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Japanese visiting beautiful Turkey!

I think you are right. Here thats him:


The ultranationalist part is the bonus. The "aristocratic" part is the worst thing. His family is whealthy for sure and i did some research. They ruled as Daimyo at the most northern part of Honshu and later southern part of Hokkaido. I´m no expert in your aristocracy but he showed me pictures that show him, his parents and some other relatives with Akihito. He is usually very nice towards europeans but a real bastard towards people from china, vietnam and so on. We have one other japanese here from Osaka who is really nice. But they don´t talk with each other. I asked him why he does not talk with the Osaka guy and he only said that this guy is a burakumin without any manners and the social status of a tree log...

You japanese are strange. I´m happy when i´m abroad and meet anotehr italian or german. :D

There is one family in Hokkaido that is of Daimyo ancestry. And I think i know what family he belongs to.

That's cool you're friends with him. :)

I asked him why he does not talk with the Osaka guy and he only said that this guy is a burakumin without any manners and the social status of a tree log...

Ah, that's not good of him to say. He needs to be more patient, understanding and sympathetic...

Not everyone of us is fortunate to be born to such a powerful family lineage...


Are you not of noble descend ? sigh* , poor Ashigaru :D

Nobody would listen to "aristocracy" in Turkey, be the emperor himself, if you annoy someone you would get a flying headbutt in the face :D

This guy sounds like an anime villain btw :D if everything goes according to movies, he should be a weak coward in inside :D
Well, Turkey beating Germany in production is a little bit far fetched tbh.
well.. Short term its indeed unlikely, but in the long term it might be possible. Since the Birth rate of Germany is arround 1.3 since 1970. I mean they can't keep the old people working and the newer generations don't have the same spirit like the older generations. unless... germany keeps importing immigrants <_<... which it needs to keep up production......

OEC: Germany (DEU) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners
OEC: Turkey (TUR) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners

Really want that car project to succeed in turkey

Are you not of noble descend ? sigh* , poor Ashigaru :D

Nobody would listen to "aristocracy" in Turkey, be the emperor himself, if you annoy someone you would get a flying headbutt in the face :D

This guy sounds like an anime villain btw :D if everything goes according to movies, he should be a weak coward in inside :D

I don´t think he is a coward inside. I find it rather sad that he is bound in traditions so much. I think its not much fun.

There is one family in Hokkaido that is of Daimyo ancestry. And I think i know what family he belongs to.

That's cool you're friends with him. :)

Ah, that's not good of him to say. He needs to be more patient, understanding and sympathetic...

Not everyone of us is fortunate to be born to such a powerful family lineage...


Thats cool man! What do you know about his family?
I don´t think he is a coward inside. I find it rather sad if you are bound in traditions so much

That is something more then keeping traditions, this guy thinks he's living in a feudal world, who cares if your ancestors were feudal lords ? :) that Osaka guy should beat him :D

Don't think I forgot about you, you also look like a semi villain :D
One of the most beautiful , beautiful places I want to visit in my life time, Inshallah!



Recently visited Istanbul to watch the San Antonio Spurs play and I must say Turkey is very nice and beautiful... Glad Turkey is part of NATO and together should make Turkey into a Super Power in the region soon.

Turkey is the only nation in that region that can be rightly called the Major Regional Power. I hope NATO continues to bolster Turkey's defenses, and build each others' inter-operability.
well.. Short term its indeed unlikely, but in the long term it might be possible. Since the Birth rate of Germany is arround 1.3 since 1970. I mean they can't keep the old people working and the newer generations don't have the same spirit like the older generations. unless... germany keeps importing immigrants <_<... which it needs to keep up production......

OEC: Germany (DEU) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners
OEC: Turkey (TUR) Profile of Exports, Imports and Trade Partners

Really want that car project to succeed in turkey
Automatization is the key, take Japan as exsample, declining population but still highly industrialized.
That is something more then keeping traditions, this guy thinks he's living in a feudal world, who cares if your ancestors were feudal lords ? :) that Osaka guy should beat him :D

Don't think I forgot about you, you also look like a semi villain :D

I would make a cool looking roman emperor. ;) I look very much alike the young Tiberius


That would be the ideal job for me. I think i would love it. ;)
Thats cool man! What do you know about his family?

There is one Daimyo family in Hokkaido and the family (clan) name is : 松前氏 pronounced Matsumae.

They were appointed to rule and colonize Hokkaido island by the Tokugawa Shogunate, at the same time they were the first to have first contacts with Russians. The clan also were credited to beating the Ainu , and enforced a policy of assimilation of Ainu to Japanese civilization and culture. This is why many and most Northern Japanese have some sort of Ainu Ancestry. Originally tho, members of the Matsumae clan claim descendence from the Takeda clan , which is in central Japan.
There is one Daimyo family in Hokkaido and the family (clan) name is : 松前氏 pronounced Matsumae.

They were appointed to rule and colonize Hokkaido island by the Tokugawa Shogunate, at the same time they were the first to have first contacts with Russians. The clan also were credited to beating the Ainu , and enforced a policy of assimilation of Ainu to Japanese civilization and culture. This is why many and most Northern Japanese have some sort of Ainu Ancestry. Originally tho, members of the Matsumae clan claim descendence from the Takeda clan , which is in central Japan.

thanks for telling me!. I did read about it. So they are still important today?

Bro, during Turkey's Magnificence, during the full height of the Ottoman Empire. It was once considered the inheritor of the Roman Empire. Remember, it was the Turks that conquered Constantinople (Istanbul), the once proud Capital of the Byzantium Empire (Eastern Roman Empire).

It was larger than the European Union! LOL

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