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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 1]

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MKI's radar would help and matter if all PAF was relying on was Air-Intercept radars of its own fighters like the APG-66 on the existing F-16s or the Grifo M3 (same class as APG-66). However this will not be the case in the near future with Erieyes being inducted. The mid-course linking is something that is of importance however the existing BVR weaponry on both sides cannot even come close to the ranges at which the aircraft will be detected (even the in-the-works AIM-120 with the 100+ km range or the Russian counterparts cannot be used at the excessive ranges that some of the newer radars offer....also keep in mind that the farther away you are, the harder it is to effectively lock-on a target. There is an effective kill zone and it does not extend to the max range of the BVR AAM).
The Erieyes will identify aircraft at large ranges but its not going to provide a radar lock. Nor will it provide mid-course updates to a launched missile. All that has to come from the aircraft. The AMRAAM's no escape envelope is similar to that of the Adder though it is better in the terminal stage but has a lower speed I think.
The MKI will get a radar-lock at a greater range and will launch salvos at intervals of 10-15 seconds (I'm repeating someone else's scenario) which means that they don't have to dodge the AMRAAMs unless the F-16s decide to go for a suicide attack. I realise that every engagement cannot follow this pattern but it is the most likely one. That said, the F-16s are capable of pulling a surprise on the MKIs, but one shouldn't be counting on it.

There are very many other factors involved in an AWACS managed airspace which render the benefits of extended range AI radars curtailed greatly. You do not have a 360 view of the airspace...all you see is what is in front of you (The MKI has a radar in the rear too but that too cannot look up down all the way) so its a matter of how adversary aircraft are employed to handle the threat of detection at extended ranges...this is something that IAF and PAF will have to be mindful about and as such even aircraft like the older airframes with a barebone BVR capability become a threat.
I agree but most engagements are likely to be headon. Neither AF has a poor situational awareness thanks to the AWACS.

Well MKI has never been proven in these roles [for that matter no Russian aircraft has been proven in these roles aside from the Frogfoot (but not in precision role)...PGMs were first mated to the SU-30 in this decade] so nobody can speak with surity....what has been tried and tested and seen in combat is the western hardware including the F-16s
Saying its not been proven, is a poor argument. The Raptor isn't proven either. We're well past that stage today where every aircraft has to be tested in actual combat before we can certify it as a capable one. The IAF trains with the MKI for ground attack. I'm sure they know what they are doing.

When has PAF ever tried to overcome the number's deficit? Its been the case throughout the history of PAF...IAF has always spent more than triple the amount that PAF spends yet we maintain a credible deterrance...the same logic continues...actually with the induction of JF-17, upgraded F-16s, and possibly even J-10s, the deterrance against the IAF would be the best ever that PAF could muster (surely better than what we had against the IAF in 65 and 71)....this is the logic behind PAF force upgradation...
They are massively outnumbered. The F-16s for example will not take the Su-30MKI on one on one. It'll probably be something like 6 MKIs against 4 F-16s. By 2015 the IAF will have 350-400 4.5 generation aircraft and a probably a smaller number of 5 gen. or quasi 5 gen aircraft.

your AF is not inducting an aircraft in the class of F/A-22 or even JSF so whatever PAF will be fielding in the near future would be enough to make IAF's planning all the more difficult.
As of now yes. F-22 is impossible but the F-35s are a contender for the ADS to be inducted in 2011-12. The US has shown indications of allowing such a sale to India. The IN chief (now ex-chief) also clearly stated his preferrance for it. Lockheed Martin made comments to the same effect.

The best in the sub-continent is debatable as you do not know what PAF would be fielding by the time you are done inducting F/A-18s (at least 7-8 years out)...also aside from AESA, there is no capability on the F/A-18 that PAF would not be fielding with the blk-52 F-16s.
Precisely why I went into the budget thing. Which 4.5 gen. aircraft does the PAF have today? A budget of $2 billion for the PAF compared to $6 billion for the IAF. How will the PAF afford the best in the sub-continent? You're dismissing the AESA as a minor thing. Every AF in the world isn't clamoring for AESAs for nothing. It is the reason why the F-18 today has a major advantage over the Rafale. The F/A-18 E/F also comes with stealth features reducing the RCS considerabily. The MRCA has been fast-tracked which means it could be inducted completed by 2012.

