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JF-17B Updates, News & Discussion

To the point always.

You can be disappointed.
I wanted it, but didn't put enough to expect it.

We've seen different canopy designs before too - e.g. MiG-29M/M2. The MiG-29M2 (dual seat) has a higher visibility cockpit, but the MiG-29M's canopy (single seat) hasn't changed from older MiG-29 variants.

That said, if a customer is really bent on wanting a higher visibility cockpit on the JF-17, they can look to Russia's method of modifying dual-seat M2/Ks into single-seat jets.

My dear Araz, there has been lately more than my share of personal abuse, old man go home, or what would you know sort of statements. That tire me, and make me lose interest.

What's the expression in Pakistan, " Old man and tantrum throwing child acts the same ". Tone down your condescending tone, You will earn the respect of others. Respect is earned, not given.
My dear Araz, there has been lately more than my share of personal abuse, old man go home, or what would you know sort of statements. That tire me, and make me lose interest.
As with many old men or tired minds- its the need to explain yourself to people questioning you without knowing who you are(and are not)
Such is the peril of anonymity and online forums. Where every tom dick and harry can pretend or behave like the next einstien questioning his professors on space and time whilst barely having an understanding of basic physics.

But then, that is the patience of this platform and one either puts up with it or does not.

It's not whether people should or should not question but rather whether that question, that objection is backed up with facts and knowledge.

That is the degradation we have had on PDF for a while... and why I took leave.

P.s not back, just deleting out some old posts which with some thousands of them takes time using google search
As with many old men or tired minds- its the need to explain yourself to people questioning you without knowing who you are(and are not)
Such is the peril of anonymity and online forums. Where every tom dick and harry can pretend or behave like the next einstien questioning his professors on space and time whilst barely having an understanding of basic physics.

But then, that is the patience of this platform and one either puts up with it or does not.

It's not whether people should or should not question but rather whether that question, that objection is backed up with facts and knowledge.

That is the degradation we have had on PDF for a while... and why I took leave.

P.s not back, just deleting out some old posts which with some thousands of them takes time using google search

Sir, this Einstein has a very fundamental question regarding space time.

What's your real age? As in, real, real.

:D :D :D :D

FC-1 was always planned to have FullAu-FbW/FbL/FbO. Hybrid was maintained as a backup in initial batches only.
The fault tolerant FbW are triples dissimilar ASICs, these command actuator control ICs - ACE units through DATAC data buses. ICs do all computation for actuating surfaces on FC-1 for pitch-yaw and roll under complete authority. It is a major statement. That is why it has comparable performance to USF16.


I am confused. Per latest article in Quwa by @Bilal Khan (Quwa)


Nor does it alter the fact that initial builds of the JF-17’s flight control system were built using a hybrid system reliant on mechanical controls for bank and yaw (with the pitch managed electronically).

The swept-back vertical stabilizer of the JF-17B is housing components for a new three-axis fly-by-wire system.[8] If this is replacing the hybrid flight control system of the Block-I/II, then it may mean a reduction in weight as well as added net internal space. Interestingly, a CAC representative (Zhu Zeng) was quoted saying in 2013 that while the JF-17 Block-I was using a hybrid flight control system, CAC did have a fully digital flight control system it could develop in two years.[9] This may have been put into the JF-17B.

So, according to Quwa, it seems Block 1/2 do not have 3 axis FBW, whereas @messiach seems to suggest it does and only the first few initial batches didn't have it.

Can you two experts please explain what is the correct position in this regard? Thank you!
Sir, this Einstein has a very fundamental question regarding space time.

What's your real age? As in, real, real.

:D :D :D :D


I am confused. Per latest article in Quwa by @Bilal Khan (Quwa)


So, according to Quwa, it seems Block 1/2 do not have 3 axis FBW, whereas @messiach seems to suggest it does and only the first few initial batches didn't have it.

Can you two experts please explain what is the correct position in this regard? Thank you!
Unless I can authenticate with open source information, I will only write based on what is available for everyone else to review. It could be wrong. It could be right. Either way, it's verifiable via open channels, and that's what matters for news. I don't want to get caught up in 'he said/she said' information, but every one is entitled to stick with what they believe is correct, Quwa or otherwise.
Since when does a stalwart give up? It is not in your nature and makeup to give up. I have seen some of the interactions that went on. Should I be fair and say you were a bit harsh? Sir jee The internet is a strange beast. Here everyone is behind a curtain and free to say what they like. Just be a bit more diplomatic and you will be fine. Enjoy your stay and keep contributing. Your contributions are greatly valued .


What's the expression in Pakistan, " Old man and tantrum throwing child acts the same ". Tone down your condescending tone, You will earn the respect of others. Respect is earned, not given.

Indeed, an old man and a child is the same. Thank you for your valuable advice.


Are Lions irked by the yappings of the Hyenas?


Has any of you guys noticed the size of the JF17 B's canopy---it is massive---now notice the difference in space between the canopies of the JF17 and the JF17 B---.

