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Japan unveils massive $110 billion plan for Asia’s infrastructure to counter China

And , trust me, my Vietnamese friend, Vietnam will receive her fair share of this... $110 Billion investment from Japan to ASEAN.

Stick with Japan, and you shall never go hungry....ever. ;)


Yeah, share some your debt to ASEAN?
Hi Guys
You are off topic and please be polite.
Your words makes no sense but make people shame on you.

You sound exactly like the Qing dynasty and the KMT.

Balanced view on Japan? That's like saying to have a balanced view on barbaric serial killing monsters.

Japan exterminated 33 million Chinese human beings, raped Chinese women, used Chinese as guinea pigs for chemical and biological programs, and stole Chinese lands. They deserve utterly zero, and I mean ZERO respect.

Stop trying to defend and respect a barbaric country like Japan that elected a fascist leader that shows no respect to China and Chinese by constantly visiting the shrine that worships Japanese monsters. Do you remember Abe sitting in a plane with the number '731'? Do you know what Unit 731 is?


Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now?
look at the picture of NANKIN massacre, you get your anwser.
all you care is money while justice is flushed down the toilet.
come on, you know you are no angel, either. chinese history is a history of bloodshed. qin shinhuangdi, who once united china, and founded the first empire, established a regime of terror. he thought, only a strong hand could rule china.
Japan has finally realised it's declining and China has replaced it as Asia's number 1 power.

Japan is too small to compete with a rising China. The only way Japan could be ahead of China was when China wasn't developed. Now that China has developed to a certain point, that's already enough to surpass a mickey mouse joke like Japan. Japan is America's 51st state pretending to be a country.

Japan is going rogue because it has finally realised it has nothing to lose. Usually when someone has nothing to lose it's behaviour turns to panic. Japan is panicking as they see China has surpassed them in economic size, manufacturing, exporting, importing, investing, financing, stock market market cap, most supercomputers in top 500 list including fastest, manned space program including Beidou satellite navigation and advanced imagery satellites, UNSC veto power, nuclear arsenal, military power, corporate brands in Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 lists, olympic medal table, AIIB, Silk Road projects, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Japan is a horse that cannot run. All that's remaining is taking it out and putting it out of its misery.

Japan is finished!

Sure, Japan can pretend it's not finished and Japanese worshippers can pretend to believe it.
Japan has finally realised it's declining and China has replaced it as Asia's number 1 power.

Japan is too small to compete with a rising China. The only way Japan could be ahead of China was when China wasn't developed. Now that China has developed to a certain point, that's already enough to surpass a mickey mouse joke like Japan. Japan is America's 51st state pretending to be a country.

Japan is going rogue because it has finally realised it has nothing to lose. Usually when someone has nothing to lose it's behaviour turns to panic. Japan is panicking as they see China has surpassed them in economic size, manufacturing, exporting, importing, investing, financing, stock market market cap, most supercomputers in top 500 list including fastest, manned space program including Beidou satellite navigation and advanced imagery satellites, UNSC veto power, nuclear arsenal, military power, corporate brands in Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 lists, olympic medal table, AIIB, Silk Road projects, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

Japan is a horse that cannot run. All that's remaining is taking it out and putting it out of its misery.

Japan is finished!

Sure, Japan can pretend it's not finished and Japanese worshippers can pretend to believe it.

Lool seems you are another ultra nationalistic Chinese member on here, thought there was just a few. You sound like superboy. Lool
Stop being blinded by nationalism and be more open pragmatic. Else you lose any little credibility you had(not like you had any. Lol).
Keep thinking Japan is finish and China is a super power. :rofl:
At least your leaders are not that disillusional in thinking Japan is finish /a nobody. They have been aiming to catch up with Japan for the coming decades. How can you aim to catch up with a country you surpass in all fields? :cheesy: Japan still leads China in many high tech fields. :rolleyes:
Lool seems you are another ultra nationalistic Chinese member on here, thought there was just a few. You sound like superboy. Lool
Stop being blinded by nationalism and be more open pragmatic. Else you lose any little credibility you had(not like you had any. Lol).
Keep thinking Japan is finish and China is a super power. :rofl:
At least your leaders are not that disillusional in thinking Japan is finish /a nobody. They have been aiming to catch up with Japan for the coming decades. How can you aim to catch up with a country you surpass in all fields? :cheesy: Japan still leads China in many high tech fields. :rolleyes:

