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Japanese net users stunned by photos of Chinese ethnic minority men

guess kpop and cpop have little effect in Japan

It has some effect, but by passing. Japanese people tend to like the Caucasian features. :)

guess kpop and cpop have little effect in Japan

I'm a Northern Japanese so I can notice that some Caucasian-esque features that are seen in Turkic minorities in China or even in Central Asia , Western Asia , Europe --- can be seen in certain populations in Japan. Particularly in higher rates in Northern Japanese. Due to the heavy mixing of Ainu Japanese (Hybrid of proto-mongloid and caucasoid) with Yayoi Japanese (ethnic groups that come from mainland China), its common for such phenotypes to exist in Northern Japan:







There is even a strong Jomon Japanese phenotype all over Japan, a phenotype that is alien to Yayoi Japanese, but very similar to South Asian beauty. Some Japanese can even pass for South Asian or West Asian; as either Pakistanis, Northern Indian, even Iranian or Afghani:


Yes, this guy is 100% Japanese !




Some more Japanese with Caucasian Features:;

Notice these are mostly Northern Japanese. The further south you go in Japan, the closer to Korean and Han phenotype.





There is even a strong Jomon Japanese phenotype all over Japan, a phenotype that is alien to Yayoi Japanese, but very similar to South Asian beauty. Some Japanese can even pass for South Asian or West Asian; as either Pakistanis, Northern Indian, even Iranian or Afghani:


Yes, this guy is 100% Japanese !





:o: I need to go lay down... I'm feeling hot and dizzy all the sudden:ashamed:.
▼27-year-old Yumiti (玉米堤), a well-known dancer of Uighur descent

ahem... not what i would call manly.

A man of Tatar descent (a Turkic ethnic group scattered throughout the former Russian Empire)

his vest and face scream "american !!" to me but his "hair style" is the typical "cut short and forget" type i see on russians in photos and vids.

Good to know that Japanese girls love our minority guys, but I care more about our minority girls.

wow !!

she's the delicate oriental beauty... i imagine her with that beauteous face and a chubby body... hmmmm.

her chubby apple cheeks remind me of the pakistani singer, gul panra...



@Zibago @django

gentle smile beauty.

Bro, Turkic women, in general, are beautiful. Uighyur are overhyped, imho. Im fan of the pure Turkic beauty of the Yukutsk people in Yakutia, a Republic in Eastern part of Russia:


that's a beautiful necklace !!
Love her nose formation ! The long nasal bridge is a beauty mark, definitely. :)

She is beautiful, definitely !

she indeed is... my comment somewhere above about her.

Turkic men are not newly found creatures, okay?



Yes he is a Muslim converted few days back iirc :)

now it is easier to convert @Nihonjin1051 bhai to socialism. :enjoy:

I think @Nihonjin1051 and other Japanese guys are also in a lots of Confusion :D


Uyghurs themselves can look very different, they are both Uyghurs

boy oh boy oh boy... what a beauty !!

@Zibago @django

this one looks kashmiri or i suppose from the pakistani mountain ethnicities... i suppose they all share genetics with the turkic peoples.

now that's a stylish gent... i approve.

There is even a strong Jomon Japanese phenotype all over Japan, a phenotype that is alien to Yayoi Japanese, but very similar to South Asian beauty. Some Japanese can even pass for South Asian or West Asian; as either Pakistanis, Northern Indian, even Iranian or Afghani:


now he does seem desi ( indian subcontinental ), especially that dress.

Indians were on leave when god was distributing beauty it seems..

ahem... i was present, even if for a minute or two. :D

Wherever you find pictures of men and women, you'll find @Nihonjin1051 ;)

additionally, where ever on pdf you find pictures of ladies you will find me and @Zibago and @django and @BDforever and @Bilal9 and occasionally @Maira La

and there is @Nilgiri ( though politically we stand opposites ) and then we occasionally have @Indos and we even have our pretend-shy-guy @Jf Thunder and we even have our mullah ji @Zarvan. :D
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she indeed is... my comment somewhere above about her.



now it is easier to convert @Nihonjin1051 bhai to socialism. :enjoy:


boy oh boy oh boy... what a beauty !!

@Zibago @django

this one looks kashmiri or i suppose from the pakistani mountain ethnicities... i suppose they all share genetics with the turkic peoples.

now that's a stylish gent... i approve.

now he does seem desi ( indian subcontinental ), especially that dress.

ahem... i was present, even if for a minute or two. :D

additionally, where ever on pdf you find pictures of ladies you will find me and @Zibago and @django and @BDforever and @Bilal9 and occasionally @Maira La

and there is @Nilgiri ( though politically we stand opposites ) and then we occasionally we have @Indos and we even have our pretend-shy-guy @Jf Thunder and we even have our mullah ji @Zarvan. :D

Just like you to tag me in a thread with guy pictures. Sheesh. ;)
For instance, one ethnically Tajik Chinese citizen who lives in a majority ethnically Han community commented on how people often tell him while he’s out shopping, “Oh, your Chinese is so good!”, and that no one believes he is actually a Chinese national.

Hmm this seems like a familiar situation...oh where oh where did I see this (and who posted it)...oh yeah....American Born Chinese vs. Chinese Chinese
Some more Japanese with Caucasian Features:;

Notice these are mostly Northern Japanese. The further south you go in Japan, the closer to Korean and Han phenotype.





There is even a strong Jomon Japanese phenotype all over Japan, a phenotype that is alien to Yayoi Japanese, but very similar to South Asian beauty. Some Japanese can even pass for South Asian or West Asian; as either Pakistanis, Northern Indian, even Iranian or Afghani:


Yes, this guy is 100% Japanese !



Good looking guys. Having been to Japan I did see this diversity and was surprised. I knew they were Japanese but thought they had a mixed background. That wasn't the case.
Oh one other thing I noticed was that Japanese guys wear suits very well.
but look at the female beauties on display !!

i have even added two pictures of gul panra.

Doesn't make up for the barrage at the beginning. Need lots more pics of women....not enough lol.

Anyways I just kid really. @Nihonjin1051 has posted many pretty women before so I will let this pass without more incident.

He is right that japonics have quite some variety. In my middle/high school one of the japanese kids there definitely had the "northern" look he is talking about earlier.
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