The single seater has a proportionately smalley canopy---.

Hyenas are only worth one paw swing, but if people are so irked by my condescending tone and harsh words, what will happen if i take off the gloves? better keeping my opinion to myself. Bravo Zulu to you for having patience of a boulder and putting up with the sundry here.

Indeed, an old man and a child is the same. Thank you for your valuable advice.

Hyenas are only worth one paw swing, but if people are so irked by my condescending tone and harsh words, what will happen if i take off the gloves? better keeping my opinion to myself. Bravo Zulu to you for having patience of a boulder and putting up with the sundry here.

Highly Respectable Sir, I don't like what my elder brother has to say, but usually he has a point. And after the death of my father, I cherish him even more.

Those who are sensible, will realize, "baroon ki daant main bhi piyar hota hai".
Air Platforms
Twin-seat JF-17B/FC-1B fighter makes first flight
Richard D Fisher Jr, Washington DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
28 April 2017


The twin-seat FC-1B/JF-17B fighter recently conducted its maiden flight, according to images posted on Chinese online forums on 27 April. Source: Via FYJS web page

The twin-seat Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17B Thunder/FC-1B Xiaolong combat aircraft has made its maiden flight, according to images posted on Chinese online forums on 27 April.

The new variant of the JF-17/FC-1 fighter is believed to have completed its first flight from the CAC's airfield in Chengdu, where just a few days before it had been photographed conducting taxiing tests since at least 24 April.

The recently posted images confirm that the fighter has a larger swept-back vertical stabiliser as seen in a model of the aircraft shown at Airshow China in November 2016. They also confirm that the variant has a deeper dorsal spine, which adds fuel capacity to compensate for the additional weight.

Specifications provided by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) state the 'FC-1 Tandem Seat Trainer' has a larger wing span (9.465 m) than that of the single-seat variant (8.5 m) as well as a slightly modified nose section.

An AVIC official told Jane's at the 2017 IDEX show in Abu Dhabi that a new fly-by-wire system has helped reduce the weight of the new variant.

According to Jane's All the World's Aircraft: Development & Production , a Chinese display card emerged a few years ago quoting dimensions of the new variant that differed slightly from those of the single-seater, including height (4.6 m instead of 4.7 for the single seater) and length (14.5 m instead of 14.2 m).

A model of a tandem-seat FC-1 was first exhibited at the Paris Air Show in June 2013 by the China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC).

Chinese reports indicate the first prototype of the twin-seater was completed by late 2016.



Indeed, an old man and a child is the same. Thank you for your valuable advice.

Hyenas are only worth one paw swing, but if people are so irked by my condescending tone and harsh words, what will happen if i take off the gloves? better keeping my opinion to myself. Bravo Zulu to you for having patience of a boulder and putting up with the sundry here.
Ones opinions are one's own intellectually. That has never been debated. What is being talked about is the presentation. It merits an improvement which is certainly achievable. If I know who you are and I think I may know(as Allah alone is the knower of all things) your resume and comments on it refers to your no nonsense approach. Your technical prowess and approach have been said to be commendable. However not everyone has clues to a puzzle and to them you are just another internet warrior. You do need to keep your appraoch objective but your hand and tone factual and perhaps a bit diplomatic. It would make everyone's task easier. Here no one knows what shit gets dealt with at the level of the job that you did and how problems were or weren't resolved. Here everyone raises their flags and sings the lullaby to ease their egos(national and others). However within those boundaries things can still be said. This is sensible advice from one white haired man to another. The rest is upto you. You obviously have a lot to teach us all. Dont deprive us of that opportunity and pass your experience on.
Note: Iam totally reliant on info available on the net. I have no military background but have latched onto glimpses of what you said to reach a conclusion. As such my impressions are mine alone. I may be totally wrong as I have relied on what you have said so this needs to be clear.

As with many old men or tired minds- its the need to explain yourself to people questioning you without knowing who you are(and are not)
Such is the peril of anonymity and online forums. Where every tom dick and harry can pretend or behave like the next einstien questioning his professors on space and time whilst barely having an understanding of basic physics.

But then, that is the patience of this platform and one either puts up with it or does not.

It's not whether people should or should not question but rather whether that question, that objection is backed up with facts and knowledge.

That is the degradation we have had on PDF for a while... and why I took leave.