Theoretical from the point of what capabilities IAF would like in the aircraft...also its not a production version, one of the many variants put forward by the Russians....I do see IAF with this aircraft...maybe split half an half with F/A-18 but forget about Typhoon or Rafale.
The MiG-35 isn't just a MiG 29 variant. I'll let it go now and put a thread about the MiG-35 on the aviation sub-forum.

I hope the letter worked...
It did. :banana2:
I think you are putting way too much faith into this US-India bonhomie....don't count Pakistan out of the equation just yet....JSF yeah sure! If you guys get on the JSF program, don't count on receiving any airframes prior to 2020 or so...there is a line-up of 8 countries before you guys who have partnered and invested into the technology....last time I checked you guys were trying to get GE-404s for the LCA since Kaveri continues to be a flop!....Americans want India on their side but not at the expense of Pakistan and vice versa at least now....there is too much going on in the region (for another 10 years or so at least) for them to have to play this balancing game....also Pakistan is no longer relying on China for low tech stuff either...in the next decade the quality of hardware coming from China will be a quantum leap better and like India, US has pretty much opened up the flood gates for Pakistan for acquisitions...however both Indian and Pakistani sales will be measured by the US.

Also why would Pakistan not get or buy the D version? I am sure you are sitting in on classified DoD briefings to know all this...AIM-120D like AIM-9x would first go to USAF units and then first tier allies (neither Pakistan nor India make that grade regardless of what you think). I remember justa few months ago, right before US released AIM-120Cs to Pakistan, Indian pundits like yourself were all about Nays to Pakistan...no way Pakistan is getting this or that blah blah blah...for some reason some of you are quite detached from the geo-political reality of the region...remember "mate" :P , Pakistan is too important for the US to simply drop it for India....at least not for the next 10 years or so.

How so worse for Pakistan? Please elaborate. You Indians have been wishing that for the past 30 years ever since CIA came up with their stupid projections of Pakistan becoming a failed state every 5 years....I think you all need to realize that Pakistan is here to stay and as a viable regional power in South Asia and while I can understand that you can't stand that, its the reality so get used to it instead of painting rosey pictures about yourseleves and poopooing on others. ;)

Totally agree with you, good post Blain! :thumbsup:
The Erieyes will identify aircraft at large ranges but its not going to provide a radar lock. Nor will it provide mid-course updates to a launched missile. All that has to come from the aircraft. The AMRAAM's no escape envelope is similar to that of the Adder though it is better in the terminal stage but has a lower speed I think.
The MKI will get a radar-lock at a greater range and will launch salvos at intervals of 10-15 seconds (I'm repeating someone else's scenario) which means that they don't have to dodge the AMRAAMs unless the F-16s decide to go for a suicide attack. I realise that every engagement cannot follow this pattern but it is the most likely one. That said, the F-16s are capable of pulling a surprise on the MKIs, but one shouldn't be counting on it.

Rather simplistic view of getting a lock-on and on top of that an overtly simplified assumption that a lock-on = aircraft being shot down...this does not take into account many other factors like active jamming etc. which can negate lock-ons as it makes lock-ons twice as hard...the F-16's ECM suite is no slouch in this department. Secondly, the farther the distance of a lock-on and launch of BVR missiles, the easier it is for the other side to be able to haul *** and get out of trouble once the lock-on is detected.

Secondly, F-16 by far having a smaller RCS would not allow MKI to take shots at it from the limits of its radar range (due to limitation of the BVRAAM range)...the MKI would need to be fairly close (to the point where even itself would be vulnerable to the slammer) for a shot to count (again do not go by theoretical max detection and missile ranges...usually these numbers are hyped up considerably by the producers...although I am aware of claims by IAF fans about the ranges they claimed their MKIs were able to detect Mig-21s at and F-16 has a much lower RCS than the Mig-21).

