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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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is it photoshoped

I am really curious please tell me

PS of course, it's a mix of JF 17 and F16 B52! F16s CFTs, IFF antennas on the nose, sniper pod and paveway bombs. IRST could be from J10B and the missiles looks like METEOR.
Woaahhh easy there buddy, you're not helping the already gloomy atmosphere. I am not a technical person nor I have insider information from PAF to verify or deny what you are saying, but what I can say is this. What you are doing here is on one hand demoralizing and destroying the heroic image of PAF that laymen civilians like myself have created in our minds while on the other hand, strengthening the beliefs of the "other side" that we are as puny as an ants antennas in front of them. I am sure everything you have said you must have said 'coz you are sure about it and i am sure Sir Pshamim and some others know and understand what you are saying, but for the majority of us laymen it is extremely disheartening. I understand that living in false beliefs is not the best thing but than opening admitting your weaknesses isn't ideal as well.

I don't know what JF-17 was supposed to be and how it has come out, all i know is that we are proud of our Air Force to have made a fighter jet which our much stronger and wealthier enemy has not managed to do as yet.


Thankyou for your post---JF 17 or no JF 17---the current aircraft that the paf was to supposedly have now, was to be a true BVR platform with the ability of taking on the su 30 mki.

Other than that---everything else is an excuse.

This is also a lesson for young people---a learning experience---cannot put your eggs into one basket---the chinese are making good stuff---but to counter su 30 mki---you need help from somewhere else to counter the problem.

To counter major problems----you need to seeks equipment from an established manufacturer and look for a seasoned aircraft---well tested electronics manufacturer and well proven weapons systems.

China and chinese weapons systems are just growing----they are just learning to walk---pakistan cannot afford to be dependant on the chinese for a major fighter interceptor---.

The issue here is---or the problem here is time----pakistan cannot lose time---it is too far behind the eight ball---it cannot keep on slipping behind.

It is better to disarm the army and make peace with india----make a coupe det'at---turn it against india----you cannot win in combat----then disarm yourself and do the un-predictable thing---.

Nothing will happen to our sovereignty---have the world payoff our debts and invest heavily in our indutry a condition for disarming---we will sign treaties and open our borders with india and make a trade union out of it.

That is the only way out of pakistan today---do the un-thinkable---beat india at its own game---. Peace peace and peace---and disarm itself---.

The reason being---we cannot fight a war with india now---we cannot send our troops to fight war on behalf of any other muslim nation---so then why do we need all this weaponery.

Make peace for 25 years----see if it suits you---once we are a wealthy nation---we can then decide if we want an army or not---if we want weapons or not. Under the current scenario---it is just like running after a rainbow---it is just an illusion---it is just a catchup game---and we are falling behind at a rapid pace.

Yes---Jf 17 will fly one day with the Sd 10---but at that time it will be behind the schedule by another 5 years.

You know the funny thing here is---and most of you would have noticed it but ---it possibly didnot register on the posters---

The members are againt getting behind another electronic system by china that has not been proven and fully tested yet---amazingly this new system will do what the other didnot do---and when this system will not do what it was suppoed to---members will rally around another upcoming system.

It is good to see members discuss---tragedy here is that there basic understanding of the system is on very shaky foundations. They believe that by sounding convincing, they could make their beliefs do the wonders what the engineers and techs at the maufacturing plant could not.
That is why I say indians are not stupid to upgrade their mirages, had we paid and bought Mirage 2000/-9 from U.A.E and let that thunder to mature for the next couple of years It would have been a lot better decision by PAF. Don't jump at me JF-17 is a good plane.

Thankyou for your post---JF 17 or no JF 17---the current aircraft that the paf was to supposedly have now, was to be a true BVR platform with the ability of taking on the su 30 mki.

Other than that---everything else is an excuse.

This is also a lesson for young people---a learning experience---cannot put your eggs into one basket---the chinese are making good stuff---but to counter su 30 mki---you need help from somewhere else to counter the problem.

To counter major problems----you need to seeks equipment from an established manufacturer and look for a seasoned aircraft---well tested electronics manufacturer and well proven weapons systems.

China and chinese weapons systems are just growing----they are just learning to walk---pakistan cannot afford to be dependant on the chinese for a major fighter interceptor---.

The issue here is---or the problem here is time----pakistan cannot lose time---it is too far behind the eight ball---it cannot keep on slipping behind.

