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Japan’s Largest Warship Since World War II Takes To Sea

For sure the US won't allow F-35B for Japan. After the Syria fiasco after America's allies turned on America, America doesn't trust anyone anymore.
The US has no say in the matter and the Izumo and Hyuga class can carry the F-35. Once again your understanding of naval affairs and global politics is wrong. Also the US want Japan to take a more active role in its defense so the US can reduce its own role, thus the US wants to let Japan off of its proverbial leash.

No need to explain to detractors, buddy. That same clod is one who wants the demise of the US-Japan-Nato Global Alliance.
For sure the US won't allow F-35B for Japan. After the Syria fiasco after America's allies turned on America, America doesn't trust anyone anymore.

International relations isn't your thing is it? Romania and Poland are allowing the US to establish a missile shield in their nations. Turkey relented to US pressure and allowed the Iraqi Kurds into Syria. Japan, South Korean, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand are all moving closer to the US. Our Middle-Eastern allies have participated in US led attacks in Iraq and Syria. It seems a lot of nations still trust the US.
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No need to explain to detractors, buddy. That same clod is one who wants the demise of the US-Japan-Nato Global Alliance.

I do feel like I waste my time with Superboy and Senheiser, but for the sake of everyone else who is interested I am still going to provide accurate information and discredit those who make erroneous claims. Arguing with them might not be good for my health, but that doesn't mean we should allow them to influence others with false info. It's best to set the record straight.
International relations isn't your thing is it? Romania and Poland are allowing the US to establish a missile shield in their nations. Turkey relented to US pressure and allowed the Iraqi Kurds into Syria. Japan, South Korean, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand are all moving closure to the US. Our Middle-Eastern allies have participated in US led attacks in Iraq and Syria. It seems a lot of nations still trust the US.

The Turks use ISIS to massacre Kurds. It is naive to think Turkey isn't in bed with ISIS.
International relations isn't your thing is it? Romania and Poland are allowing the US to establish a missile shield in their nations. Turkey relented to US pressure and allowed the Iraqi Kurds into Syria. Japan, South Korean, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand are all moving closer to the US. Our Middle-Eastern allies have participated in US led attacks in Iraq and Syria. It seems a lot of nations still trust the US.

Just be happy he has not asked if the ship has DSI.
The Turks use ISIS to massacre Kurds. It is naive to think Turkey isn't in bed with ISIS.
this will bite Turks hard on their collective national arse for years. there goes their chance to become EU member and one wonders how long they will remain NATO members

but comparing Japan with Syrian crises is stretching the imagination to Nth limit.
Do us all a favor and not "think" too much. You better watch some Bollywood/Lollywood movies instead. Thinking taxes grey matter, and yours seems to get over heated due to short circuiting and capacity issues.

The Turks use ISIS to massacre Kurds. It is naive to think Turkey isn't in bed with ISIS.
Mate, it isn't happening. No aid is flowing to ISIS from Turkey. Only thing that is happening is, they are watching the show and not getting involved. Turkish military is in total control of the situation as far as Turkey is concerned. Eik teer, do shikkar!

this will bite Turks hard on their collective national arse for years. there goes their chance to become EU member and one wonders how long they will remain NATO members

but comparing Japan with Syrian crises is stretching the imagination to Nth limit.
Mate, it isn't happening. No aid is flowing to ISIS from Turkey. Only thing that is happening is, they are watching the show and not getting involved. Turkish military is in total control of the situation as far as Turkey is concerned. Eik teer, do shikkar!
so you are saying Turks are not becoming jackass pawns of the A-rabs like we did in the past?
My grandfather served in the Imperial Navy, and all of his younger brothers died in the war. Imagine, my Ojisan was the only one to come home after the end of the war.

Can't emphasize enough how much we suffered. The foolish decision to invade not only China, but to attack the United States and initiate Operation Ten Goh simultaneously. The Military Government at the time did not have a coordinated effort in the war ministry because even then, leaders in the Department of the Imperial Army, and Navy competed with each other and did not coordinate effectively. This was seen in Guadalcanal and other battle events.

The soldiers, sailors and crewmen fought and died with valor and distinction, and followed orders obediently to their deaths. Unfortunately the Imperial Military Command was incompetent on the objective and goal. They were unrealistic in fighting the Russians, Chinese, Americans, Dutch, French, British, Australians at the same time.

Lets get back to the subject matter , shall we? Thanks buddy. :)

i agree completely with your post bro. I have always wondered why japanese military leaders at the time were so foolish so as to startt hostilities with the U.S,Russia, Britain, China(the invasion was a huge strategic mistake, which costs Japan alot of human/material resources for no real gain), Dutch and Australia. There is no way Japan was going to come out on top/victorious in this war, not even with the backing of mighty nazi Germany(who was the most powerful military machine on earth back then). Anyway has you said, its all history, today japan is a reformed/different/peaceful country and a good partner/ally of the western world.:cheers: i admire the courage/fighting spirit of Japanese/German soldiers who lost their lives invane for the silly decisions their superiors made. Hopeflly this will never repeat itself again. :-)
The US has no say in the matter and the Izumo and Hyuga class can carry the F-35. Once again your understanding of naval affairs and global politics is wrong. Also the US want Japan to take a more active role in its defense so the US can reduce its own role, thus the US wants to let Japan off of its proverbial leash.

Well its hard to say bro. on one hand the U.S wants Japan and even the E.U to take on more role/repsonsibilties since the U.S is/will find it harder and harder to keep playing the global policeman in all regions at the same time as times goes on, on the other hand allowing Japan to have an independent foreign policy/say in world affairs/military doctrine can be rather detrimental to U.S interests as well. So its kind of a dilema for the U.S i think, As we can see in the Ukrainian conflict between the U.S and Russia, The U.S had to use its influence/leverage over Japan to make Japan impose sanctions on Russia(twice), so the U.S has to work a fine line between allowing Japan to have a more active role in its defence and still being able to kind of controling Japan when it comes to critical issues that affects U.S interets. So it will be interesting to see how this will play out in the coming decade or two as Russia and China grow more confident/powerful. Since sometimes U.S and Japan interests dont match, in which case Japan often finds itself in a delicate situation and has to make tough choices/decisions it might not really want to.
However i agree that Japans interests are better served with having the U.S as its main ally than otherwise, since the U.S has been a good partner/ally/big brother to japan since the end of the war and helped japan rebuild/become a democracy to the country it is today. cheers to U.S-JAPAN cooperation:cheers::usflag::tup:
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