Also, Data Linking of BVR with the help of AEW&CS is not something undoable....RAF slaved the AMRAAMs from their Tornados to the E3s and were able to test it out effectively. Its actually funny to read the way you guys discount every other aircraft in comparison to the MKI.

They are massively outnumbered. The F-16s for example will not take the Su-30MKI on one on one. It'll probably be something like 6 MKIs against 4 F-16s. By 2015 the IAF will have 350-400 4.5 generation aircraft and a probably a smaller number of 5 gen. or quasi 5 gen aircraft.

That is what you think....PAF does not train like that...you train with tactics of 2 against 4, 2 agains 6, 1 against 1 etc. etc....its a matter of how effectively the airspace is managed by the AEWCS...you could find the MKIs buzzed by 8 or more aircraft if the IAF is actually coming in to contest air superiority over Pakistani airspace or 1 F-16 is vectored and employed properly to take on multiple IAF bogies including MKIs...all it takes is better employment and decent BVR capability to do this...both doable in an environment where your adversary has Erieye and Slammers to their advantage.

Also what is with this 4.5 gen deal? Do you know the difference b/w a 4th gen (which is where the older version of F-16s and JF-17 would fall into) and 4.5 gen is simply how much computing they are using....the blk52/60 F-16 is actually a better integrated 4.5 gen aircraft by any measure than the MKI...there is no aerodynamic generational change between the 4th and 4.5 generation aircraft...its simply a matter of how much glassing and some minor composite manufacturing you have going in an airframe with origins from the 70s and 80s. So when you guys repeatedly quote this "marketing" term of 4.5 gen..know so that its only avionics and computing that they are talking about....and in that department, the MKI is no where a generation advanced than the blk52/60 aircraft.

Before you discount my claim, just know that there is way too much hoopla about the generational catagorization. I would not get too carried away by such classifications. In terms of avionics and their integration, the blk 52 actually exceeds the MKI in terms of the computing power and glassing (automation by way of computers) since your MKI is essentially a hodge-podge of COTS integration).

The only very major difference is b/w 5th gen and all of the others....this change is in the magnitude of going from 2nd Gen to 3rd gen which saw the greatest change in aircraft design and technology....so until and unless you are flying something in the class of F/A-22, don't mention 5th generation.

As of now yes. F-22 is impossible but the F-35s are a contender for the ADS to be inducted in 2011-12. The US has shown indications of allowing such a sale to India. The IN chief (now ex-chief) also clearly stated his preferrance for it. Lockheed Martin made comments to the same effect.

Well lets put this discussion off for about 4-5 years...this not something that PAF has to cater to in the next 7-10 years.

Precisely why I went into the budget thing. Which 4.5 gen. aircraft does the PAF have today? A budget of $2 billion for the PAF compared to $6 billion for the IAF. How will the PAF afford the best in the sub-continent? You're dismissing the AESA as a minor thing. Every AF in the world isn't clamoring for AESAs for nothing. It is the reason why the F-18 today has a major advantage over the Rafale. The F/A-18 E/F also comes with stealth features reducing the RCS considerabily. The MRCA has been fast-tracked which means it could be inducted completed by 2012.

F-16 blk 52 is a 4.5 gen aircraft. If you can tell me why the MKI is and F-16 blk 52 is not then I will say that PAF does not have a 4.5 gen aircraft. The F/A-18s RCS is better than the F-16s I admit, that is all fine and dandy, however then again you are assuming that PAF would not be able to get its hands on more advanced version of AIM-120 or another alternate (potentially even longer range SD-10) to counter this. The other ace in the sleeve for Pakistan is J-10. Nobody and especially IAF know anything about the Aircraft and it could easily have the capability to match up against the SuperHornet.
The French have been marketing the Rafale to Pakistan and everyone else and they are not the only ones also working on AESA capability...so all these discussions about future acquisitions actually lend nothing to this discussion......who knows that US will offer JSF to Pakistan? It may seem unlikely right now, but so did F-16 blk 52 5 months ago.