China's Global Ranking in every category:

• Economic:
Nominal GDP (2)
Net Investment Position (1)
Labour Force (1)
Gross Savings (1)
Total Investment (1)
Manufacturing (1)
Household Consumption (3)
Total Trade (2)
- Goods Trade (1)
- Services Trade (?)
Total Exports (1)
- Goods Exports (1)
- Services Exports (5)
Total Imports (2)
- Goods Imports (2)
- Services Imports (2)
Annual FDI (1)
Total FDI stock (2)
Annual ODI (1)
Total ODI stock (13)
Agriculture sector (1)
Industrial sector (1)
Services sector (2)
Fiscal Revenue (3)
Fiscal Expenditure (3)
Total Household Wealth (3)
Total Financial Assets (3)
Total High Net Worth Individuals (4)
Millionaires (3)
Millionaire Households (2)
Billionaires (2)

• Financial:
Inbound Portfolio Investment (?)
Outbound Portfolio Investment (?)
Foreign Exchange Reserves (1)
Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets (1)
Gold Reserves (5)
Reserve Currency % (?)
Foreign Exchange market (?)
- BIS Foreign Exchange (9)
- SWIFT Payments currency (5)
- SWIFT Traded currency (8)
- SWIFT Trade Finance currency (2)
Banking Assets (3)
Insurance market (4)
Hedge Fund industry assets (?)
Mutual Fund industry assets (?)
Stock market capitalisation (2)
Stock market trading volume (?)
Bond market (3)
- Government bond market (7)
- Corporate bond market (4)
- Financial bond market (6)
Commodities trading market (?)
- Physical Gold market (1)
- Gold Futures market (2)
Private Equity market (2)
Venture Capital market (?)
Credit Card market (2)
Online 3rd-party payment market (?)

• Military:
Annual Military spending (2)
Accumulated Military spending (2)
Weapons exporter (3)

• Technology:
R&D spending (2)
Number of Scientists (1)
Number of Engineers (1)
International sci-tech papers published (2)
Cited international sci-tech papers (5)
Highly cited international sci-tech papers (4)
Patents granted by WIPO (5)
Fortune 500 global brands (2)
Forbes 2000 global brands (2)
Most supercomputers in Top 500 (2)

• Transportation:
Automobile production (1)
Aircraft production (?)
Shipbuilding (1)
Road Length (2)
Expressway Length (1)
High-Speed Rail Length (1)
Airports (?)
Ports (?)
Waterway length (1)
Pipeline length (1)
Rapid transit system length (1)

• Production:
Automobile production (1)
Toys production (1)
Movies production (3)

• Consumption:
Household Consumer market (3)
Retail market (2)
E-Commerce market (1)
Energy market (1)
Renewable Energy market (1)
Wind power market (1)
Solar power market (1)
Hydro power market (1)
Industrial Metals market (1)
Precious Metals market (1)
Agriculture market (1)
Agricultural Machinery market (1)
Luxury market (2)
Automobile market (1)
Luxury car market (2)
Truck market (1)
Air travel market (2)
Aircraft market (2)
Air-freight market (2)
Insurance market (4)
Private Equity market (2)
Venture Capital market (?)
Credit Card market (2)
Pharmaceutical market (3)
Medical Equipment market (2)
Advertising market (3)
Search Advertising market (2)
Internet market (1)
Real Estate market (?)
Construction market (1)
Construction Machinery market (1)
Elevator market (1)
Escalator market (1)
Art market (2)
Watch market (1)
Luxury Watch market (1)
Beer market (1)
Wine market (5)
Soft Drink market (4)
IT market (2)
Consumer Electronics market (1)
PC market (1)
Smartphone market (1)
3G market (1)
4G LTE market (2)
Tablet market (2)
LCD TV market (1)
NAND Flash market (1)
DRAM market (1)
Camera market (1)
Home Appliance market (1)
Furniture market (?)
Toy market (3)
Entertainment & Media market (5)
Movie market (2)
Music market (?)
Musical Instrument market (1)
Gaming market (2)
Online Gaming market (1)
Mobile Gaming market (2)
Lottery market (2)
Grocery market (1)
Sportswear market (2)
Apparel market (1)
Footwear market (1)
Glasses market (1)
Jewellery market (2)
Cosmetic market (3)
Seed market (2)
Electricity market (1)
Industrial Robot market (1)
Machine Tool market (1)
Printing market (2)
Fibre Optic market (1)
Business-travel market (2)
Tourist arrivals (4)
Tourism earner (3)
Tourist outbounds (1)
Tourism spender (1)

