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Jf-17 Vs. Fc-20 In Dogfight

Depends on Pilot. If JF-17 is PAF's and F-16 is USAF then JF-17 will win.
If both are PAF pilots then it will be a draw.

How many flying hours do Pakistani Pilots gets in a year and how many flying hours USAF pilots gets . Search this . Might help you in the long run .
On what basis are you arriving at such a conclusion?

Do you have the exact details of both the planes?
Have you seen them in combat?
Have you met their pilots? Designers, perhaps?

Actually, let me rephrase my question(s) and spare the agony that other members have to go through.......is your source of information by any chance India TV /Bharat Rakshak?

All the discussions which are happening here are hypothetical since no one knows as you quoted
have exact details of both the planes or seen them in combat or met their Designers.

However, based on their design, avionics and cost, it is no brainer that J-10 is better fighter than JF-17.

Again, all are speculations what I say or what you say.
Annihilates 10 fighters in March 1998, 2004, finalize the design service. J - 10 just open at the end of 2006, official media have described it as 3.5 generation, and renamed after three generations. The reason is that although the J - 10 with advanced design concept, but the engine thrust is not enough, avionics and weapon performance is not advanced, and like the J - 11 b, at present is mainly used for air superiority, the ability is not strong. In the subsequent improvement modification, J - 10 already can mount laser-guided munitions, strengthened the ability to attack, as a function of the multifunctional fighter.
Said this before and will say it again...

In a fight, you win not by fighting under your opponent's rules, but by forcing him to fight under yours. And cheating is allowed.

This is why the US invested so much into programs like Top Gun or Red Flag and dissimilar air combat training (DACT). Aircrafts that have certain performance characteristics inevitably create unique air combat missions and doctrines. Top Gun and Red Flag exposes the student to tactics that came from those unique performance characteristics while DACT exposes the student to the actual unique performance characteristics themselves. It does not have to be foreign fighters.

In the movie Top Gun, the student is the F-14 while the instructor is the A-4. The A-4's superior agility over the F-14 is a rule and it would be the instructor's duty to show the student how an adversary with that rule would force the student to fight under it, aka a maneuvering fight. The F-14 will lose that TYPE of a fight most of the time. The F-14's advantages, or rules, are superior speed, acceleration, and climb. The instructor's duty would be to show the student how to position himself to force any adversary to fight under the F-14's advantages.

No different than if it was an F-16 against an F-4. Or an F-15 against an F-16, which I know no F-15 pilot would like to go up against. If you have access to your opponent's hardware -- great. If not, then at least have a DACT program using your own or your allies' air assets for DACT training.

That said, the closer the two aircrafts, JF-17 and FC-20, are to each other in terms of technology, the greater the demand upon the pilot to produce a victory -- if they are pitted against each other. If they are competitors in the air to ground missions, it would still be upon the pilots themselves to see who has the superior knowledge of his own aircraft to do the most damages on some ground targets.
F18 Prowler won against F22. F86 killed Mirages and Mig21's. The Indian Gnat was a lot more feared then more modern Indian planes cause it was extremely small. So weaker does not mean it cannot win.

I guess you mean we eliminate pilot experience and compare them purely in WVR. I think it is pretty close. Both have same systems so it comes to the equitation conventional lay out vs delta with canards. And that still depends on the altitude, kinetic energy etc etc.
F18 Prowler won against F22. F86 killed Mirages and Mig21's. The Indian Gnat was a lot more feared then more modern Indian planes cause it was extremely small. So weaker does not mean it cannot win.

I guess you mean we eliminate pilot experience and compare them purely in WVR. I think it is pretty close. Both have same systems so it comes to the equitation conventional lay out vs delta with canards. And that still depends on the altitude, kinetic energy etc etc.
No. It did not.
All i know is that J10b is far better than JF17.

If the OP pertain Fc20 to J10b, then JF17 will be no rival.
F18 Prowler won against F22. F86 killed Mirages and Mig21's. The Indian Gnat was a lot more feared then more modern Indian planes cause it was extremely small. So weaker does not mean it cannot win.

I guess you mean we eliminate pilot experience and compare them purely in WVR. I think it is pretty close. Both have same systems so it comes to the equitation conventional lay out vs delta with canards. And that still depends on the altitude, kinetic energy etc etc.

That is why we both(India&Pakistan) procuring light fighters so that we can use those planes to our maximum advantage with low costs.
No. It did not.

Sir what aircraft is this that has the F 22 in its gunsight?
Brilliant post by gambit.

@ Moderators go ahead and close this thread if you want to. I got the technical information i wanted.

Sir what aircraft is this that has the F 22 in its gunsight?
This has been discussed before. The rules of engagement at that time are unknown. For all we know, the -22 deliberately set itself up in the inferior position in order to provide guidance and instructions on how to deal with an adversary like itself. For the above HUD view, that is an extremely close-in fight and in a real war, it is highly unlikely that a -22 would ever allow itself to be suckered into such a situation.
No contest j10 bigger klj radar. Better yet, better flight control better build quality with composite airframe....costs twice the price of the thunnder. Plaaf have 200 j10 in service and zero thunders....

I think u can draw your conclusion yourself
All i know is that J10b is far better than JF17.

If the OP pertain Fc20 to J10b, then JF17 will be no rival.

Which is a clear overestimation, especially when you consider a JF 17 Block 3, with a similar technical level.
If you look at both from PAFs point of view today, the advantage of J10B is not be that big. The fact is:

- JFT B3 should have IRST, IFR, similar radar and a reduced RCS as well

- the weapon package will be exactly the same (in PAF, including indigenous missiles or foreign additions)

- the weapon carrying capability will be 90% the same (only in LGB strikes or with very light bombs J10 has an advantage)

- radar and avionics will be broadly the same too, if at all with a bit less performance for the JF 17

The range and flight performance needs to be seen, when more reliable specs about it's weight and thrust will be available, but that will be different for a JF17 B3 as well, that might get WS13 by then. So all in all, it comes down to the delta canard design, the lower wingloading and maybe some TWR improvements, that will add to J10s A2A capabilities, but other than that, there is not much difference for PAF by chosing J10B.

Regardless of the media speculation, the J10B upgrade is not really a comprehensive one and that's why the difference to JF 17 is not bigger. The most crucial problem is, that neither the fuel capacity wasn't increased (be it with CFTs or bigger internal fuel tanks), nor additional hardpoints were added. That limits J10 to 3 x wet stations and the same fuel tank or weapon configs as JF 17! J10 is meant to be a propper medium class fighter and should offer a clear weaponload or range advantage over a light class JF 17, which isn't the case, while RCS reductions, upgraded radar, avionics and engine capabilities are normal for any upgrade and are expected for JF 17B3 too.
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