Saying its not been proven, is a poor argument. The Raptor isn't proven either. We're well past that stage today where every aircraft has to be tested in actual combat before we can certify it as a capable one. The IAF trains with the MKI for ground attack. I'm sure they know what they are doing.

That was not my point...I actually said that MKI is probably the first MR aircraft in service with the IAF, however training for ground attack does not mean that the aircraft works extremely well with it....in the PAF, we train with PGM sorties with F-7s, and we train in ground-attack/CAS/BAI roles with all types, however some aircraft are better than others (in the case of ground attack in the PAF, our ROSE II Mirages with DART FLIR even exceed the F-16s), so the point is maybe the MKI is an excellent ground attack aircraft or maybe its marginal...I just do not know and neither do you. If the MKI is very good at it, then it proves my point all the more that its the first true MR aircraft in the IAF inventory.
I believe that F-16E/F Blk 60 and above truely fall in the 4.5 gen. standard. I admit the lines are always blurred, and the blk 52 is has quite a few of such features, but there is still distinction blain. The onles posses by UAE are 4.5 gen as has been told to them by LM.
I think you are putting way too much faith into this US-India bonhomie....don't count Pakistan out of the equation just yet....JSF yeah sure! If you guys get on the JSF program, don't count on receiving any airframes prior to 2020 or so...there is a line-up of 8 countries before you guys who have partnered and invested into the technology....last time I checked you guys were trying to get GE-404s for the LCA since Kaveri continues to be a flop!....Americans want India on their side but not at the expense of Pakistan and vice versa at least now....there is too much going on in the region (for another 10 years or so at least) for them to have to play this balancing game....also Pakistan is no longer relying on China for low tech stuff either...in the next decade the quality of hardware coming from China will be a quantum leap better and like India, US has pretty much opened up the flood gates for Pakistan for acquisitions...however both Indian and Pakistani sales will be measured by the US.

Also why would Pakistan not get or buy the D version? I am sure you are sitting in on classified DoD briefings to know all this...AIM-120D like AIM-9x would first go to USAF units and then first tier allies (neither Pakistan nor India make that grade regardless of what you think). I remember justa few months ago, right before US released AIM-120Cs to Pakistan, Indian pundits like yourself were all about Nays to Pakistan...no way Pakistan is getting this or that blah blah blah...for some reason some of you are quite detached from the geo-political reality of the region...remember "mate" :P , Pakistan is too important for the US to simply drop it for India....at least not for the next 10 years or so.

How so worse for Pakistan? Please elaborate. You Indians have been wishing that for the past 30 years ever since CIA came up with their stupid projections of Pakistan becoming a failed state every 5 years....I think you all need to realize that Pakistan is here to stay and as a viable regional power in South Asia and while I can understand that you can't stand that, its the reality so get used to it instead of painting rosey pictures about yourseleves and poopooing on others. ;)

Let the Pakistani' Sale by approved by the US Congress, As of now they are behind. And Yes the moment Sale is approved it will be a quantum Leap for the Pak Airforce and will negate a lot current Indian Advantages. There are some discussion on lot of tags kept by the US on its sale to Pakistan. I really dont know much about it, all I know the Pakistani Establishment is not at all happy about it, therefore havent allowed Aircraft maker the permission to table it to the US government. Discussions are goin on, Maybe something fruitful will come out of it. As an Indian I wouldnt want it to go through.

To my opption , the jet engine is very impotant for the fighter. WS-10 jet engine was finished by Shenyang Liming engine company February this year,it is used for J-10 fighter .And WS-13 will be finished by Liyang jet engine company next year according to plan, it will be used for JF-17 thunder replacing the Ruissan RD93 engine. Our Pakistan friends should use iet engines made from China ,that will be safe.
WS-13 will be finished by Liyang jet engine company next year according to plan, it will be used for JF-17 thunder replacing the Ruissan RD93 engine. Our Pakistan friends should use iet engines made from China ,that will be safe.

what are specifications of WS-13A? will it have TVC and more thrust then RD-93??
AirShow China 2006 -- JF-17 Sim 1

AirShow China 2006 -- JF-17 Sim 2

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Rather simplistic view of getting a lock-on and on top of that an overtly simplified assumption that a lock-on = aircraft being shot down...this does not take into account many other factors like active jamming etc. which can negate lock-ons as it makes lock-ons twice as hard...the F-16's ECM suite is no slouch in this department.
Neither is the MKI. Unless the F-16 blk 52 is loaded with sub-systems superior to those on the MKI its not going to be the vital difference.