• Base Metals:
Steel production (1)
Steel consumption (1)
Steel exports (1)
Iron Ore production (2)
Iron Ore consumption (1)
Copper production (2)
Copper consumption (1)
Aluminium production (1)
Aluminium consumption (1)
Zinc production (1)
Zinc consumption (1)
Lead production (?)
Lead consumption (1)
Nickel production (8)
Nickel consumption (1)
Tin production (1)
Tin consumption (1)
Tin reserves (1)
Titanium production (1)
Molybdenum production (1)
Graphite production (1)
Manganese production (?)
Manganese consumption (?)
Bauxite production (?)
Bauxite consumption (?)
Cobalt production (3)
Cobalt consumption (?)
Cement production (1)
Cement consumption (?)
Potash production (?)
Potash consumption (?)
Silicon production (1)
Silicon consumption (?)

• Precious Metals:
Gold production (1)
Gold consumption (1)
Silver production (2)
Silver consumption (2)
Platinum production (?)
Platinum consumption (1)
Palladium production (?)
Palladium consumption (1)
Diamond production (6)
Diamond consumption (2)

• Energy:
Electricity production (1)
Electricity consumption (1)
Energy production (1)
Energy consumption (1)
Coal production (1)
Coal consumption (1)
Oil production (4)
Oil consumption (2)
Shale Oil reserves (3)
Shale Gas reserves (1)
Natural Gas production (7)
Natural Gas consumption (3)
Uranium production (9)
Uranium consumption (3)
Hydropower production (1)
Hydropower consumption (1)
Wind power production (1)
Wind power consumption (1)
Solar power production (1)
Solar power consumption (1)

• Agriculture:
Cereal production (1)
Cereal consumption (1)
Rice production (1)
Rice consumption (1)
Wheat production (1)
Wheat consumption (1)
Corn production (2)
Corn consumption (2)
Soybean production (4)
Soybean consumption (1)
Sugar production (3)
Sugar consumption (2)
Cotton production (1)
Cotton consumption (1)

Meat production (1)
Meat consumption (1)
Pork production (1)
Pork consumption (1)
Beef production (3)
Beef consumption (4)

Poultry production (1)
Poultry consumption (2)
Chicken production (?)
Chicken consumption (2)
Egg production (1)
Egg consumption (1)

Fish production (1)
Fish consumption (?)

Dairy production (?)
Dairy consumption (1)
Milk production (2)
Milk consumption (1)
Cheese production (?)
Cheese consumption (?)
Butter production (?)
Butter consumption (?)
Yogurt production (?)
Yogurt consumption (?)

Fruit production (1)
Fruit consumption (?)
Apple production (1)
Apple consumption (?)
Orange production (4)
Orange consumption (?)
Banana production (3)
Banana consumption (?)
Pear production (1)
Pear consumption (?)
Peach production (1)
Peach consumption (?)
Plum production (1)
Plum consumption (?)
Watermelon production (1)
Watermelon consumption (?)

