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Jehadi Threatl:Stop Myanmar violence before jihadis step in

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May 25, 2010
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Stop Myanmar violence before jihadis step in

Gut-wrenching tales and grisly images are trickling out of Myanmar over a month after sectarian violence flared in its western Rakhine state. Hundreds of Rohingyas — a destitute, marginalised Muslim community disowned by the state — have been killed and maimed and tens of thousands made to flee their homes following organised attacks on villages by local Arakanese Buddhists. It started off when an Arakanese woman was raped and killed by Rohingya Muslims in late May. In a bloody reprisal, an Arakanese mob plucked 10 Rohingyas from a passenger bus and lynched them. The violence escalated to other villages and towns as mobs killed the Rohingyas wantonly and burnt down their properties.
Media reports suggest that the violence has not subsided despite a slew of ‘cosmetic measures’ by the quasi-democratic government of President Thein Sein. Alarmingly, state agencies — the border security force in particular — are colluding with marauding Arakanese mobs in what is now being dubbed as ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the Rohingyas.
Local media blames the Rohingyas for setting off the latest upsurge in violence. Given the pathetic conditions of the Rohingyas, who live in squalid towns as ‘lesser’ citizens of the Buddhist-majority land, and given a history of state discrimination against them, the Rohingyas are unlikely to have invited the wrath of their ‘superior’ fellow countrymen.
Independent observers suspect a bigger conspiracy at play. They believe that Myanmar’s powerful military has unscrupulously planned the violence to cash in on popular anti-Rohingya sentiment in an effort to reassert its importance and discredit the iconic pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. A statement in favour of the Rohingyas would definitely damage Suu Kyi’s popularity among the majority Arakanese community. Perhaps, Suu Kyi knows this and this is why she did not respond to calls, including one from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, to use her clout to get the violence stopped.
Rakhine is facing a media blackout: foreign journalists are denied access to the strife-torn region, while local media persons are barred from reporting on the violence. President Sein has spurned calls from Amnesty International and the top US envoy for his country to hold an independent inquiry into the deadly rioting. Instead, he has set up an official inquiry commission. How can one expect an ‘impartial inquiry’ from President Sein, who believes that the expulsion of all 800,000 Rohingyas from Rakhine is the only solution to the communal discord in his country?
Aside from subdued condemnations from some Muslim states, no serious effort has been made to get the bloodletting stopped. Regrettably, Pakistan has not offered even the ceremonial lip-service. This pogrom against the Rohingyas also does not figure on the priority lists of our ratings-hungry media, squabbling politicians and spotlight-savvy right wing crusaders.
The international community should pressure the Myanmar leaders to get the senseless violence stopped. Inaction would only help radicals and jihadists, who might use the ‘Muslim genocide’ in Myanmar as a rallying call. They are already flooding the social networking websites Facebook and Twitter with disturbing images and hearsay accounts of the violence to build their case.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 21st, 2012.
The Jehadis may open an extension counter in the region.

Shall create another regime that will gun for them.
As mentioned in the article, it is nothing but ethnic cleansing instigated by the army to stay important in the Myanmarese politics. Unfortunately no country have raised their voice in a serious manner. The media blackout in these areas does not help either.

And the worst case situation for them is if Jihadis step in. They will lose whatever lip service sympathy they have now and countries will avoid them like plague.

Not sure who would raise their voice for these people. Except to a certain extent, U.S, no other country seem to take up these people's cause.
Haha.. Apparentely these Jihadis dont like when others give them the same treatment that give to others.
Haha.. Apparentely these Jihadis dont like when others give them the same treatment that give to others.

Sorry mate. That is unwanted. Read these people's history. They have been consistently targetted by the Burmese majority. Violence in Indonesia - the army and the majority took it upon these people. Bamiyan issue - these people suffered. They have been suffering since 1962 with ethnic cleansing happening after army took over.
most of indians will say jihadis r terrorists , but budhists r right .
they will sue peace for these barbarians who have killed thousands of innocent Muslims ...
actually most of them have hate against Muslims, and it is quite clear from their posts although they all will refute it..
even now if Muslims of burma start retaliation and answer blood with blood ... they will start to call Muslims as terrorists.
and it is true that when whole the world will sit and enjoy the brutality, jihadies have every Right to go there and defend their follow Muslims ....
morally u should welcome them rather than calling them a threat,
see funny pak talk show

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it is quite unfortunate that all the Muslim countries r watching this brutality but taking no action to stop it , leave others aside.
in this situation Muslims of burma will welcome jihadies because they r their saviors.
be rationale in ur approach dont be so much biased because of ur hate for Muslims ....

see funny pak talk show

so u will use this to represent whole PAKISTAN, by the way there was not so much funny in it...
stop trolling kid............
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it is quite unfortunate that all the Muslim countries r watching this brutality but taking no action to stop it , leave others aside.
in this situation Muslims of burma will welcome jihadies because they r their saviors.
be rationale in ur approach dont be so much biased because of ur hate for Muslims ....

so u will use this to represent whole PAKISTAN, by the way there was not so musch funny in it...
stop trolling kid............

In 1193, the Nalanda University was sacked by[12] the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk;[13] this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaqat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword[14] the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills."

Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cant this thread merged with Existing Burma thread?????

@ Topic: I was reading some where , Buremese are afraid that These Muslims will create Kashmir like situation in Burma, so they are doing ethenic cleansing. As Muslims are not Vote bank there (As they are in India) , No burmese party are thinking about them.

Its Unfortunate that Burmese are kicking out there own ppl (Whom they don't accept as Burmese).
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