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JF-17 "Extremely close" to the MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan

Ok Sir,
We are ready to deal with it
But first proof this claim cause jf17 is less in money no other advantage it have. (after 20 pages of discussion no one is able to proof that) :coffee:

If the designers of F16 say so, what objection can operators of the aircraft have?? And since when is MiG29 Indian? It's Russian, right? and since when f16 Pakistani, It's American, right?

Indians are "feeling more and thinking less", it would seem.

Once more (for effect) Indian heart burn seems to rising as Russians say that JFT is giving MiG29 a run for it's Money. Russians say that JFT is in the same league as MiG29.


20 pages and your people needle is stuck at just price.

Damn you guys are smart.
:rofl::rofl: (((again)))

M never post about RCS of jf17 m just post its radar detection range with 3m2 rcs

I dnt know about its RCS

by the same logic that these people are giving -like JFT is small and so lesser rcs, wont the lca be better that the JFT Then?being the smallest fighter? and with westerern engines..... it will have a smaller rcs combines with the amount of composites used -it will ideally be classfied as a stealth aircraft
by the same logic that these people are giving -like JFT is small and so lesser rcs, wont the lca be better that the JFT Then?being the smallest fighter? and with westerern engines..... it will have a smaller rcs combines with the amount of composites used -it will ideally be classfied as a stealth aircraft

oh man! Don't bring LCA crap here on this thread. It is not yet flying.

20 pages and your people needle is stuck at just price.

Damn you guys are smart.

No one want to stuck to price

Some Pakistani members say that max speed is not important (Why??)

Some say that ferry range is not important (Why?)

Some members comparing Radar and Mig29 SMT is way ahead
so some asking about RCS(radar cross section) Mig 29SMT have RCS of 1-1.2 M2 and i dnt know about JF17s RCS

Then some state that its confidential PAF not want to disclose that

Some say that Russian told this not we are
They say this because Russian customers need cheap plane and JF17 is fit for their requirement (all jf17 potential customer are small countries like BD, Ezypt, SriLanka etc) so its hard for Russia to sell costly planes

Then how all want to say both planes are equivalent
India has nothing to lose or worry if JF-17 gives competition to Mig-29. It is for Russia to lose their market. Anyways, we have to see about that when JF-17 first starts selling to other countries. It is not final yet

So why so much anguish over the statement of the Russians?

Tomorrow if Pakistani will say sun rises in the East, our Indian friends will have to be against that as well. "how can we accept..."

Just deal with it. No evasions, no defecting the thread, just plain deal with it. Write to the Russian, tell him that you Indians feel that the Russian has let you down, while you are at it also complain that the sun stop rising in the East because Pakistanis agree that it does. Grow up, ladies.
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I dnt want make this thread LCA vs JF17
But remember one thing you are not develop this plane you are just customer just like India is customer of Sukhoi 30 MKI

Otherwise same logic say that Mki is developed by India and as every one know that Mki is best in whole asia.

So why so much anguish over the statement of the Russians?

Tomorrow if Pakistani will say sun rises in the East, our Indian friends will have to be against that as well. "how can we accept..."

Just deal with it. No evasions, no defecting the thread, just plain deal with it. Write to the Russian, tell him that you Indians feel that the Russian has let you down, while you are at it also complain that the sun stop rising in the est because Pakistanis agree that it does. Grow up, ladies.

Where is the anguish?. People are only countering the claims of JF-17 being an equivalent of Mig-29 in terms of capabilities which it is not. And that perhaps to you seem like anguish.

Russia didn't let us down because they gave us a very capable fighter in terms of Mig-29 which is our second-in-line offensive and first-in-line interceptor fighter.
Russia didn't let us down People are only countering the claims of JF-17 being an equivalent of Mig-29 in terms of capabilities

You mean Indians are countering the claims of the same Russian who gave you Mig29? Why ? Why are you countering this claim? Don't you trust the Russian? If the Russian thinks JFT is in the same league as MiG29, who are you to counter it? I mean did you make MiG29? Do you own MiG29? So why all this burn?

Just deal with it.
Where is the anguish?. People are only countering the claims of JF-17 being an equivalent of Mig-29 in terms of capabilities which it is not. And that perhaps to you seem like anguish.

Russia didn't let us down because they gave us a very capable fighter in terms of Mig-29 which is our second-in-line offensive and first-in-line interceptor fighter.

Well you guys did nothing but posting crap on this thread. As far as capabilities are concerned the members have given reasonable comparison between the two and why JF-17 is close to mig29 and why it is a threat for mig29's customers. Either you ignore those posts and repeat the same questions again or counter it with flawed sources. We consider it anguish. You can pick your word for such behavior.

The fact is that Mig29 is already losing customers and that too not just because of price but their are other reasons for it. Those other reasons have also been discussed on this thread and forum.
You mean Indians are countering the claims of the same Russian who gave you Mig29? Why ? Why are you countering this claim? Don't you trust the Russian? If the Russian thinks JFT is in the same league as MiG29, who are you to counter it? I mean did you make MiG29? Do you own MiG29? So why all this burn?

Just deal with it.

First you need to read the title of the article (and the article itself) "Made-in-China airplanes may undermine sales of Russian high quality jets". But as usual a Pakistani poster twisted it and gave the twisted thread title "JFT is "Extremely close" to MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan". And people who are responsible never corrected the thread title and let the discussion go haywire because the foundation itself is wrong.

Indians are countering only the claims of some Pakistani posters who are saying JF-17 is equivalent to Mig-29 which it is not. So it is the Pakistanis who have to deal with realities and not twist the facts and change the thread titles.
Where is the anguish?. People are only countering the claims of JF-17 being an equivalent of Mig-29 in terms of capabilities which it is not. And that perhaps to you seem like anguish.

Russia didn't let us down because they gave us a very capable fighter in terms of Mig-29 which is our second-in-line offensive and first-in-line interceptor fighter.

Where are the counter claims, the only claim i have heard from our Indian friends is that the MIG 29 is superior because it houses 2 engines compared to JF17 which houses one. If this is the logic my Indian friends will use, their is pretty much no point of debating. My suggestion is that please go through the JF17 thread and learn more about the capabilities of this plane instead of posting horse sh**.

JF17's avionics are comparable to F16 Block 40's, features a Multi Dopple Radar, TWR 1.1, more maneuverable but a little but less agile than the Block 15 which is the most maneuverable and agile out of the entire F16 series. The plane's worth $20 million, not bad if you ask me for the capabilities it is offering. It has consistently hammered the F16 in close dog fights, an area which the F16 is considered the master off. Also i don't think i need to remind you that pilots who have flown the F16 and MIG29 find the F16 to be a better aircraft overall. If my memory serves me correct; everytime the F16 has gone up against the MIG29 in combat, it has emerged victorious.
First you need to read the title of the article (and the article itself) "Made-in-China airplanes may undermine sales of Russian high quality jets". But as usual a Pakistani poster twisted it and gave the twisted thread title "JFT is "Extremely close" to MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan". And people who are responsible never corrected the thread title and let the discussion go haywire because the foundation itself is wrong.

Indians are countering only the claims of some Pakistani posters who are saying JF-17 is equivalent to Mig-29 which it is not. So it is the Pakistanis who have to deal with realities and not twist the facts and change the thread titles.
The article clearly mention FC 1.....

But discussion without knowledge is something we cant help.....Like one other member said "Now you are bringing FC 1 into JF17s discussion"
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