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Javad Zarif humiliates secretary Pompeo

The American secretary of state attempted to put together a scare tactic relating the lifting of arm embargo against Iran. Did not really work out the way he imagined.

LOL,yeah but to be honest it doesnt really take much skill when you`re dealing with the likes of pompeo.This is the sort of guy I could literally just picture as an extra on an episode of The Sopranos,ie a low level gangster wearing a cheap suit with the street name of Mickey "The Pig" Pompeo:
"Ay....We lie,we cheat,we steal.......Thats what we do,thats "our thing",La cosa nostra.....Right Tony?":omghaha:
Keep in mind, many of the people Pompeo wish to brainwash are very impressionable. They are the sort of people that do not read beyond a headline and/or claims and do not or cannot perform any proper analysis. The likes Pompeo understand the average person is ignorant in such military issues to realise these fallacies. Another famous example is their claim that Iran testing ballistic missiles means Iran is after nuclear weapons because "they are only used for nuclear weapons". Of course they know this is not technically true, but they understand they can get away with making these claims to form their narrative in the mind of their average populace.
The American secretary of state attempted to put together a scare tactic relating the lifting of arm embargo against Iran. Did not really work out the way he imagined.

Yeah I saw MJZ's tweet as well. I was wondering if he would say something because I noticed Pompeo's graph was wrong when I first looked at it.

Good on MJZ

Looks like Pompeo is scared of Su-35 and J-10
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