P.s not back, just deleting out some old posts which with some thousands of them takes time using google search
Dont lose heart you not so old man. I understand the perils of anonymity. However you and all else like you need to understand that you have A DUTY to your people to teach and train and change their mindset. You have done a stirling job so far. Why give up. So the padestal did not suit you. Come down and be amongst the commoners like me but dont give up on your duty. Like it or not this is what is your calling. You are respected and wanted. Be amongst your friends and satisfy their needs and ignore the ones that dont feel the need.
I dont know whether you know this or not. But to prove my point let me tell you a little tail.Abu Jahal and ?(I need to confirm this second name as my memory is failing me)Utbah ibn Rabi were both confirmed haters of the Prophet of Allah SAW. Yet they were both mesmerised by the recitation of the Holy Quran that the Prophet SAW used to do in the night prayers. One night one came across the other listenning to the Quran and asked "why are you here?" They both made excuses of wanting to know what He SAW was saying but were not wavering in their opposition. They promised to not come there again and yet for three consecutive nights they were both there and came across each other while promising the other party not to come back. The point is whether they denied it or not and they both died as non believers they could not help listening. For people of knowledge the task is to put their knowledge and try and teach . For the listeners it is their responsibility to learn from it or debunk it or plainly and simply choose to live in their ignorance. The degradation of this board is entirely because of people like you and a few others who knew things and could articulate well losing hope, having arguments and leaving. What did their exit gain other than depriving others of the knowledge that they had. It was them that lost out. Not the ignorance but their effort in obliterating it.
One can never be totally rid of ignorance but a fight against it is a must. To not fight is to accept defeat and to take your knowledge in your chest to your grave is an even worst fate.
I think you know where I am coming from and what sentiments I have in saying what I have said. Iam sure you will give me enough credence to read what I have said and have a thought. The rest is upto you.
Kindest regards

Any details about the new FBW system?
See madam @messiach post on the matter . It is revealing in how well and far things have progressed in FBW technology.
Ones opinions are one's own intellectually. That has never been debated. What is being talked about is the presentation. It merits an improvement which is certainly achievable. If I know who you are and I think I may know(as Allah alone is the knower of all things) your resume and comments on it refers to your no nonsense approach. Your technical prowess and approach have been said to be commendable. However not everyone has clues to a puzzle and to them you are just another internet warrior. You do need to keep your appraoch objective but your hand and tone factual and perhaps a bit diplomatic. It would make everyone's task easier. Here no one knows what shit gets dealt with at the level of the job that you did and how problems were or weren't resolved. Here everyone raises their flags and sings the lullaby to ease their egos(national and others). However within those boundaries things can still be said. This is sensible advice from one white haired man to another. The rest is upto you. You obviously have a lot to teach us all. Dont deprive us of that opportunity and pass your experience on.
Note: Iam totally reliant on info available on the net. I have no military background but have latched onto glimpses of what you said to reach a conclusion. As such my impressions are mine alone. I may be totally wrong as I have relied on what you have said so this needs to be clear.

Dont lose heart you not so old man. I understand the perils of anonymity. However you and all else like you need to understand that you have A DUTY to your people to teach and train and change their mindset. You have done a stirling job so far. Why give up. So the padestal did not suit you. Come down and be amongst the commoners like me but dont give up on your duty. Like it or not this is what is your calling. You are respected and wanted. Be amongst your friends and satisfy their needs and ignore the ones that dont feel the need.
I dont know whether you know this or not. But to prove my point let me tell you a little tail.Abu Jahal and ?(I need to confirm this second name as my memory is failing me)Utbah ibn Rabi were both confirmed haters of the Prophet of Allah SAW. Yet they were both mesmerised by the recitation of the Holy Quran that the Prophet SAW used to do in the night prayers. One night one came across the other listenning to the Quran and asked "why are you here?" They both made excuses of wanting to know what He SAW was saying but were not wavering in their opposition. They promised to not come there again and yet for three consecutive nights they were both there and came across each other while promising the other party not to come back. The point is whether they denied it or not and they both died as non believers they could not help listening. For people of knowledge the task is to put their knowledge and try and teach . For the listeners it is their responsibility to learn from it or debunk it or plainly and simply choose to live in their ignorance. The degradation of this board is entirely because of people like you and a few others who knew things and could articulate well losing hope, having arguments and leaving. What did their exit gain other than depriving others of the knowledge that they had. It was them that lost out. Not the ignorance but their effort in obliterating it.
One can never be totally rid of ignorance but a fight against it is a must. To not fight is to accept defeat and to take your knowledge in your chest to your grave is an even worst fate.
I think you know where I am coming from and what sentiments I have in saying what I have said. Iam sure you will give me enough credence to read what I have said and have a thought. The rest is upto you.
Kindest regards

See madam @messiach post on the matter . It is revealing in how well and far things have progressed in FBW technology.

Sir, I slightly disagree. Both @Bilal Khan 777 and @Oscar should have the permanent powers to kick people off, ban them, and remove posts. You can't ask our seniors to play subservient to any internet hooligans who cross their path. This is disrespect of the highest order. Also, because they are seniors, they shouldn't be burdened with general moderation duties either. They can be the spearheads in spreading correct information, and coming down hard on disinformation and misinformation. Only then can we increase the quality of the content here. They can write monthly articles providing deep insight on topics of their own choosing. They can start a book reading club. So many things are possible, but they need the powers to keep idiots in check.

Does that matter or content of the posts?

Sir, when Einstein started thinking about space time, he didn't know he would come up with theory of relativity. He was just interested in space time.

This Einstein is really interested to learn about the space-time of the great mind behind internet handle @Oscar. That's all. Hope you don't mind.
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