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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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To add how people starts posting... The Indians have a BVR with a smokeless engine. We all know the Astra is being tested on MKI right now. So as an engineer I do follow these developments. But if one starts to think that this smokeless engine is better then Y... Look, JF17 has MAWS. It works independent and fast and is networking with other systems inside the aircraft. Now this missile would be difficult to see cause there is no smoke... But MAWS works with non visible spectrum (and certainly that of the hot gasses!). So would Astra a lot more threatening for JF17? The Indians would think it is super duper. I think there is a lot of room for discussion ;) Even if the engine is no longer burning there is still other spectrum to track it.

1. Gripen is also a Light weight fighter.
2. Hard points mean options. Issues like drag and weight have their own importance, but having options does not necessarily mean penalties. It just means having more flexibility for different mission profiles.
3. Sancho illustrated his view with pertinent example of M2K and its evolution. You keep talking about LCA which is nowhere in the picture here.
4. We have been expecting an engine with better thrust in future blocks. We both know the reasons for that.
5. You are right about Bison's limitations, but is it even relevant in context?
6. How many hard points does your DP have?
7. Take it easy yaar, its only a discussion.

1. Gripen is also a Light weight fighter.
2. Hard points mean options. Issues like drag and weight have their own importance, but having options does not necessarily mean penalties. It just means having more flexibility for different mission profiles.
3. Sancho illustrated his view with pertinent example of M2K and its evolution. You keep talking about LCA which is nowhere in the picture here.
4. We have been expecting an engine with better thrust in future blocks. We both know the reasons for that.
5. You are right about Bison's limitations, but is it even relevant in context?
6. How many hard points does your DP have?
7. Take it easy yaar, its only a discussion.

My friend,

I am not going into details but let me try to explain you the red line.

The JF17 is optimized for medium and low a2a. It is the perfect and cheap CAP plane. That is what Pakistan needs. We do not need to throw 4000 kg on ground targets. We have other options for that. The JF17 is a plane that moved beyond point defense to border defense or area denial for hostile planes (IFR/BVR/Links). Clearly the LCA has other usage. It is good for high altitude or heavier load. But in that the M2000H (certainly after upgrade) will outperform it.

Like any other plane the Gripen gets improved. But it does not mean it is the example to others. They try to incorporate more and more into light weight. It took decades. But it is still for a big price and certain goals. Not the same as JF17 nor suited for PAF.
JF-17's EW suite is very complex. It combines radar warning receiver and missile proximity receiver to form surveillence system and combined with ECM work. JF-17 uses uses something to diagnose RWR. It can receive a lot of information like fighter radar, missile seeker, A2S guidance radar and provides within 1.5 degree news. RAR has about 100+ radar info repository. It uses measured info to compare. detect the threatening origin and correct (radar type or fighter type?) and warning level. This repository can improve to 300. It can allow reprogramming, receive wartime newly discovered radar signal. 04's improved tail (backside" contains a missile proximity receiver. There will probably be two more put on the fighter for 360 degree coverage. It uses infrared and purple dual band imagine device. It has a purple red window? It can sense missile's rocket engine spoke from 20 KM in. It can correctly predict missile's location, trail and such. It can even estimate engagement time. It can be expanded to a fighter/missile recognition system. It can also provide some infrared imaging, communicate with RWR and hopefully can develop passive signal detection technology.

JF-17's EW suite is very complex.It combines radar warning receiver and missile proximity receiver to form surveillence system and combined with ECM work.
The JF-17 has a defensive aids system [DAS]which incoporates various subsystems.
The radar warning reciever allows 360 degree coverage in a 60km range in both ultravoilet and infrared spectrums.Detection sensors are on the front and tail.100-500 different types of radar signatures can be saved.
The inbuilt ECM can effectively counter radar locks..
The missile approach warning system [MAWS] with an integrated optical distributed aperture imaging system , scans in UV,IR and visual spectrums , detecting missiles at 20km range.

I had written the above in 2011 for my jf-17 article from the information collected from the info pool. I dont think it was included in the total word restricted thunder asunder article in the end. I've quoted one such translated article above from the info pool.
JF-17's EW suite is very complex.It combines radar warning receiver and missile proximity receiver to form surveillence system and combined with ECM work.
The JF-17 has a defensive aids system [DAS]which incoporates various subsystems.
The radar warning reciever allows 360 degree coverage in a 60km range in both ultravoilet and infrared spectrums.Detection sensors are on the front and tail.100-500 different types of radar signatures can be saved.
The inbuilt ECM can effectively counter radar locks..
The missile approach warning system [MAWS] with an integrated optical distributed aperture imaging system , scans in UV,IR and visual spectrums , detecting missiles at 20km range.

I had written the above in 2011 for my jf-17 article from the information collected from the info pool. I dont think it was included in the total word restricted thunder asunder article in the end.

This article is mixing RWR and MAWS. RWR does not detect in IR and UV band. Plus, hopefully in the future it will have DRFM too instead of just stored library of 300 signals.
This article is mixing RWR and MAWS. RWR does not detect in IR and UV band. Plus, hopefully in the future it will have DRFM too instead of just stored library of 300 signals.

It already has that. Besides that, you can launch no IR on BVR range so by that the JF17 has already noticed at least something. And if any plane tries to track JF17 it is already alerted and in defense mode.

About what is available info or what block 2 has... :) That is indeed interesting.
It already has that. Besides that, you can launch no IR on BVR range so by that the JF17 has already noticed at least something. And if any plane tries to track JF17 it is already alerted and in defense mode.

About what is available info or what block 2 has... :) That is indeed interesting.

Bhai jan I believe the info being doled out is more than required. Point being JF-17 maybe small, but it carries a punch bigger than it's size.
It already has that. Besides that, you can launch no IR on BVR range so by that the JF17 has already noticed at least something. And if any plane tries to track JF17 it is already alerted and in defense mode.

About what is available info or what block 2 has... :) That is indeed interesting.

Would I be wrong if I say it sounds like spectra?
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Bilal, you must be a smart guy. Look, Paf tested Gripen in the past and voila, a gripen cockpit. And you must be aware of that we almost had delivered the French avionics for JF17 and India stopped it? Well, I do not think I have to provide more parts of the puzzle. Same goes for DRFM. Our JF17 has some top parts that does make it extremely effective. Maybe you do now understand that some nations do have interests to buy it. I mean, LCA is seen as good. Maybe even better for some Indians. Why is no one lining up to buy it?
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