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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Till the overall package is declared ops,
HorseSh!t what is you talking aout SD-10 was declared operational years ago, please provide solid prove not just in your wording,, senior members on this forum, that SD-10 is ope-rationalize years ago, If JF-17 not able to fire SD-10 currently what is the difference b/w F-7 and JF-17 you're again reported for your baseless posts, you're definitely a false flagger (Indian) pretend to be a Pakistani:blah::blah::blah:
I'm amazed by the level of talent our folks possess here for self-delusion and declaring others impostors, traitors, agents etc, like everywhere else in our country. Salam to all of you. For info of all, even the Indians have carried out honest audits of their AA-12 Adder war stocks, AWACS employment and low Su-30 serviceability.
I'm amazed by the level of talent our folks possess here for self-delusion and declaring others impostors, traitors, agents etc, like everywhere else in our country. Salam to all of you. For info of all, even the Indians have carried out honest audits of their AA-12 Adder war stocks, AWACS employment and low Su-30 serviceability.
Don't divert the topic and kindly provide a prove that SD-10 is not operational with JF-17 if yopu have no prove you have no clue what is you taking about senior member like @Bilal Khan (Quwa) , @Bilal Khan 777 ,@The Eagle ,@araz , @Horus ,and others saying that SD-10 is operational years ago, if you have no prove go somewhere else to b@rk @CombatSurgeon you are reported for trolling baseless assumptions and wish ful thiniking @CombatSurgeon
SD 10 was having software issues but at very start.Though there was debate on SD-10 few months ago,in which even very senior member clarified about short comings.
This is fanboy site. Its your fault to expect sanity here
and you re not fanboy of your armed forces Mr ever Pakistani senior members saying that SD-10 operational years ago, we believe in reality not in fanboy-ism, you're reported for trolling
Don't divert the topic and kindly provide a prove that SD-10 is not operational with JF-17 if yopu have no prove you have no clue what is you taking about senior member like @Bilal Khan (Quwa) , @Bilal Khan 777 ,@The Eagle ,@araz , @Horus ,and others saying that SD-10 is operational years ago, if you have no prove go somewhere else to b@rk @CombatSurgeon you are reported for trolling baseless assumptions and wish ful thiniking @CombatSurgeon
Lolz. Anyone who's read the posts, both yours and mine, would clearly tell who is barking. Shame on you for failing to do discussions like civilized human beings.
SD 10 was having software issues but at very start.Though there was debate on SD-10 few months ago,in which even very senior member clarified about short comings.
what your source sir, fully operational with JF-17 by various senior members here on PDF
I'm amazed by the level of talent our folks possess here for self-delusion and declaring others impostors, traitors, agents etc, like everywhere else in our country. Salam to all of you. For info of all, even the Indians have carried out honest audits of their AA-12 Adder war stocks, AWACS employment and low Su-30 serviceability.
Are you aware of the incident between a JF-17 and an SU-30 which took place on LOC in late 2016.
There's a good reason that more JF-17 are now being used for ADA duties.
Lolz. Anyone who's read the posts, both yours and mine, would clearly tell who is barking. Shame on you for failing to do discussions like civilized human beings.
Than tell me why you insisted your crap that SD-10 is not operational with JF-17 I'M JUSt ASKING YOU TO PROVIDE A PROVE THAT SD-10 ISN'T OPERATIONAL WITH JF-17, or know better than the senior members of PDF if you have no prove go somewhere else to b
@rk, you're reported for your claim without a prove/evidance @CombatSurgeon

Lolz. Anyone who's read the posts, both yours and mine, would clearly tell who is barking. Shame on you for failing to do discussions like civilized human beings.
I am just asking you to provide solid prove that you're saying that SD-10 is not operational with JF-17 that all have to say not your wording @CombatSurgeon :hitwall::devil::mad: why you insisted your crap again and again without prove:blah::blah:@CombatSurgeon

Ask Sir @Bilal Khan 777, he was the one who pointed out in that thread.
My bad i can't remember that thread.

Oh i got that,go though it.
You too @CombatSurgeon
in this threads there is no mention of software or any other issues in JF_17/SD-10 combo sir
I'm amazed by the level of talent our folks possess here for self-delusion and declaring others impostors, traitors, agents etc, like everywhere else in our country. Salam to all of you. For info of all, even the Indians have carried out honest audits of their AA-12 Adder war stocks, AWACS employment and low Su-30 serviceability.

Right, let me take down your BS pointwise, based on open source information.

1. The WVR on Thunder is battle proven. It has shot down an Iranian drone from a distance of 1 mile.

2. Per post by @Windjammer F-16s and Thunders practiced 'serious BVR engagements against one another' during a PAF Highmark.

