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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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One little detail we are all missing is that IFR is sure to change all that.
IFR is not a magic wand that would solve all problems.

How many tankers do we have? IFR is nothing without a commensurate number of tankers. IFR is probably more significant in JF-17's sea role.
You guys are missing a key point. When a system is being introduced, majority of the flights are for testing operational avionics, weapons, training, etc. For these roles, 45 minutes may be a standard. Pakistan's depth is not too much so a jet flying at 600 miles an hour (which is pretty normal) should be able to go about 200 miles away, drop off the munitions and come back. Remember, the Pakistan's airspace is also divided by geography via sectors. So it may also be the case that a sector's operational range for missions includes this 45 minute average trip two way.
Also, 200 miles from any airbase in Pakistan means hitting the border and coming back in 45 minutes. So it may also be practicing defensive missions and 45 minutes may be the mean time per defensive sortie before it refuels and takes off again....
This is why I mentioned some same class fighters as a reference to get a guess knowing the weight, size and engine and fuel capacity of the aircraft. still... that flight from Pakistan to UK was an achievement and will give an insight about the endurance of the jet
3.5 hours endurance. 1,000km in a particular A2G configuration as given below. 1,400km in the AA.

The 45 minutes being debated here means little without more details.

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This is why I mentioned some same class fighters as a reference to get a guess knowing the weight, size and engine and fuel capacity of the aircraft. still... that flight from Pakistan to UK was an achievement and will give an insight about the endurance of the jet

The JF-17's range and endurance are sufficient for PAF, if not quite up to other comparable fighters.
How dare you say that, no one on earth can pilot camels better than the Arabs.
Now, on a more serious note, you should read and find out about the quality of the Egyptian fighter pilots during all the wars. Some are just outstanding, Usraeli pilots have testified to that, many times.
You should also try to find out about an all time, one of the best USAF pilots, an Egyptian.

Back to topic:

I do not think that it will have less endurance than let us say a Mirage ROSE.
guys just a simple question.do these jets have keys like cars.how its ignition take place.thanks in advance

good question,.. I think there is a start button there are no keys as far as I know lol
good question,.. I think there is a start button there are no keys as far as I know lol

Some jets do have keys, but they are mostly civilian units. Many jets have access codes, and some have data cartridges, to initialize the computer systems.
Pak - KSA (approx. 1700 miles)
KSA - Jordan (approx. 900 miles)
Jordan - Turkey (1000 miles)
Turkey - Italy (1000 miles)
Italy - UK (1000 miles)

Countries confirmed, cities guessed. actual distances may vary based on actual cities touched.

I am sure that will be much more but will be kept a secret for all its worth.
take a mean of F-16, and F-20 tigershark for weight and engine as a reference.

I agree even during CAP they will spending more time in refueling on ground then flying CAP if 45 mintues is anything to go by.

by the way.. whats interesting is to find out (or guess) how many times it was topped up on its flight from Pakistan to Farnborugh airshow. now that was some achievement I say

I would have asked one of our dedicated member here but people keep changing their usernames and it doesnt help

If this aircraft does not have 1 1/2 to 2 hrs of loiter time---then it is a total failure. Longer flight time is a weapon in itself----.

Shorter flight time---more wear & tear of the aircraft---pilot with very little flight stamina----I very much doubt that paf would blunder into a short legged aircraft.

Not all egyptian pilots were bad. The israeli aircraft would loiter around waiting for their moment to strike---which was---30 to 40 minutes after the egyptian aircraft was in the air----it would begin its landing procedure & the israeli phantoms would strike----.

So---just for example---4 phantoms flying for air superiority---eah with 3 1/2 hrs of loiter time---accumulated combined time of loiter 14 hrs----.

It would take 17 egyptian mig 21's to match that time against 4 phantoms. Losing preposition right from gitgo.

For the JF 17---I don't believe it has 45 minutes loiter time---it has to be more---no ifs & buts about it.

guys just a simple question.do these jets have keys like cars.how its ignition take place.thanks in advance

I believe there are switches that you turn on in sequence. When I sae inside the cockpit of SR71 in 2004---all i saw was switches switches & switches---rows & rows of them---& no ignition key---I had pictures of inside the cockpit---.
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I always wondered Why Jf17 varies less internal fuel despite being slightly longer then Gripen? and why JF17 has shorter range despite having a smaller (less consumption) engine? are we sure the released stats about internal fuel quantity and range are not conservative?
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