It is better to disarm the army and make peace with india----make a coupe det'at---turn it against india----you cannot win in combat----then disarm yourself and do the un-predictable thing---.

Nothing will happen to our sovereignty---have the world payoff our debts and invest heavily in our indutry a condition for disarming---we will sign treaties and open our borders with india and make a trade union out of it.

That is the only way out of pakistan today---do the un-thinkable---beat india at its own game---. Peace peace and peace---and disarm itself---.

The reason being---we cannot fight a war with india now---we cannot send our troops to fight war on behalf of any other muslim nation---so then why do we need all this weaponery.

Make peace for 25 years----see if it suits you---once we are a wealthy nation---we can then decide if we want an army or not---if we want weapons or not. Under the current scenario---it is just like running after a rainbow---it is just an illusion---it is just a catchup game---and we are falling behind at a rapid pace.

Yes---Jf 17 will fly one day with the Sd 10---but at that time it will be behind the schedule by another 5 years.

You know the funny thing here is---and most of you would have noticed it but ---it possibly didnot register on the posters---

The members are againt getting behind another electronic system by china that has not been proven and fully tested yet---amazingly this new system will do what the other didnot do---and when this system will not do what it was suppoed to---members will rally around another upcoming system.

It is good to see members discuss---tragedy here is that there basic understanding of the system is on very shaky foundations. They believe that by sounding convincing, they could make their beliefs do the wonders what the engineers and techs at the maufacturing plant could not.

To establish countermeasures against IAF in order to maintain level playing field as far as weapon assets is concerned is very daunting task especially to cash strap PAF. I am full agree with your reasoning of maintaining a peace and stability with India, but I find it extremely unfortunate that cultural influence of religious agenda has taken an enough toll to maintain a civilian influence on Pakistani soil. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to maintain peace and harmoney with any country in the world.

Thankyou for your post---JF 17 or no JF 17---the current aircraft that the paf was to supposedly have now, was to be a true BVR platform with the ability of taking on the su 30 mki.

Other than that---everything else is an excuse.

This is also a lesson for young people---a learning experience---cannot put your eggs into one basket---the chinese are making good stuff---but to counter su 30 mki---you need help from somewhere else to counter the problem.

To counter major problems----you need to seeks equipment from an established manufacturer and look for a seasoned aircraft---well tested electronics manufacturer and well proven weapons systems.

China and chinese weapons systems are just growing----they are just learning to walk---pakistan cannot afford to be dependant on the chinese for a major fighter interceptor---.

The issue here is---or the problem here is time----pakistan cannot lose time---it is too far behind the eight ball---it cannot keep on slipping behind.

It is better to disarm the army and make peace with india----make a coupe det'at---turn it against india----you cannot win in combat----then disarm yourself and do the un-predictable thing---.

Nothing will happen to our sovereignty---have the world payoff our debts and invest heavily in our indutry a condition for disarming---we will sign treaties and open our borders with india and make a trade union out of it.

That is the only way out of pakistan today---do the un-thinkable---beat india at its own game---. Peace peace and peace---and disarm itself---.

The reason being---we cannot fight a war with india now---we cannot send our troops to fight war on behalf of any other muslim nation---so then why do we need all this weaponery.

Make peace for 25 years----see if it suits you---once we are a wealthy nation---we can then decide if we want an army or not---if we want weapons or not. Under the current scenario---it is just like running after a rainbow---it is just an illusion---it is just a catchup game---and we are falling behind at a rapid pace.

Yes---Jf 17 will fly one day with the Sd 10---but at that time it will be behind the schedule by another 5 years.

You know the funny thing here is---and most of you would have noticed it but ---it possibly didnot register on the posters---

The members are againt getting behind another electronic system by china that has not been proven and fully tested yet---amazingly this new system will do what the other didnot do---and when this system will not do what it was suppoed to---members will rally around another upcoming system.

It is good to see members discuss---tragedy here is that there basic understanding of the system is on very shaky foundations. They believe that by sounding convincing, they could make their beliefs do the wonders what the engineers and techs at the maufacturing plant could not.

some pakistanis will label you a traitor or a sell out after this post!

meanwhile indians will totally agree with you thinking you are saying what "they have been saying" all along!

SADLY the point you making will be lost in interpretation!! :coffee:

but such is the case with pakistan people forget the real underlying fact and get caught up in a web of non essential debate! e.g: should we have more provinces (when they should be discussing how to address the grievances of the existing)! :frown:

Thankyou for your post---JF 17 or no JF 17---the current aircraft that the paf was to supposedly have now, was to be a true BVR platform with the ability of taking on the su 30 mki.

