B or the ratio of single seater to trainers in PLAAF brigades) that each regular Sqn will receive a few and the dedicated OCU some more.
I agree with @khanasifm. It is IMO very much unlikely that any dedicated twin-seater Sqn will be formed. I expect - similar to the common procedure (see F-16A + a few F-16B or the ratio of single seater to trainers in PLAAF brigades) that each regular Sqn will receive a few and the dedicated OCU some more.
It’s plain stupid to even think of a dedicated twin seater squadron when most of our fleet is single seater unlike India having MKIs in huge
One thing that bothers me is why are changes in Block 3 not incorporated into the Bs as well since they are being built more or less the same time frame. Perhaps there are technical bits that I am missing here. One step which could have been done was the shifting of the IR MAWS as in Block 3.
Valid point. Next in-line 08 JF-17Bs should have AESA radar, wide-angle holographic HUD, upgraded EW suite & S740 MAWS & HMDS.
It’s plain stupid to even think of a dedicated twin seater squadron when most of our fleet is single seater unlike India having MKIs in huge
What is the benefits of dual seater,its only useful on CAS/strike missions somehow
Alan Warnes


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There is s total requirement for 26 JF-17Bs in the PAF.
5:55 pm · 14 Jan 2020·

I highly doubt that PAF will need some Two squadrons of Dual seat Thunder Bravos just for training.

Modern multirole fighters with 2 seats have more roles then just for training. JFB is also going to be used for SEAD and EW role and additional pilot will be a great benefit.
One of the reason why PAF prefers single seat is because of cost reduction as additional pilot in cockpit will cost more.
GIDS REK aka Takbir has been around for years now and its usage with JF-17s is public knowledge.

The footage of the March 2019 test was blurred by PAF but the blast and crater resembled that of a Raptor-III like weapon with penetration warhead. And the 'extended range smart weapon' appeared to have wings, tail and an engine.
Blurring indicates its not a simple SOW..has to be a extended missles with propulsion ..
That makes no sense. There needs to be a standard and Blk 3 is it going forward. May be others can suggest input.

Over the next five years, let's first get the 50 ordered Block-3s. After that PAC can concentrate on upgrading all Block-1s and Block-2s to the Block-3 standard where possible.
Current requirement/order confirmed is 188 including B model but it is projected to got Upto 250-300 which means B model number will also go beyond current number. If replacing one for one than there are ~ 20 fighter sqn with average 20 aircraft so 400 total fighters , this also includes number 1 fcu plus 4 f-16 sqn counting smaller ccs flight /sqn not as a separate sqn

That leaves about 15 sqn of 20 aircraft or 15x 20 ~300 aircraft or jf-17

time will tell as another decade may be more needed to replace remaining 100-150
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