3. The BVR locking of Thunder is battle proven when it locked the Su-30 at border. Again, source is @Windjammer

4. During Shaheen VI, Chinese media reported that the Thunder + AEWACS combination makes it very hard to detect Thunder.

Now if you find solid proof, tell your Indians to send over some Su-30s for real battle instead of children's toys that turn tail every time PAF confronts them. The proof shall be in the charred remains of Su-30 Insha Allah.
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No SD-10 capability so far. Reasons I wouldn't comment for security implications. Yet Thunders tearing the skies with flying colors day and night since a full decade! As the gonzo talk goes here: Abhi tak hamarey hawabaaz sirf ghantay chaap rahay hain!
When we brought Vipers Blk 52s to Shahbaz, we put them into full ADA duty the next week, full multi-shot AMRAAM capability besides other things for the first time ever in our history. That's what a mature platform brings into the foray. As a side note and as Mastan Sb loves to say time and again, Mirage-2000s would've given us this ability a decade earlier plus the MICA-IR with HMS had we gone that route. Plus the prospects of a future buy of Rafale too. Plz, mark my words: MICA-IR is doubtlessly the best IR missile in play today, far superior than AIM-9X, IRIS-T, A-Darter, Python 5 blah blah blah. Vipers still lack Gen 5 missiles and probably wouldn't never get at all.
The thinking in PAF top ranks goes like this: Why buy a heat seeker for the price of a BVR missile? No doubt, they would wait for the PL-10 and then spend another decade, trying to improve upon it all the while IAF and IN would be top players in WVR warfare with their MICAs, Archers etc. In BVR, they already have got a head start, though not an edge I would say. We love to boast about our close range combat superiority. It'd be eroded too if things proceed in their current state.

What we know so far publicly, Block-1 didnot had the capability to fire SD-10 because KLJ-7 V.1 was not capable or had the range to guide SD-10 to it's full range.

Then SD-10 attain the capability to fire SD-10 in Block-2 because of KLJ-7 V.2 Radar which said to be able to guide the SD-10 to it's full range.

There are videos which shows JF-17 firing SD-10

So when you say, No SD-10 capability, what do you mean by it. JF not able to fire SD-10 ? Able to Fire but cant guide SD-10 properly ? SD-10 itself is a problem and is creating problems with its integration with KLJ-7 V.2 due to which sometimes missile will be able to get fired and sometimes missiles wont launch itself? KLJ-7 is the main culprit which can't guide SD-10 properly ? SD-10 is a sub standard missile ?
Than tell me why you insisted your crap that SD-10 is not operational with JF-17 I'M JUSt ASKING YOU TO PROVIDE A PROVE THAT SD-10 ISN'T OPERATIONAL WITH JF-17, or know better than the senior members of PDF if you have no prove go somewhere else to b
@rk, you're reported for your claim without a prove/evidance @CombatSurgeon

I am just asking you to provide solid prove that you're saying that SD-10 is not operational with JF-17 that all have to say not your wording @CombatSurgeon :hitwall::devil::mad: why you insisted your crap again and again without prove:blah::blah:@CombatSurgeon

in this threads there is no mention of software or any other issues in JF_17/SD-10 combo sir
Ok, guys. I'm finished and beseech your forgiveness, you mighty know-it-all lords! Plz, pardon me for pointing out something nobody wanted to hear.
I wish you all the best with your ideals, dreams and egos. All the best with Thunders taking on the Flankers being guided by non-existing AESA radars on ZDK-03s, our own Stealth fighters flying in 10 years and smacking the shit outta Su-57s in no time, single-mode Spada-2000 taking on advanced generation EW suites on adversary jets.
By the way, judging by the jingoism inherent here and elsewhere in our country and current trends in the region, it might be F-7s, Mirages and Thunders taking on the Raptors, Lightnings and Bones very soon!
Quoting a member, @Qabza Group who explained why sd-10 has an edge over AA-12 in some scenarios. Read it through before commenting further.. He was answering a query i made about the edge it has over the adder..

A-Pole: The range between Fighter and the target when The radar of missile goes active.
After launching the Active BVR, The missile gets its initial guidance from the platform till a specific time and then its Own radar goes active. So to provide guidance to the missile, the platform has to travel further into the threat facing it (just like semi-active). This makes him more vulnerable. Once the radar of ARH missile goes active, the aircraft can breakoff away from the target, now the missile homes on to its own guidance. That DISTANCE (between the Launching aircraft and the target aircraft) at which this missile flows on its own guidance is A-Pole.
The SD-10 platform gets a much earlier A-Pole than the AA-12 platform, hence the "Fire and Forget" property is more in it, making its Platform Safer.

Rmax: It is the Maximum claimed range of the missile at a specific height. It depends upon various factors like Speed of the launching aircraft, Speed of the target aircraft, Aspect Angle between both the aircrafts and most importantly the heights of both aircrafts. As the missile is fired at the Maximum range, the kill probablility is just close to 5-10%. the Rmax of Adder is slightly more than SD-10.

DLZ: (Desired Launch Zone) It is a place ahead of Rmax, in which the missile gets better cues and the kill probability is increased. Unlike Rmax (in which if the target aircraft turns even 5 degrees the in-flight missile may trash) , in DLZ the missile is fired with accuracy of degrees, which are marked in Ds, e.g. if a missile is fired in D10, it means even if the target turns away 10 degrees from that point, missile will hit him, same goes for D20,D30...D90, D120 and then D180 which is called E-Pole (No Escape zone) meaning thereby even if the target aircraft turns 180 degrees after launch of a missile, it will be invariably shot down.
In case of SD-10 and AA-12, This DLZ criteria is met much earlier in SD-10 thus giving it a clear edge over the adversary platform.

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