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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Yemen war was golden opportunity, but Pakistan mis the bus

Yemen War is blatant brutality by the saudi regime. Like a bunch of misguided fools, the saudi regime is fighting a losing war in Yemen, despite having the best weapons money can buy. That's not the only failure feather in their hat. Saudi regime's utter failure to engage the Iranian Government, to achieve peace. It's because saudis regime is in bed with the zionists. As for fellow Arabians, (I don't call them saudis) I stand resolute with them and await the day they take back Jazeerat-ul-Arab.

Pakistanis must learn to recognize enemies of Islam.

As Sunnis, we must make a concerted effort to engage Shias, to establish unity and route out all fitna that divides us. We should start by establishing facts that we have One Kiblah (Makkah), One Prophet (Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam), One Book (Holy Quran) and ONE GOD, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. We are the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, we must start behaving like one. Take your pathetic sectarianism, racism, nationhood and anyother ego-centric arguments elsewhere. Sunnis love Hazrat Ali Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho, Hazrat Imam Hussain Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho, just as much as Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho, Hazrat Umar Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho and Hazrat Uthman Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho.

Again, we are the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, do NOT forget who you are and don't ever allow fitna to come between you and your Muslim brothers and sisters.
most of the Pakistani dont believe on sects, vast majority of Pakistani people consider themselves just as Muslims.

That's what I've been telling lots of people the younger and abroad generation of Pakistani's are just Muslims I never bother with identifying with this Salafi, etc. and other groups. It's a pointless waste of time.

But we definitely need to stay out of this conflict and focus on rearming our Navy and Air Force ASAP.
well as ground attack fighter Mirage 3 can carry 4000 KG bombs, where as JF-17 main weaponry consists of Air to Air and Anti ship missiles , and the weight of ground attack weapons which JF-17 can carry are normally 250-500 KG for each hard point.
may be you are thinking about RC jf17, as jf17 can carry 2000 pounders on 3 hard points
Yemen War is blatant brutality by the saudi regime. Like a bunch of misguided fools, the saudi regime is fighting a losing war in Yemen, despite having the best weapons money can buy. That's not the only failure feather in their hat. Saudi regime's utter failure to engage the Iranian Government, to achieve peace. It's because saudis regime is in bed with the zionists. As for fellow Arabians, (I don't call them saudis) I stand resolute with them and await the day they take back Jazeerat-ul-Arab.

Pakistanis must learn to recognize enemies of Islam.

As Sunnis, we must make a concerted effort to engage Shias, to establish unity and route out all fitna that divides us. We should start by establishing facts that we have One Kiblah (Makkah), One Prophet (Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam), One Book (Holy Quran) and ONE GOD, Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. We are the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, we must start behaving like one. Take your pathetic sectarianism, racism, nationhood and anyother ego-centric arguments elsewhere. Sunnis love Hazrat Ali Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho, Hazrat Imam Hussain Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho, just as much as Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho, Hazrat Umar Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho and Hazrat Uthman Radi-Allah ta'aalah anho.

Again, we are the Ummah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, do NOT forget who you are and don't ever allow fitna to come between you and your Muslim brothers and sisters.
Sauids are losing because of houthi rebels have been trained well and are motivated to fight

In syria its mostly foreign fighters with air support that turned the tide

In both cases its minority forcing its view on majority so iran is not the good player here..
Sauids are losing because of houthi rebels have been trained well and are motivated to fight

In syria its mostly foreign fighters with air support that turned the tide

In both cases its minority forcing its view on majority so iran is not the good player here..
But our F-16 still able to shoot at least 2 mig-23 during Afghan War. and Remember they were Russain original Mig-23 rather than export version of Mig23 which india had. F16 was the best fighter which south Asia had until 2005
True!!! And i agree to what you say, but majority was afghan airforce with a few soviets like col alexander vladmirovich.....
For air power i will ask one question, when india was doing meghdoot in 84, why didnt we use our airpower like india used its af in kargil????
We even had mavricks agm
True!!! And i agree to what you say, but majority was afghan airforce with a few soviets like col alexander vladmirovich.....
For air power i will ask one question, when india was doing meghdoot in 84, why didnt we use our airpower like india used its af in kargil????
We even had mavricks agm
Because delivery of F-16 to PAF and training of our pilots had been completed in 1986
Because delivery of F-16 to PAF and training of our pilots had been completed in 1986
I am taking this context of paf not just f16..... we only had a hand full of f16 during 80's, (please also note when the soviet guard battalion landed in badgam with mig29's we never engaged them again) which couldnt fire bvr ...... so in simple words we were never that qualitative!!! In my humble opinion it is only after 2010 we have started getting parity with india.....
I am taking this context of paf not just f16..... we only had a hand full of f16 during 80's, (please also note when the soviet guard battalion landed in badgam with mig29's we never engaged them again) which couldnt fire bvr ...... so in simple words we were never that qualitative!!! In my humble opinion it is only after 2010 we have started getting parity with india.....

To be fair, PAF tried interception with F-6s and Mirages as well, but it was only after the F-16 with it longer cap time that it was actually successful. The Mirages had a few close calls but could never get there in time to shoot down intruders.
To be fair, PAF tried interception with F-6s and Mirages as well, but it was only after the F-16 with it longer cap time that it was actually successful. The Mirages had a few close calls but could never get there in time to shoot down intruders.

One mirage missed call was by air chief rao Qamar where he forget to arm the missiles and guns before engagement and when he tried to engage nothing was fired

On landing no fault was found only conclusion was weapons not armed state switch

I think f-6 were never committed till penetration was 10-12 miles
Pakistan's JF-17 among eight aircraft shortlisted for the Royal Malaysian Air Force's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) requirement for 36 aircraft.

Malaysia needs a lightweight fighter or a trainer?
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