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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

I believe you started with the arrogance, on how you will be on par with American and Israeli technology.
to be on par with american or israeli (still american) technology is not arrogance. end of the day, technology is just pure logic and science implemented in a concrete working piece of equipment so catching up and being at par simply means that we know the logic and can make the same equipment. no arrogance there at all.

but to say that we can never be at par with your technology is not only stupid, it is fatal arrogance. just like how the romans and the persians thought that the Arabs could never be at par with their military power. we all know how that turned out now don't we??? 8-)
In your best dreams
We need to have a base line to start off with. No one says we are going to get there tomorrow but the yardstick has to have achievable standards. Beyond this we are all humans who bleed when shot and when a missile gets fired and explodes near a plane, your goose is cooked whether Pakistani, Indian, Israeli or American. You are good but you dont defy the laws of nature.

Young pakistani posters should avoid " feel good " comments about something that happened over 40 years ago---.

The supposed opponent has progressed in leaps and bounds---while pakistan has stagnated.

Please think before posting silly comments.

Boasting about our successes 40 years ago camouflages our current abject and total failure. It should be banned. Analyzing our failures is more productive than glorifying our achievements.
I believe you started with the arrogance, on how you will be on par with American and Israeli technology.

>Implying the JF-17 is good and isn't mostly Chinese

Which have no relationship to Pakistan

Your analogy is worthless.

Replying the bold text only.

Well, I didn't imply anything as far as quality of Jf-17 and its Chinese origin is concerned. But as you have made a point. I want to say that yes, it is good but not fully evolved. (all eyes on Block-3 and beyond) and its Chinese origin does not stop it from flying or combating in the air and as long as it stands that way, I have no complains. :)
I dont drive any car. I ride electric bike.
Read the whole of the JFT discussion from the first post to the present page and then see whether you need to ask this question again. If you do then I will explain to you. However there is enough material on this board to have answered your question a thousand times over.
No it did not have my answers I have readto very much.before making this account I read many hundereds of posts.
Why are we stuck here? Why not we want to have better technology? We are satisfied with 3.5 generation jf-17. No body wants to have a better engine, better ew suit, better hmds .we are just satisfied with older technology.everyone is saying jf-17 is the best aircraft in the world. No it is not. Why we cannot add systems which are above 4th genereation to our aircraft.everything we buy is older technology.we are not producing better things the things about we can say these are worlds best.
I can say the same to you as well. Why are you stuck with an electric bike which is 70cc why not get a 150cc or 200cc?
Why people in Pakistan are still stuck with Mehran which is what 80s model car?
F-16 is also a 70s era fighter which was updated with time and still a potent fighter. It went from 3rd Gen to 3.5 then 4th and now the latest model is 4.5th Gen. Same logic is applied with JF-17.

You were saying we should get better EW, Hmds, Aesa and etc etc so please do elaborate which are PAF choices and will those companies will be willing to share their tech with us.

Finally I would suggest that if you don't have the money to buy a top notch bike or a quality car then go back to window shopping.

Young pakistani posters should avoid " feel good " comments about something that happened over 40 years ago---.

The supposed opponent has progressed in leaps and bounds---while pakistan has stagnated.

Please think before posting silly comments.

Kindly share a leap or bound made by that nation....

Handouts from US tax payers (including weapons) don't count

US is super power today.... tomorrow it may not b ....

We will be here... and they will be here... don't worry
JF 17 BLK 3 ???

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