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JF-17 is now Battle Tested (Air to Air & Air to Ground)

The bird simply looks awesome from every angle.
The original WS-13 from a decade ago was about 800 hours in the TBO and 2400 hours in the total lifespan.

The current WS-13E should fare much better considered with China's tremendous improvement/upgrade with the WS-10.

Is the J-31 expected to be adopted by the PLAN carrier force? more could fit on a carrier then the J-20, and other than range, its performance can be made to match many of J-20's performance characteristics. If so the WS-13 will see continuous upgrades such as better single crystal blades with longer and longer lifespans, alongside the Ws-10/WS-15.

If the J-31 is not adopted by the PLANAF, what are the prospects for the WS-13's future development?
Your MKI or MIG-29 fell your side of Kashmir, 3 pilot captured 2 dies one in custody @randomradio ;):enjoy:
Once this chap is back in India, I suspect Indian propaganda machinery to go into full spin. All the kind words about IK will stop and anti-Pakistan prop. will start spewing again. I truly hope I am proven wrong on this count.
Once this chap is back in India, I suspect Indian propaganda machinery to go into full spin. All the kind words about IK will stop and anti-Pakistan prop. will start spewing again. I truly hope I am proven wrong on this count.
What do you expect from Indians. You never know he change his whole story of shotdown.
Pak deliberately did not hit the military targets. Rather they set the targets next to the actual target installations. I don't really know why we did that. That is cowardice. And no one in world would believe that non-sense. You did prove nothing. Rather by doing that you proved your incompetence. Anyhow see what Indians are claiming.
“Due to our high state of readiness and alertness, Pakistan’s attempts were foiled successfully,” said External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar.
OH No!!! It was a classic "we came we showed you what we can do and we went back safely". Oh the class of this maneouvre is above my scale for poetic justice. It was a coup de grace which inspite of its benign nature has sent shivers down the indian spine!! Well done PAF boys.
Pakistan has really rubbed Indian noses into the ground. The IAF boys were set up like little bunnies going into a trap which they did not know about. I still think and agree with some of the posters PAF had hoped to not have to take down IAF fighters but were prepared none the less. The IAF boys came in blinded. Now from my perspective this is what needs to be analysed. What it says(at least to a novice like me) is that the IR signature of JFT is such that it was not visible to the IAF till it was too late.Alternatively the planes intruding were blinded which again is a coup de Grace.
The return of the IAF pilot is such a graceful move. I am so proud of my forces and PM for that. The Indian media has been shut up effectively by this one gesture. IAF may try and take revenge but this has shown them they will have to think twice before they step on to Paksoil. They have been defeated and any subsequent moves even if they succeed will be looked at as sour grapes. They are also now worried about whether they want to send in the bigger boys and whether their outcome might be the same which will be shame which they cannot afford to have. This is a win win scenario. What it has also done is to prove again to the world and the sane Indian polity/ public(I exclude the vermin iin Indian media as I think they are all bloody insane in any case) that we do not want this war but given half a chance we will defend our land viciously and tenaciously. In my view a message has been sent internationally as well which I am sure will not go unnoticed. The response to this may well be in the form of assymmetrical warfare from possible sleeper units and this is what we may have to be additionally careful of. But so far well done Pak Lands.
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Oh wah, what a logic! Pure cowardice. Your blood was not shed, right. Not because Indians set the target locations into the open space. No, not at all. Indians wanted to kill innocent students in a school. It's their bad luck they missed it. But their claim of killing 300 or more terrorist was actually the script prepared much before their failed strike. That shows how serious they were to kill 100s of pak childer. What a shame on you cowards. Allah saved you from catastrophe and you are telling us why should we kill the enemy. If hit, it would have been much worse than APS terrorist attack. Allah saved us.

It's not just a coencidence that they wanted to kill scores of our children in this surgical strike. They have done it with us before in APS but indirectly using the terrorists of Afghan NDS and TTP. Now they wanted to do that directly by themselve. God forbid, had Indians succeeded in doing that, they would unleash a blackmailing global campaign to blame Pakistan as a country supporting terrorism. Hit you where it hurts the most and then not allowing you even cry.

Ok, fine. Let Modi get off the hook and get away with his grave crime of aggression against our country. I am 200% sure Indians will subsequently prepare much better and launch a similar or even worse attack in Pakistan (they failed in 1965, they prepared well in next 5 years and then broke Pakistan in 1971) killing scores of children in Pakistan. I am sure you'll then get at least some shame in yourself. I hope your son or brother wouldn't be among the dead. Or else you'll get much more than just the shame.

I have seen the burger babies - our libral seculars - having wet pants, shevering with fear, and abusing our armed forces, especially PAF and its chief, in desperation after the Indian attack yesterday. That really exposed the shallow personality of these bloody cowards. Now that Pak has turned the tables on Indians, these idiots want to go back to normal as soon as possible leaving the mission unachieved. These idiots, adicted to Indian movies, don't really have any shame in them or realization the pains that the people of occupied J&K are going through.
Same retard liberals woke up yesterday some were pissing in their pants..this is called extremism ..world is not black and white its grey..what were they thinking India wont come and bomb than..every strong nation will bully a smaller nation...for the liberals the only way when you might expect India will stop will be if you hand over all GB AND Kashmir, more water and act as client state
OH No!!! It was a classic "we came we showed you what we can do and we went back safely". Oh the class odf this maneouvre is above my scale for poetic justice. It was a coup de grace which inspite of its benign nature has sent shivers down the indian spine!! Well done PAF boys.
Pakistan has really rubbed Indian noses into the ground. The IAF boys were set up like little bunnies going into a trap which they did not know about. I still think and agree with some of the posters PAF had hoped to not have to take down IAF fighters but were prepared none the less. The IAF boys came in blinded. Now from my perspective this is what needs to be analysed. What it says(at least to a novice like me) is that the IR signature of JFT is such that it was not visible to the IAF till it was too late.Alternatively the planes intruding were blinded which again is a coup de Grace.
The return of the IAF pilot is such a graceful move. I am so proud of my forces and PM for that. The Indian media has been shut up effectively by this one gesture. IAF may try and take revenge but this has shown them they will have to think twice before they step on to Paksoil. They have been defeated and any subsequent moves even if they succeed will be looked at as sour grapes. They are also now worried about whether they want to send in the bigger boys and whether their outcome mght be the same which will be shame which they cannot afford to have. This is a win win scenario. What it has also done is to prove again to the world and the sane Indian polity/ public(I exclude the vermin iin Indian media as I think they are all bloody insane in any case) that we do not want this war but given half a chance we will defend our land viciously and tenaciously. In my view a message has been sent internationally as well which I am sure will not go unnoticed. The response to this may well be in the form of assymmetrical warfare from possible sleeper units and this is what we may have to be additionally careful of. But so far well done Pak Lands.
Above all and most importantly sir Kashmir Issue has been made international again. And no matter how much india peddles internal or bilateral issue, World simply cant leave it at that given that as they have been made aware of the scales.
And beauty of this is sir NONE of this was our doing. They themselves singlehandedly managed to screw it up.
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