Vegetable production (1)
Vegetable consumption (?)
Tomato production (1)
Tomato consumption (?)
Carrot production (1)
Carrot consumption (?)
Potato production (1)
Potato consumption (?)
Cabbage production (1)
Cabbage consumption (?)
@wanglaokan, you shall stop posting such cruel pictures. that is not the proper place here. not in this thread. we are discussing JP new bank, that will help Asia infrastructure. I welcome such a move of JP as VN may benefit from the funds. we need money for highways, and for many things.
yes, it is.
come on, you know you are no angel, either. chinese history is a history of bloodshed. qin shinhuangdi, who once united china, and founded the first empire, established a regime of terror. he thought, only a strong hand could rule china.

My main problem with some Chinese members on here is that they seem to really believe their country is a saint /non aggressive /forever peaceful /innocent country who has never done anything bad and is benevolent to all, nor has it ever engaged in any dirty geo political games, and consider any other rival as a evil/the bad guy. LMAO. When some people think like that then it's difficult to have any meaningful conversation with them. Though are are quite a few sane /sensible Chinese members on here like Chinese dragon, hu yongshan, shortgunner etc just to name a few.
At least your leaders are not that disillusional in thinking Japan is finish /a nobody. They have been aiming to catch up with Japan for the coming decades. How can you aim to catch up with a country you surpass in all fields? :cheesy: Japan still leads China in many high tech fields. :rolleyes:

Catch up what? Japanese debt or aging population?

Brish still leads US in some high tech field , that does not make US aiming to catch up with UK.
China's Global Ranking in every category:

• Economic:
Nominal GDP (2)
Net Investment Position (1)
Labour Force (1)
Gross Savings (1)
Total Investment (1)
Manufacturing (1)
Household Consumption (3)
Total Trade (2)
- Goods Trade (1)
- Services Trade (?)
Total Exports (1)
- Goods Exports (1)
- Services Exports (5)
Total Imports (2)
- Goods Imports (2)
- Services Imports (2)
Annual FDI (1)
Total FDI stock (2)
Annual ODI (1)
Total ODI stock (13)
Agriculture sector (1)
Industrial sector (1)
Services sector (2)
Fiscal Revenue (3)
Fiscal Expenditure (3)
Total Household Wealth (3)
Total Financial Assets (3)
Total High Net Worth Individuals (4)
Millionaires (3)
Millionaire Households (2)
Billionaires (2)

• Financial:
Inbound Portfolio Investment (?)
Outbound Portfolio Investment (?)
Foreign Exchange Reserves (1)
Sovereign Wealth Fund Assets (1)
Gold Reserves (5)
Reserve Currency % (?)
Foreign Exchange market (?)
- BIS Foreign Exchange (9)
- SWIFT Payments currency (5)
- SWIFT Traded currency (8)
- SWIFT Trade Finance currency (2)
Banking Assets (3)
Insurance market (4)
Hedge Fund industry assets (?)
Mutual Fund industry assets (?)
Stock market capitalisation (2)
Stock market trading volume (?)
Bond market (3)
- Government bond market (7)
- Corporate bond market (4)
- Financial bond market (6)
Commodities trading market (?)
- Physical Gold market (1)
- Gold Futures market (2)
Private Equity market (2)
Venture Capital market (?)
Credit Card market (2)
Online 3rd-party payment market (?)

• Military:
Annual Military spending (2)
Accumulated Military spending (2)
Weapons exporter (3)

• Technology:
R&D spending (2)
Number of Scientists (1)
Number of Engineers (1)
International sci-tech papers published (2)
Cited international sci-tech papers (5)
Highly cited international sci-tech papers (4)
Patents granted by WIPO (5)
Fortune 500 global brands (2)
Forbes 2000 global brands (2)
Most supercomputers in Top 500 (2)

• Transportation:
Automobile production (1)
Aircraft production (?)
Shipbuilding (1)
Road Length (2)
Expressway Length (1)
High-Speed Rail Length (1)
Airports (?)
Ports (?)
Waterway length (1)
Pipeline length (1)
Rapid transit system length (1)

