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JF-17 with UAV kill markings

Kill marking of Iranian UAV shot down by #12-138 on the night of 18-06-2017.

View attachment 564097 View attachment 564098

Which weapon was used for this kill?

It cannot be a heat seeking missile>
There were more drone attacks under Musharraf and zardari rule because in those days FATA was completely under terrorists control
and was cleared in 2009 in operation rah e rast and rah e nijat
one retired retired general in Arshad Sharif's program was saying that we used to request Americans to do drone strikes
as they were most effective tool to take out terrorist leadership without much collateral damage
all of top ttp commanders were killed in drone attacks who were responsible for deaths of thousands of Pakistanis

There was coordination for most drone strikes --- that is correct.

It is also correct that many drone strikes (as can be seen by statements and chatter by TTP recruiters) killed innocents and destroyed families, making it much easier for TTP to recruit thousands of youth. The impact that HVT kills have on a decentralized terrorist network is a heavily debated topic in CT/COIN circles. The US also used drones to kill TTP commanders that were about to surrender or turn to our side. The message was: we control this war; you're just there to help us when we want.

That green paint job is of a really poor quality---. That kind of work should be un-acceptable---.
Eat figs....period

Epoxy is a polyurethane paint formed by the reaction of a hardener and a resin. Epoxies are known for good adhesion to surfaces, high heat and chemical resistance and very good electrical insulation, all of which make it better than other paints, such as lacquer, for use with aircraft.

That green paint job is of a really poor quality---. That kind of work should be un-acceptable---.
if you notice closely the green paint is reflecting the sunlight while the drone logo is not ... for me it is a photoshoped image and that's it
Marking are almost always flags.
That is not true. Plenty of markings are pictures of bombs and missiles as well. In fact in USAF apparently the Air-to-Air kill markings are now shown as Green Stars and not flags or silhoulettes.
"Aerial Victory Marking. Fighter aircraft awarded a verified aerial victory are authorized to display a 6-inch green star with a 1/2 inch black border located just below and centered on the pilot's name block. The type of aircraft shot down shall be stenciled inside the star in 1/2 inch white lettering. For aircraft with multiple aerial victories, a star is authorized for each aircraft shot down. No other victory markings are authorized."

if you notice closely the green paint is reflecting the sunlight while the drone logo is not ... for me it is a photoshoped image and that's it
That is what I originally thought as well. However, it just depends on what the marking is made up of. Not all paint and surfaces reflect light the same way.


Here you will notice the red F-16 silhouette is not reflecting the sunlight that rest of the aircraft around it is.
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That is not true. Plenty of markings are pictures of bombs and missiles as well.

That is what I originally thought as well. However, it just depends on what the marking is made up of. Not all paint and surfaces reflect light the same way.


Here you will notice the red F-16 silhouette is not reflecting the sunlight that rest of the aircraft around it is.
can you show similar for Pakistani jets. Also this is depicting a Turkish flag.
can you show similar for Pakistani jets. Also this is depicting a Turkish flag.
What do you mean similar? Its an example of a marking that is not reflecting light, similar to the one posted on the JF-17.
What do you mean similar? Its an example of a marking that is not reflecting light, similar to the one posted on the JF-17.
I don't care about the reflection Mr. RTX. Pakistani jets have carried flag marking for its kills. I don't see why they have to add drones or jets. Why are we debating this when it has already been said that this is a PS from the same guy who added the MKI logo
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