Secondly, the farther the distance of a lock-on and launch of BVR missiles, the easier it is for the other side to be able to haul *** and get out of trouble once the lock-on is detected.
Without being able to guide their own slammers onto in incoming MKIs. You'll also have to outrun the Su-30s. While both have similar max speeds the MKI has an advantage of having a much higher range.

Secondly, F-16 by far having a smaller RCS would not allow MKI to take shots at it from the limits of its radar range (due to limitation of the BVRAAM range)...the MKI would need to be fairly close (to the point where even itself would be vulnerable to the slammer) for a shot to count (again do not go by theoretical max detection and missile ranges...usually these numbers are hyped up considerably by the producers...although I am aware of claims by IAF fans about the ranges they claimed their MKIs were able to detect Mig-21s at and F-16 has a much lower RCS than the Mig-21).
The F-16 has a lower RCS. Or does it. Take a look at the RCS values in this link


In anycase the Su-30 will lock on first. The radar is far far superior to that on the F-16.

Also, Data Linking of BVR with the help of AEW&CS is not something undoable....RAF slaved the AMRAAMs from their Tornados to the E3s and were able to test it out effectively. Its actually funny to read the way you guys discount every other aircraft in comparison to the MKI.
Indeed. Must I introduce the Phalcons into the scene? I'm not discounting every other aircraft in comparision. Just discounting the F-16 blk 52. The F-22, F-35, Eurofighter, Rafale, Shornet are better aircraft than the Su-30MKI. The F-16 blk60 and F-15I/K are comparable aircraft.

That is what you think....PAF does not train like that...you train with tactics of 2 against 4, 2 agains 6, 1 against 1 etc. etc....its a matter of how effectively the airspace is managed by the AEWCS...you could find the MKIs buzzed by 8 or more aircraft if the IAF is actually coming in to contest air superiority over Pakistani airspace or 1 F-16 is vectored and employed properly to take on multiple IAF bogies including MKIs...all it takes is better employment and decent BVR capability to do this...both doable in an environment where your adversary has Erieye and Slammers to their advantage.
I'm not discounting the PAF at all. All I'm suggesting is foreign variables apart the Su-30MKI is more than a match for the F-16. And its going to be outnumbered.

the blk52/60 F-16 is actually a better integrated 4.5 gen aircraft by any measure than the MKI...
Please elaborate.

there is no aerodynamic generational change between the 4th and 4.5 generation aircraft...its simply a matter of how much glassing and some minor composite manufacturing you have going in an airframe with origins from the 70s and 80s. So when you guys repeatedly quote this "marketing" term of 4.5 gen..know so that its only avionics and computing that they are talking about....and in that department, the MKI is no where a generation advanced than the blk52/60 aircraft.
Blk 60 fine. Why is the MKI generally classified half a generation ahead of the blk 52? The Su-30 MKI incidently is superior to the regular Su-30MKs in most aspects, not just computing and avionics.

In terms of avionics and their integration, the blk 52 actually exceeds the MKI in terms of the computing power and glassing (automation by way of computers) since your MKI is essentially a hodge-podge of COTS integration).
As I requested earlier please elaborate further. And I'm talking specifics. And by "hodge-podge" are you trying to imply that sub-systems on MKI by virtue of being imported from three different countries would be incompatible?

The only very major difference is b/w 5th gen and all of the others....this change is in the magnitude of going from 2nd Gen to 3rd gen which saw the greatest change in aircraft design and technology....so until and unless you are flying something in the class of F/A-22, don't mention 5th generation.
I didn't mention anything about the MKI being fifth-generation.

