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Japan's Growing Naval Power: Japan building more Atago Class GM Destroyers

While Japan has a powerful navy, the asia pacific region is filled with powerful Navies, I wouldn't say Japan is the sole naval power in the region.

The PLAN (Chinese navy) is number 2 largest navy in the world, and while not as advanced as Japanese navy, a war between the two will have no clear winner. In fact, if you're Indian, you should not underestimate the PLAN for they will be your future main rival in the Indian Ocean.

Russia had a monster navy 25 years ago with 280+ submarines, 6 carriers, 80 destroyers+cruisers, 250+ frigates+corvettes, of course it is a shadow of its former self now, but its submarines are still some of the best in the world. In terms of total tonnage, it is still the 3rd largest in the world, of course, noone knows the true tonnage of the Russian Navy as many of its cold war relics might not be operational.

South Korea, with a small population of 50 million, has the 8th largest navy in the world, with some pretty high tech stuff too i may add.

Taiwan, with a population of only 22 million, has the 10th largest navy in the world. While it is not as advanced as China, Japan's, or SK's navy (no ageis destoyers or advanced submarines), it is still considered a middle powered navy with plenty of anti surface ship capabilities.

Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand are also modest naval powers.

Both PLAN and Russian Navy are more advanced than the JMSDF.

Since the JMSDF has nothing of their own, and the Atago class is in fact purely the US technology.

Japan needs to first come out with something of their own before they wanna call themselves to be more advanced than others.
Both PLAN and Russian Navy are more advanced than the JMSDF.

Since the JMSDF has nothing of their own, and the Atago class is in fact purely the US technology.

Japan needs to first come out with something of their own before they wanna call themselves to be more advanced than others.

"It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice."
You cannot become a military power by buying up the weapons only.

they build their own weapons too, you should find some information first before sprouting some nonsense like this. And this is Japan we are talking about, you guys should known Japan better and what their people capable of on the first hand if they get serious in some business.
You cannot become a military power by buying up the weapons only.

Yes, if you like to believe we are not a military power, then, by all means, believe so. Again, we don't really care what people say or if they compare us with nation a, b, c, d. We do things silently and modestly, as per Japanese custom.

If you believe we are weak, then, be it so. :)
You cannot become a military power by buying up the weapons only.

Australia, Indonesia, India, even Vietnam love Japan AIP-tech sub to death.
Japan would export those soon.

Japanese would pretend that they are not growing to any military power, to satisfy someone like you.
Australia, Indonesia, India, even Vietnam love Japan AIP-tech sub to death.
Japan would export those soon.

Japanese would pretend that they are not growing to any military power, to satisfy someone like you.

Yes, the 'indigenous' AIP sub with the Swedish technology.

BTW, if Japan really wanna impress us, then they should try to restore 2/3 of the modern USN like they did that before.

That means 6-7 nuclear supercarriers, 60 Aegis DDGs, 50 nuclear subs.
Russian Navy are more advanced than the JMSDF.

Since the JMSDF has nothing of their own, and the Atago class is in fact purely the US technology.

Japan needs to first come out with something of their own before they wanna call themselves to be more advanced than others.

Russian navy is rusting away , what are you even talking about?
Russian navy is rusting away , what are you even talking about?

The Russian navy still has some fearsome nuclear sub fleet nonetheless.

That factor alone is probably enough to sink the whole JMSDF.
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Australia, Indonesia, India, even Vietnam love Japan AIP-tech sub to death.
Japan would export those soon.

Japanese would pretend that they are not growing to any military power, to satisfy someone like you.

We are a maturing power and whats important is for us to develop closer ties with our partners in the South China Sea Region, Pacific Region, IOR, as well as in the Persian Gulf Region. We do not have to prove ourselves to anyone, there is no need for that, Japan does not have to validate its abilities to anyone. We know of our abilities, period.

Update on DDG 177 and DDG 178

Lockheed Martin Mission Systems and Training in Moorestown, NJ receives a $53.6 million contract modification to upgrade Japan’s Atago Class Ships DDG 177 and DDG 178 from Aegis Baseline 7 Phase 1R, to the Advanced Capability Build 12 software with Technology Insertion 12 hardware. All funds are committed immediately. Work will be performed in Moorestown, NJ (65%), and Chelmsford, MA (35%), and is expected to be complete by March 2017.


Future Equipment

The USA has tested AEGIS BMD 4.0.2 equipment and software on board USS Lake Erie [CG 70], and is beginning to roll it out to their fleet. Unless Japan demands a single BMD combat system fleet-wide, BMD 4.0.2 offers advantages for the Atago Class retrofits when using the current SM-3 Block IB missile.

Meanwhile, American system development is continuing. BMD 5.0 will shift the system to full open architecture electronics, and BMD 5.1 will introduce compatibility with the US-Japanese SM-3 Block IIA. Eventually, the Japanese will be upgrading their existing AEGIS BMD systems – the only questions are to what versions, and how many times.

The jointly-developed SM-3 Block IIA missile is wider, creating longer range and better intercept geometry. In English: it’s faster and more powerful, with the ability to defend larger areas, and hit longer-range missiles with a higher flight profile. Whereas SM-3 Block I missiles would require about 6 ships to defend Japan, SM-3 Block IIA missiles could cut that to 3 or even 2. Introduction is tentatively scheduled for 2018.


Japan’s Fleet BMD: Upgrades & UORs
We are a maturing power and whats important is for us to develop closer ties with our partners in the South China Sea Region, Pacific Region, IOR, as well as in the Persian Gulf Region. We do not have to prove ourselves to anyone, there is no need for that, Japan does not have to validate its abilities to anyone. We know of our abilities, period.

Only the USN has the true blue water navy capability in the modern world. So if you wanna have a true blue water navy, then you have to build at least 2/3 of their naval power.
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