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JF-17 is now Battle Tested (Air to Air & Air to Ground)

Why is "?" There

The question mark is there to draw out anyone who thinks the JF-17 can not claim the accolade, and to stimulate the conversation; what constitutes "battle tested" or "battle proven"?

I guess Battle proven is what i was going for in the title, but the phrase just occurred to me as I type this response. So, would you say the PAF can say/market the JF-17 as Battle Proven?
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Because China is now mass producing the J-20 with low cost, so they are pondering now about the worthiness of the J-31.

But the WS-13E has been used the J-31 as a testbed for many years, so no reason for the PAF not having faith on this engine.

Do you think the transition from the WS-13 to the WS-13E engine design means the design has been "modernized"?; i.e. there is room for growth; to attain thrusts as projected by the GE 414 program (growth up to the 25,000-26,000 LB thrust range in full afterburner), and eventually allow fuel saving capabilities like super-cruise?

If the plane can be equipped with a higher non-afterburner thrust engine and designed with a lower weight due to increased use of composites; it should be achieve a greater thrust to weight ratio of 1.0 even when loaded with 2 WVR missiles and 4 BVR missiles. At which point it would achieve its full potential in its current design form.

This may be crucial in marketing to countries like Malaysia.


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JF-17can only fired SD-10 BVRAAM. AIM-120 cannot be mated with KJL-7 Chinese radar.

The article I quoted in the first post stated the PAF was testing an unnamed BVR missile recently. This is missile other than the SD-10. Any Indication the PAF will be inducting an export approved PL-15; a PL-15E? Also any indication the PAF will be inducting the PL-10E?

There are already rumors that there is a PL-20 BVR missile under development? If so, then the PL-15 will be older technology that could be approved for export soon to allies like Pakistan, as well as customers willing to buy the JF-17 or J-10CE.

The Rafale will be equipped with Meteors and the longer range of the Block III JF-17 AESA Radar would be perfect to not only detect, but engage hostile forces as far out as possible. More kills by the JF-17 will help market Chinese systems; Free advertising on all major News Networks around the world. Can't beat that.

Source: http://chinese-military-aviation.blogspot.com/p/missiles-iii.html

To counter LCA, Pakistan need to reconfigure its radar to detect the carrying truck.

Target acquired :woot::rofl:
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The article I quoted in the first post stated the PAF was testing an unnamed BVR missile recently. This is missile other than the SD-10. Any Indication the PAF will be inducting an export approved PL-15; a PL-15E? Also any indication the PAF will be inducting the PL-10E?

There are already rumors that there is a PL-20 BVR missile under development? If so, then the PL-15 will be older technology that could be approved for export soon to allies like Pakistan, as well as customers willing to buy the JF-17 or J-10CE.

The Rafale will be equipped with Meteors and the longer range of the Block III JF-17 AESA Radar would be perfect to not only detect, but engage hostile forces as far out as possible. More kills by the JF-17 will help market Chinese systems; Free advertising on all major News Networks around the world. Can't beat that.

Source: http://chinese-military-aviation.blogspot.com/p/missiles-iii.html

Target acquired :woot::rofl::nhl_checking:

Pakistan shouldn't rain on their parade. Indians get their battle accomplishments from braggings and parades.
Pakistan shouldn't rain on their parade. Indians get their battle accomplishments from braggings and parades.

If their AeroIndia "parade" is any thing to go by, they are more than capable of self inflicted disasters in the air as well as on the ground (the massive parking lot fire; at least 100 cars destroyed.....correction 300 cars).

If their AeroIndia "parade" is any thing to go by, they are more than capable of self inflicted disasters in the air as well as on the ground (the massive parking lot fire; at least 100 cars destroyed).

Matter of fact yesterday more jets went down than PAF could take down..in total india loss 2 us and 2 to technical reasons
Matter of fact yesterday more jets went down than PAF could take down..in total india loss 2 us and 2 to technical reasons

Maybe the IAF pilots are destroying their planes so their government has to buy them new ones; as not to let a crisis go to waste.

Or there is a terrible maintenance issue in the IAF/IA and their government doesn't spend enough on genuine parts; only defective DRDO/HAL parts. The french were right to be wary of letting the Indians ask for Made in India Rafales to be certified up to the same build quality *** french built Rafales. The french have a reputation to maintain, otherwise who would buy their triple overpriced defense products anymore.
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SU30 mki shotdown, dual seater .. lots of reports . It fell inside IOK.
Yeah JF-17 should be first AESA equipped aircraft in subcontinent.

Isn't that a sight to be hold. The once laughed at fighter, as just a Mig-21 with a pointy nose, F-16 wannabe, or whatever, by all the IAF fan boys and girls, is now ... challenging all fighters in the IAF fleet, bar none, on equal terms, and besting them. An Aesa equipped JF-17, will be able to challenge a Rafale at a fraction of the cost, and keep the Indians guessing because the sub-systems and weapons won't be western anymore, and therefore they can't try to bribe western companies for the know-how about these systems.

The JF-17 Pilot(s) that shot down those IAF jets down or at least the ISPR spokesperson should write a thank you letter or send a tweet to Larry Pressler, he's still alive and still at it supporting India. He would also "enjoy" pictures about this "SPECIAL metallic center line attachment" on the Locally co-produced JF-17; even if it turns out to be a fuel tank, it would be funny to see all his amendement did was for naught, or rather the opposite and galvanize all of Pakistan for change.


A little modification to that special pod with the wings and Beidou guided tail part from the Takbir smart system would make it scare those that think they can get away with a first strike in an escalation. 100 km glide range is long range for Indian Air defenses to try to stop the JF-17s. Especially if the Block III and this missile gets an RCS reduction and flies low till the last 100 km for a toss bombing followed by a glide to the target.

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Indians seem to suffer from one of the biggest delusions in modern history. They not only believed in their hubris but underestimate Pakistan to no limits. Their so called state of the art airforce not only 2 jets but 3 pilots.
General Indian population being this dumb is understandable, but whats surprising that Indian generals and policy makers believed same nonsense and thought Pakistan will roll over and die. The planners had a really painful reality check after yesterday. Still want more, come get some.
They believe in conjectures not the TRUTH......
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