Well lets put this discussion off for about 4-5 years...this not something that PAF has to cater to in the next 7-10 years.

F-16 blk 52 is a 4.5 gen aircraft. If you can tell me why the MKI is and F-16 blk 52 is not then I will say that PAF does not have a 4.5 gen aircraft.
The difference is what separates the blk52 and blk60. If you can convince me that they are almost the same, I will concede the blk 52 is 4.5 gen.

The F/A-18s RCS is better than the F-16s I admit, that is all fine and dandy,
Better is a huge understatement. The Shornets RCS is about the same as the Rafale.

however then again you are assuming that PAF would not be able to get its hands on more advanced version of AIM-120 or another alternate (potentially even longer range SD-10) to counter this.
The PAF isn't going to get AMRAAMs on Chinese aircraft, that's for sure. Coming to the SD-10, do you expect the Chinese to overtake the US in military tech. I don't. The US incidently is going to start taking deliveries of the Aim-120D from December next year. The D is much better than the C7 presently in service. So while you comparing the Aim-120 to the SD-10 please consider the Aim-120D. India also has developed a A2A missile the Astra with a performance close to that of the SD-10. Its been successfully test-fired and will enter service in 2009. I believe we also have an understanding with MDBA to induct the Meteor in the first half of the next decade.

The other ace in the sleeve for Pakistan is J-10. Nobody and especially IAF know anything about the Aircraft and it could easily have the capability to match up against the SuperHornet.
It could match up to the Eurofighter but its not likely to. It certainly isn't as good as the Shornet. The Shornet is the USN's frontline aircraft. The J-10 doesn't have an AESA as yet does it. And when it does get an AESA, the US will be inducting the next generation of radars. Don't over-estimate the

The French have been marketing the Rafale to Pakistan and everyone else and they are not the only ones also working on AESA capability...so all these discussions about future acquisitions actually lend nothing to this discussion......who knows that US will offer JSF to Pakistan? It may seem unlikely right now, but so did F-16 blk 52 5 months ago.
The F-16 delivery wasn't unlikely. It did invite speculation but with Pakistan being a major ally in the "war against terror" it was bound to happen. I don't think the PAF can afford the Rafale. They're better off going with the J-10 and keeping their fingers crossed.

That was not my point...I actually said that MKI is probably the first MR aircraft in service with the IAF, however training for ground attack does not mean that the aircraft works extremely well with it....in the PAF, we train with PGM sorties with F-7s, and we train in ground-attack/CAS/BAI roles with all types, however some aircraft are better than others (in the case of ground attack in the PAF, our ROSE II Mirages with DART FLIR even exceed the F-16s), so the point is maybe the MKI is an excellent ground attack aircraft or maybe its marginal...I just do not know and neither do you. If the MKI is very good at it, then it proves my point all the more that its the first true MR aircraft in the IAF inventory.
My point was you cannot discount the MKI in a A2G role or even belittle it because its not 'proven'. Since, I'm just as ignorant as you on this point I'll drop it.

AirShow China 2006 -- JF-17 Sim 1

AirShow China 2006 -- JF-17 Sim 2

I have the honor of knowing the gentlemen who designed and developed the cockpit. It’s all Pakistani baby ........ :tup: :flag:
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I have the honor of knowing the gentlemen who designed and developed the cockpit. It’s all Pakistani baby ........ :tup: :flag:

Great man, invite him over to :pff:
Btw, I have the honor knowing the guy who onloaded it on youtube, a guy called nickel from GDF..:P
Sorry Guyz !!! I know a good discussion is going but I would like to share my IDEAS 2k6 experience with you guyz which has some news abt JF-17 as well.....so please dont mind!.

Hello Friends, as you all know that IDEAS has commenced this Tuesday,21st Nov'06. The exhibition so far is going great! I also went today and would like to share my experience of today with you guyz.

First of all, very tight security!

I was very pleased to see so many International companies participating in the event. That gave me a chance to interact and communicate with our defence personall and also with foreigners. The event is being conducted in 6 halls.

