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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

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Quite likely. What I will not say is what will happen to the other side in those two weeks. The result will remain the same. But to say that the other side comes out with just a bloody nose or a combination of skull, rib and leg fractures coupled with severe internal bleeding is what I would keep my opinions based on information and guesstimates reserved.

I did not get you. Are you saying PAF will hold for 2 weeks before it gets decimated (basically hoping for international intervention to stop hostilities) or in 2 weeks time both PAF and InAF will lose their capacities to fight and will be drawn into stalemate ( not depending on international intervention in this scenario).

Most likely it's the first and again we are hoping for the 7th fleet... As usual...
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I did not get you. Are you saying PAF will hold for 2 weeks before it gets decimated (basically hoping for international intervention to stop hostilities) or in 2 weeks time both PAF and InAF will lose their capacities to fight and will be drawn into stalemate ( not depending on international intervention in this scenario).
What Oscar is saying is that the likely outcome in 2 weeks would be massive damage on both sides which may or may not result in a stalemate.
Personally I think with the lack of trust on both sides we will have a nuclear exchange sooner rater than later with massive infrastructure damage and huge loss of lives on both sides so war is best off avoided.
I did not get you. Are you saying PAF will hold for 2 weeks before it gets decimated (basically hoping for international intervention to stop hostilities) or in 2 weeks time both PAF and InAF will lose their capacities to fight and will be drawn into stalemate ( not depending on international intervention in this scenario).

If it's the first then again we are hoping for the 7th fleet...

Traditionally, apart of 71, the adversary has run for the help despite being bigger in, well, everything except heart. He has reserved judgement (quite common notion these days really). What i do know for a fact that in case of a skirmish adversary will be surprised, more than once.
@araz @Dazzler, I agree, full fledged war has very small possibility. But we should also make it clear that in case of any so called surgical strikes their will be counter strikes of similar nature.
@araz @Dazzler, I agree, full fledged war has very small possibility. But we should also make it clear that in case of any so called surgical strikes their will be counter strikes of similar nature.

Remember the so called 26-11? They took the world upon shoulders but achieved what? Zilch !

There is no east pakistan this time, we have nothing to loose, and they know it well. Actually, mushy busted them pretty good in kargil, they showed plenty of weaknesses there, couldnt extract anything in a 10 month standoff in 2001 despite heavy mechanised movement. Read between the lines mate ;)

Sorry for being off topic
I did not get you. Are you saying PAF will hold for 2 weeks before it gets decimated (basically hoping for international intervention to stop hostilities) or in 2 weeks time both PAF and InAF will lose their capacities to fight and will be drawn into stalemate ( not depending on international intervention in this scenario).

Most likely it's the first and again we are hoping for the 7th fleet... As usual...

The loss of the PAF will push the nuclear threshold. But for 2 weeks the PAF can prevent this if they perform to even 70% of their true potential along with the rest of the armed forces. Anything less than that and the nuclear threshold in an all out war will be crossed.

When it comes to smaller skirmishes and surgical strikes by the east.. the PAF can match it plane for plane with better results via-a-vis objectives.
Thunder is already under powered. Adding CFT will need us a more powerful engine. Some one may provide input if we consider RD93MA to power the Jet having CFT?

I am pretty sure it is not underpowered. It is not a bomb truck. It will have smart sensors and smart weapons. If you researched the change of carpet bombers into smart weapon deliverers then you would agree with me. Even B52 or B1 are now redesigned to make one pass with only smart weapon and eliminate all possible targets on an airfield... One run only and you have stone age. In case of JF17 it will be used to eliminate one or two high value targets. Why the need of flying around with 8 tons?

JF17 doe just fine with rd93. If you want more and more... There is the need of the 10% more thrust. Do remind we talk about light fighter... So we cannot fit medium weight engine in it like AL31...

The loss of the PAF will push the nuclear threshold. But for 2 weeks the PAF can prevent this if they perform to even 70% of their true potential along with the rest of the armed forces. Anything less than that and the nuclear threshold in an all out war will be crossed.

When it comes to smaller skirmishes and surgical strikes by the east.. the PAF can match it plane for plane with better results via-a-vis objectives.

If bomb loaded makhis returned during Kargil... I do not think they want to test our reaction.
If bomb loaded makhis returned during Kargil... I do not think they want to test our reaction.
Well, the Kargil situation has been discussed in much more vivid and detailed description by A/C Tufail. It may not have all gone that well back then. But that still does not mean we would not have dealt out a good amount of damage.
We had bak then no BVR. No block52. No JF17... The Indians were not afraid of PAF but more whether the army would accept it or push the red button. They could not risk it.
I am pretty sure it is not underpowered. It is not a bomb truck. It will have smart sensors and smart weapons. If you researched the change of carpet bombers into smart weapon deliverers then you would agree with me. Even B52 or B1 are now redesigned to make one pass with only smart weapon and eliminate all possible targets on an airfield... One run only and you have stone age. In case of JF17 it will be used to eliminate one or two high value targets. Why the need of flying around with 8 tons?

JF17 doe just fine with rd93. If you want more and more... There is the need of the 10% more thrust. Do remind we talk about light fighter... So we cannot fit medium weight engine in it like AL31...

The recent development of moving towards RD93MA clearly suggests that we are looking for more thrust. JF17 is multi role fighter and its not necessary that it will be carrying small loads all the time.
The recent development of moving towards RD93MA clearly suggests that we are looking for more thrust. JF17 is multi role fighter and its not necessary that it will be carrying small loads all the time.

If you can get more thrust it is not a stupid move to get it. Multi role does not mean 8 tons ordnance. If the is the idea then why is PAF happy with 2 BVR's? Why not 8 or 10?
If you can get more thrust it is not a stupid move to get it. Multi role does not mean 8 tons ordnance. If the is the idea then why is PAF happy with 2 BVR's? Why not 8 or 10?
Not sure, are you talking about standard configuration or A2A role?
If you can get more thrust it is not a stupid move to get it. Multi role does not mean 8 tons ordnance. If the is the idea then why is PAF happy with 2 BVR's? Why not 8 or 10?

This is the issue prevalent in the rather generalized class of enthusiasts.
What they do not realize in a congested airspace such as ours with ever improving missile kill capability, the timeframe available to launch a weapon.. it will still only take one missile to bring down the aircraft that is carrying two or twenty.
This is the issue prevalent in the rather generalized class of enthusiasts.
What they do not realize in a congested airspace such as ours with ever improving missile kill capability, the timeframe available to launch a weapon.. it will still only take one missile to bring down the aircraft that is carrying two or twenty.

Yaaar waisee why haven't we invested in ground-based SAMs using the SD-10Bs ?

Surely an M-113 carrying it linked with one of those ground based mobile radars maybe able to provide decent deterrence up to 50-70 kms if not its full range when air-launched ?
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