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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

The on-ground reality/facts in Pakistan are totally opposite to what you said. In Pakistan only those projects have progressed which were directly under Army control (fighter jets, tanks, nuclear weapons, submarines, naval ships etc etc). Neither our govt nor our private sector has made any progress in any military or civil projects. Under corrupt politicians our institutions like PIA, Steel Mill, Railways, health, education and all other departments have failed, so my friend dont tell us what to do.
Friend, it is because they were not allowed to make any progress or even try. Look at Turkey... casing point where are they now without any involvement with their brass officials... decades ahead. Because you do not have dodo brains running the show.

I disagree with your opinion completely; you are part of the problem by giving them the elevation. Instead you need to look as to why it is in that state as a nation.
Probably quarantined due to COVID 19.

Probably quarantined due to COVID 19.
I don't know whats wrong with our people.They alway waited for India to take edge and then they wake up from deep sleep & start thinking what to do.JF 17 is a success story but no.They want to keep working on their usual pace no matter what threat we are faced with.
I don't know whats wrong with our people.They alway waited for India to take edge and then they wake up from deep sleep & start thinking what to do.JF 17 is a success story but no.They want to keep working on their usual pace no matter what threat we are faced with.

An unfortunate reality ........ Unfortunately
I don't know whats wrong with our people.They alway waited for India to take edge and then they wake up from deep sleep & start thinking what to do.JF 17 is a success story but no.They want to keep working on their usual pace no matter what threat we are faced with.
The reason frankly is you have no forward looking independent R&D or think tanks. Just look at K8 or even M3/5 saga... completely lack of foresight across the board. That is why in a prior post until you have a divorce and removal of dodo brains from all institutions and put technical R&D engineers who appreciate the way forward and are thinking out of the box.
Simply No
Not sure about PL-15.
For AESA I think pretty possible though if you consider air-cooled LKF601E, which is a in place exchange and they have already tested it with JF-17.
IF PAF want.
But I can't think of any reason they need to rush into anything suddenly.
The reason frankly is you have no forward looking independent R&D or think tanks. Just look at K8 or even M3/5 saga... completely lack of foresight across the board. That is why in a prior post until you have a divorce and removal of dodo brains from all institutions and put technical R&D engineers who appreciate the way forward and are thinking out of the box.

01 Penny=One Wisdom
100 Pennies=100 Wisdom
I think some out of the box ideas of utilizing existing space is going to be the real and viable way forward for JF-17 upgrades. There wont be any major redesign or increasing the size type to exercises with the jet at all and definitely no new engines or thrust vectoring etc.

One thing I would like to see in a Block 4 or even later retrofits in existing blocks 1/2/3s is the EW/EECM capabilities enhanced further. There are already many ideas of using under wing weapon pylons to serve with a dual functionality such as https://www.terma.com/media/105019/two-pager_defense_air_pylon-based_ew_solutions.pdf

Similarly, towed decoys can also be used with pylons and it would mean less tinkering with the tail or its associated brake chute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/ALE-50_towed_decoy_system

With ECM and EW gear, the cooling requirements are going to be a challenge but I don't believe that part is insurmountable.

For the IRST, using a podded system is not only easier, it will also be much faster in fulfilling the requirement, if there is one. Since IRST is primarily a passive A-A detection instrument, hanging it in a podded fashion under a chin intake is not a good idea. That means while the jets with A-G missions might use the Turkish LDP, fighters providing top cover could use the same station for an IRST system.

No need to try and shoe box in a compact solution in an already small air frame that might never get developed or funded.

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