The hall 6 was completely filled up by the Pakistani organizations like AWC, NESCOM, PAC KAMRA and DESTO etc. All the Pakistani Companies displayed only TACTICAL AND INDIGENIOUS weapons. for example the H-2 and H-4. BTW C4 was very impressive, the guyz built it from scratch. Also Navy displayed many indigenious new products. Also the UAV called Vision-1 was displayed with a payload of 25Kg. The NESCOM guyz told me that we are not allowed to show our strategic weapons due to risk of foreign interventionism.

At the JF-17 stall I talked to an engineer working on the project, He told me that RD-93B has been finalized and Grifo S-7 would be the radar most likely and they were also to give CAS briefing on S-7. He also told that they will be flying in PAK by 23rd March 2007 as told by the president. When I was questioning the engg. AN F-16 GUY came over and introduced himself that he himself is an F-16 engineer and wanted to see this this THUNDER about whom he is hearing ALOT! and then the first thing he said " Hey this looks like an F/A -18" and after seeing the rear parts he said that its an F-16 and his facial expressions were of Astonishment and Amazement!, that he was very impressed with the thing .

Now at the Euro Copter stall, the heli was lookin great and the representative told me about the Pakistani Intrest in the heli aswell.

At the DCN Armaris, mockups of Agosta 90B and Marlin SSK were displayed. I was talking with the fellow over there about Marlin capabilities and their hopes for the tender. He told me that we are offering BARACUDA AND COMPLETE TOT with the project and minimum it would take 6 year for the subs to be delevered. Then I teased him a bit by dragging in the U214 he too enjoyed it by saying " What is U-214?". Then he said that YES its a tough competition with the U214 but we are hopefull. He said that 1997 I was in Chile blah blah there were problems with 214 apparantly he wanted to tell the disadvantages of the U-boat. He told that its not the right time for the FUEL CELL technology thats why they are having problems but we prefer to wait a bit more to pull of a better product than Germans pushing hard to come out first in offering. He asked me that when you goto 214 stall ask them to inclement their sub at a 48 degree angle and see what they say. I asked him about Harpoons integration in the Marlin so he replied positively that yes it can be intergrated. Than I asked who will pay for it he said Pakistan Navy.

I saw a UK company called COBHEM which is making the air refuelling system and weapons structures for the JF-17 Thunders [ hardpoints or racks etc.]. He told me that air refuelling probe on the Thunder is same that is on Gripens and he used a word for that may be it was GEOSTATIC probe or something like that I will confirm it tommorow, he tried to say that it wasnt Fixed it was retractable and was best in the world!

The Boeing stall wasnt very impressive. Only Chinooks and JDAMs were displayed.

SAAB cameup with the erieye and Hellfire missiles which has a max. range of 8km and minimum of 500 m. Travels at MACH 1.35 and can Lock-on after launch and before launch aswell.

Raytheon cameup with many systems but I only looked at the AMRAAM and SL-AMRAAM. One thing intresting he told me that AMRAAMS activates its own radar just 3 to 5 seconds before the hit and also that target info can not be feed direclty into AMRAAM through LINK 16, the fighter jets has to acquire the target's info throught its own radar then feed into missile and fire it. He also denied that target info can be feeded into the missile after launching the missile.

Hall 3 was completely taken over by the Turkish companies which is the largest participating country at the IDEAS 2k6. There were many small arms stalls in there.

Chinese were accommodated in the Hall 1. Chengdue and CATIC were also there. JF -17 was displayed there too. I asked the guy overthere about the SD 10 that where it is? He was AMAZED! & good news about J 10 ?" He was again astonished and said NO and started to talk with his fellow in Chinese. I think China thinks that no one knows about SD 10 and J 10.
SD-10 is known as PL-12 in China, thats why he was probably confused.
Sorry Guyz !!! I know a good discussion is going but I would like to share my IDEAS 2k6 experience with you guyz which has some news abt JF-17 as well.....so please dont mind!.

Hello Friends, as you all know that IDEAS has commenced this Tuesday,21st Nov'06. The exhibition so far is going great! I also went today and would like to share my experience of today with you guyz.