As per who sir? Before making such claims do you realize that both platforms are meant for a different role. JF-17 isnt the only jet that PAF has to counter the MKI or is it? Where did the F-16s go on which many of us harp on. This isnt the 60s or the 70s where one on one dog fighter would change the faith of a war. Times have changed there are many other factors now involved which will decide the out come of a war, AWAC being one of the primary.
I dont understand the point of this never ending debate, what exactly did the JF-17 not deliver that we have started bashing it and at a time when it has only just started getting inducted into the PAF. Why are we so pessimist about it?There was a time when we relied only on the F-16s block-15. Is JF-17 even worse then those block-15s?
And yes JF-17 is a true BVR capable platform. Many members here who have the 1st hand information have cleared this confusion out. Remember BVR was one of the basic requirements of the PAF.It would be naive if we believe it otherwise. Also if we were to agree that a JF-17 is a waste of both time and resources, what other options did we had to replace all the aging fleet that PAF is flying for so long and needed replacement along ago. Do we have the resources to replace it with any other fighter jet including the J-11 which isnt even for sale in the 1st place because of its Russian origin and J-10 which was shown back in 2005 but did no impress PAF and we went on with the purchase of F-16s block52.
Let us 1st consider our options here before we start another bashing session.
Eurofighter and Rafale are too expensive to be obtained in numbers, numbers that are required to replace the existing fleet of PAF.
Mirage-2000 although a very capable platform is now history. There is no point in crying over split milk and moaning about it. We have to move on.
J-11 is not even on an offer to the PAF. No point in bringing it into the context of discussion.
J-10 did not impress PAF in the 1st place as a result of which we went on with the purchase of the block-52 and are still waiting for it to mature up before we start its induction.

So what other options are we left with if not JF-17. Lets be realistic. If wishes were horses, i am sure many of us would want a squadron of an F-22 in PAF, but then again reality is something we should keep in mind, shall we not?
Mastan Sir,

PAF never ever meant JF-17 to be a contender against MKIs. No one said that.

The basic purpose for the initial 150-200 JF17s is to replace the decade old machines in PAF inventory. That is the sole purpose for the JF-17s initially, but what it became is a much much better and never thought about replacement, which has a future also.

JF-17 is capable to fire BVR missiles and the current radar fully supports it. Procurement of missile is the main issue, and the real reason for not doing that is best known to the PAF guys. what i see is either PAF wants a western option which would include a western radar and avionics suit, or may be PAF wants to induct its own developed BVR missile on the JF-17, so not asking for Chinese one, but wishes to go with the one it developed, as they may have more confidence in their own creation.

And as far as your criticism goes about the old blunders, no contesting that, as its valid criticism.
M-2000 soon to go for upgrades, Jaguars upgrades for strike, mki, Mig-29 Upgrades and new ones, mrca 125-200 of them, how are you gong to counter all of them. If you are debating you'll throw in ALCMs and we'll wreck havoc on indian side, you are mistaken indians have goodies on the side too, we should come out of "1965 era".

JF-17 is not worse but look at the where we are standing. They are growing beasts on the other side of the border, look back 20-22 Years where do we stand, look at India and Infact look at other world's air forces. This may sound stupid to many but I would keep talking about it J-10A was evaluated too late and when PAF decided to get a customized version again too late Thunder project should not have lifted off in the first place, that investment should have gone earlier to J-10B, Now if JF-17 i would invest in something i want to make sure its too good to be true too good to be challenge enemy, sounds stupid and funny but if you were looking for a knockoff low priced something F-16s, i would have invested in a little more if China can come up with J-10B that has its resemblance and inspiration from F-16 i would faily have invested more into it or something to come out as a direct competitor to F-16 block 40/50. Is it difficult? No is it impossible? No..time consuming Yes you get a better end product, we wouldn't be investing and taking chances on 2 different new products, both not matured not battle proven. For all i know i wanted to see PAF come up with a rip off and spin off of F-16 the world can rant about it.

FC-20/J-10B = Not yet into production for PAF
FC-20/J-10 induction around 2013/2014
Integration= add couple of years+ 2016/2017
Too Late
the forcast of 150 Thunder by 2015 would only be sufficient to replace say 8 squadrons. AESA equipped??

The first one is PS i guess, but is a good one.:)



Are these retractable probes been installed or do we need to wait for this as well.:confused:

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