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JF-17 "Extremely close" to the MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan

Well you guys did nothing but posting crap on this thread. As far as capabilities are concerned the members have given reasonable comparison between the two and why JF-17 is close to mig29 and why it is a threat for mig29's customers. Either you ignore those posts and repeat the same questions again or counter it with flawed sources. We consider it anguish. You can pick your word for such behavior.

The fact is that Mig29 is already losing customers and that too not just because of price but their are other reasons for it. Those other reasons have also been discussed on this thread and forum.

As I already countered all the claims of JF-17 equivalent to Mig-29, please go through those posts and reply them. I don't want to rehash everything again for you. But to simplify things all I'm saying is JF-17 Block II, which some posters claim is equivalent to Mig-29, doesn't exist and is just a paper tiger.

Prove me that Mig-29 is losing customers in the first place and if it losing then prove that it is losing on price front or "other reasons" as you claim it. Otherwise we are going in circles.
As I already countered all the claims of JF-17 equivalent to Mig-29, please go through those posts and reply them. I don't want to rehash everything again for you. But to simplify things all I'm saying is JF-17 Block II, which some posters claim is equivalent to Mig-29, doesn't exist and is just a paper tiger.

Prove me that Mig-29 is losing customers in the first place and if it losing then prove that it is losing on price front or "other reasons" as you claim it. Otherwise we are going in circles.

Egypt has money, can buy Mig-29s very easily.

Egypt is not a rag tag militia led country or has some inferior enemy.

So now tell me why is Egypt negotiating for FC-1/JF-17s ?? When it can very easily buy Mig-29 or even Mig-35s ??

Do tell with logical statements.
How about closing this thread

Its gonna be done very soon, as we can't have a decent debate with the Indian posters around.

Never really had in any JF-17 related thread and Indian members come banging in and derail it with their stupid posts.

Let this one answer why is Egypt going for JF-17 even when they have plenty of money, may be their mind start to see what we are being telling.
As I already countered all the claims of JF-17 equivalent to Mig-29, please go through those posts and reply them. I don't want to rehash everything again for you. But to simplify things all I'm saying is JF-17 Block II, which some posters claim is equivalent to Mig-29, doesn't exist and is just a paper tiger.

Prove me that Mig-29 is losing customers in the first place and if it losing then prove that it is losing on price front or "other reasons" as you claim it. Otherwise we are going in circles.

You never countered anything but to repeating the same BS again and again until the member leaves the discussion. I have been reading each and every single post on this thread and I understand what you were doing here in this thread.

As far as Block II is concerned the PAF is working on it and some very respectable and senior members have shared their input on it dozens a time. You can find that on the stick thread. Even if you call it a paper tiger than I would justify it as a reaction of the experience that you recieved from LCA project.

As far as Mig29 is losing customer is concern the article given in the first post is enough. Egypt is going to be the biggest buyer of this aircraft which gives us a reason that they aren't buying JFT just because it is cheap. They already operate very potent F-16's and they can easily afford your super dooper Mig 29. Anyways you guys have done a great job in ruining this thread.

Just a personal observation: It looks like this thread is longer than the original JFT thread.
Bad Russians Bad, how can they do this to an all weather friend/best bud by giving such a preposterous statement; "Jf-17thunder is pretty close to Mig-29". How could they not have considered the after math effects such as headaches,dyspepsia & in some extreme cases insomnia.
Just a personal observation: It looks like this thread is longer than the original JFT thread.

Yeah and we are thankful for such honor to our Indian friends, who can't resist the temptation for derailing threads especially of JF-17.

By the way I haven't gotten the answer from our Indian friends for why Egypt is going for JF-17s when it has tonnes of money to buy Mig-29, heck even F-16s which it operates in hundreds.
Egypt has money, can buy Mig-29s very easily.

Egypt is not a rag tag militia led country or has some inferior enemy.

So now tell me why is Egypt negotiating for FC-1/JF-17s ?? When it can very easily buy Mig-29 or even Mig-35s ??

Do tell with logical statements.

they already have f-16's{around 200} and miraage 2000 in their inventory
so i think at present they require a point defence interceptor which can replace their aging fleet of mig 21 & j-7 .............and jf 17 seems to b a perfect bet for that.......but that doesn't means jf 17 is close to Mig 29....................its just tht jf17 fits to their doctrine......
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they already have f-16's{around 200} and miraage 2000 in their inventory
so i think at present they require a point defence interceptor which can replace their aging fleet of mig 21 & j-7 .............and i think jf 17 seems to b a perfect bet for that.......but that doesn't means jf 17 is close to Mig 29....................its just tht jf17 fits to their doctrine......

Atleast one of them said something related to doctrine, and not just cost.

Well they can replace their Mig-21 / J-7s with F-16s also, as their enemy is Israel who has the best air force in the region. So if they can counter such deadly air force with something superior, then why not Mig-29/35s, why something sooooooo inferior in the shape JF-17.

Doctrines can be changed as per threat.
they already have f-16's{around 200} and miraage 2000 in their inventory
so i think at present they require a point defence interceptor which can replace their aging fleet of mig 21 & j-7 .............and i think jf 17 seems to b a perfect bet for that.......but that doesn't means jf 17 is close to Mig 29....................its just tht jf17 fits to their doctrine......
Then why not replace Mig 21 with Mig 29 as Mig29 is leagues ahead of JFT.....why JFT??
they already have f-16's{around 200} and miraage 2000 in their inventory
so i think at present they require a point defence interceptor which can replace their aging fleet of mig 21 & j-7 .............and i think jf 17 seems to b a perfect bet for that.......but that doesn't means jf 17 is close to Mig 29....................its just tht jf17 fits to their doctrine......

Israel acquiring F35 and Egypt JF17 Thunder????? Israel having F15 and F16 block 52 in inventory and egypt acquiring Thunders!
Ah......!!!!! Food for thought. :eek:
c'mon folks. Its a sales comparison and not a technical comparison and fairly accurate. Its like comparing a Honda City(Mig) and a Hyundai Accent(Thunder). The Honda has been around longer and has more history and a little more power and top speed. Hyundai on the other hand is more recent, perception of slightly lower quality and slightly weaker power train but a significant cost save.

Now someone planning to do a fast and furious, may not even look at the Hyundai, but for a regular Office commuter, it does as good a job as a Honda. And with a price tag that is 30% cheaper, is a great bargain.

So you see, it depends all on what You want to use it for. A product in itself doesnt mean a thing in terms of how good or bad it is, unless evaluated against a need for which it is procured.
Atleast one of them said something related to doctrine, and not just cost.

Well they can replace their Mig-21 / J-7s with F-16s also, as their enemy is Israel who has the best air force in the region. So if they can counter such deadly air force with something superior, then why not Mig-29/35s, why something sooooooo inferior in the shape JF-17.

Doctrines can be changed as per threat.
o.k do u think tht jf 17 is better then their F-16's:azn:..............i mean they can evn go for more f-16's or miraage 2000........

To b frank they will replace their old fleet with the most affordable plane in the market.............wether its mig 29 or jf 17 it doesn't matter............the only thing tht matters to thm is tht it should fits to their doctrine
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