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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 7]

Gripen is a better designed aircraft in comparison to the Thunder due to the greater experience Saab has in aerospace design

I dont think there is a second opinion within the aeronautics community, Gripen is a better aerodynamic design, there is a series of videos by millenium 7 regarding the topic, have a look. However, this does not mean Gripen is a better fighter since that includes other factors like weapons, sensors, logistics, economics of production, politics etc.
@ ProudPak Pakistan is rapidly acquiring skills and capabilities essential for designing fighter aircraft. the Jf-17 is also the first iteration of its kind. relax soon you will get good news. With no infrastructure of any kind, you did it. how does one should feel? energetic, proud and hopeful, or miserable, lost and defeated?
"News from CAC claims that the JF-17 has test flown with a new engine."

Can anyone confirm or has more information?

(Info and image via @siegecrossbow)

View attachment 767770

... but what do you think? The WS-13E or - IMO more likely - the alleged RD-93MA?

We have flown with WS so we can test with RD-93MA. This is WS-13E.
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