First of all, very tight security!

I was very pleased to see so many International companies participating in the event. That gave me a chance to interact and communicate with our defence personall and also with foreigners. The event is being conducted in 6 halls.

The hall 6 was completely filled up by the Pakistani organizations like AWC, NESCOM, PAC KAMRA and DESTO etc. All the Pakistani Companies displayed only TACTICAL AND INDIGENIOUS weapons. for example the H-2 and H-4. BTW C4 was very impressive, the guyz built it from scratch. Also Navy displayed many indigenious new products. Also the UAV called Vision-1 was displayed with a payload of 25Kg. The NESCOM guyz told me that we are not allowed to show our strategic weapons due to risk of foreign interventionism.

At the JF-17 stall I talked to an engineer working on the project, He told me that RD-93B has been finalized and Grifo S-7 would be the radar most likely and they were also to give CAS briefing on S-7. He also told that they will be flying in PAK by 23rd March 2007 as told by the president. When I was questioning the engg. AN F-16 GUY came over and introduced himself that he himself is an F-16 engineer and wanted to see this this THUNDER about whom he is hearing ALOT! and then the first thing he said " Hey this looks like an F/A -18" and after seeing the rear parts he said that its an F-16 and his facial expressions were of Astonishment and Amazement!, that he was very impressed with the thing .

Now at the Euro Copter stall, the heli was lookin great and the representative told me about the Pakistani Intrest in the heli aswell.

At the DCN Armaris, mockups of Agosta 90B and Marlin SSK were displayed. I was talking with the fellow over there about Marlin capabilities and their hopes for the tender. He told me that we are offering BARACUDA AND COMPLETE TOT with the project and minimum it would take 6 year for the subs to be delevered. Then I teased him a bit by dragging in the U214 he too enjoyed it by saying " What is U-214?". Then he said that YES its a tough competition with the U214 but we are hopefull. He said that 1997 I was in Chile blah blah there were problems with 214 apparantly he wanted to tell the disadvantages of the U-boat. He told that its not the right time for the FUEL CELL technology thats why they are having problems but we prefer to wait a bit more to pull of a better product than Germans pushing hard to come out first in offering. He asked me that when you goto 214 stall ask them to inclement their sub at a 48 degree angle and see what they say. I asked him about Harpoons integration in the Marlin so he replied positively that yes it can be intergrated. Than I asked who will pay for it he said Pakistan Navy.

I saw a UK company called COBHEM which is making the air refuelling system and weapons structures for the JF-17 Thunders [ hardpoints or racks etc.]. He told me that air refuelling probe on the Thunder is same that is on Gripens and he used a word for that may be it was GEOSTATIC probe or something like that I will confirm it tommorow, he tried to say that it wasnt Fixed it was retractable and was best in the world!

The Boeing stall wasnt very impressive. Only Chinooks and JDAMs were displayed.

SAAB cameup with the erieye and Hellfire missiles which has a max. range of 8km and minimum of 500 m. Travels at MACH 1.35 and can Lock-on after launch and before launch aswell.

Raytheon cameup with many systems but I only looked at the AMRAAM and SL-AMRAAM. One thing intresting he told me that AMRAAMS activates its own radar just 3 to 5 seconds before the hit and also that target info can not be feed direclty into AMRAAM through LINK 16, the fighter jets has to acquire the target's info throught its own radar then feed into missile and fire it. He also denied that target info can be feeded into the missile after launching the missile.

Hall 3 was completely taken over by the Turkish companies which is the largest participating country at the IDEAS 2k6. There were many small arms stalls in there.

Chinese were accommodated in the Hall 1. Chengdue and CATIC were also there. JF -17 was displayed there too. I asked the guy overthere about the SD 10 that where it is? He was AMAZED! & good news about J 10 ?" He was again astonished and said NO and started to talk with his fellow in Chinese. I think China thinks that no one knows about SD 10 and J 10.

Cool dude:tup: , i wish i would have been there.:frown: ...
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