• Production:
Automobile production (1)
Toys production (1)
Movies production (3)

• Consumption:
Household Consumer market (3)
Retail market (2)
E-Commerce market (1)
Energy market (1)
Renewable Energy market (1)
Wind power market (1)
Solar power market (1)
Hydro power market (1)
Industrial Metals market (1)
Precious Metals market (1)
Agriculture market (1)
Agricultural Machinery market (1)
Luxury market (2)
Automobile market (1)
Luxury car market (2)
Truck market (1)
Air travel market (2)
Aircraft market (2)
Air-freight market (2)
Insurance market (4)
Private Equity market (2)
Venture Capital market (?)
Credit Card market (2)
Pharmaceutical market (3)
Medical Equipment market (2)
Advertising market (3)
Search Advertising market (2)
Internet market (1)
Real Estate market (?)
Construction market (1)
Construction Machinery market (1)
Elevator market (1)
Escalator market (1)
Art market (2)
Watch market (1)
Luxury Watch market (1)
Beer market (1)
Wine market (5)
Soft Drink market (4)
IT market (2)
Consumer Electronics market (1)
PC market (1)
Smartphone market (1)
3G market (1)
4G LTE market (2)
Tablet market (2)
LCD TV market (1)
NAND Flash market (1)
DRAM market (1)
Camera market (1)
Home Appliance market (1)
Furniture market (?)
Toy market (3)
Entertainment & Media market (5)
Movie market (2)
Music market (?)
Musical Instrument market (1)
Gaming market (2)
Online Gaming market (1)
Mobile Gaming market (2)
Lottery market (2)
Grocery market (1)
Sportswear market (2)
Apparel market (1)
Footwear market (1)
Glasses market (1)
Jewellery market (2)
Cosmetic market (3)
Seed market (2)
Electricity market (1)
Industrial Robot market (1)
Machine Tool market (1)
Printing market (2)
Fibre Optic market (1)
Business-travel market (2)
Tourist arrivals (4)
Tourism earner (3)
Tourist outbounds (1)
Tourism spender (1)

• Base Metals:
Steel production (1)
Steel consumption (1)
Steel exports (1)
Iron Ore production (2)
Iron Ore consumption (1)
Copper production (2)
Copper consumption (1)
Aluminium production (1)
Aluminium consumption (1)
Zinc production (1)
Zinc consumption (1)
Lead production (?)
Lead consumption (1)
Nickel production (8)
Nickel consumption (1)
Tin production (1)
Tin consumption (1)
Tin reserves (1)
Titanium production (1)
Molybdenum production (1)
Graphite production (1)
Manganese production (?)
Manganese consumption (?)
Bauxite production (?)
Bauxite consumption (?)
Cobalt production (3)
Cobalt consumption (?)
Cement production (1)
Cement consumption (?)
Potash production (?)
Potash consumption (?)
Silicon production (1)
Silicon consumption (?)

• Precious Metals:
Gold production (1)
Gold consumption (1)
Silver production (2)
Silver consumption (2)
Platinum production (?)
Platinum consumption (1)
Palladium production (?)
Palladium consumption (1)
Diamond production (6)
Diamond consumption (2)

• Energy:
Electricity production (1)
Electricity consumption (1)
Energy production (1)
Energy consumption (1)
Coal production (1)
Coal consumption (1)
Oil production (4)
Oil consumption (2)
Shale Oil reserves (3)
Shale Gas reserves (1)
Natural Gas production (7)
Natural Gas consumption (3)
Uranium production (9)
Uranium consumption (3)
Hydropower production (1)
Hydropower consumption (1)
Wind power production (1)
Wind power consumption (1)
Solar power production (1)
Solar power consumption (1)

• Agriculture:
Cereal production (1)
Cereal consumption (1)
Rice production (1)
Rice consumption (1)
Wheat production (1)
Wheat consumption (1)
Corn production (2)
Corn consumption (2)
Soybean production (4)
Soybean consumption (1)
Sugar production (3)
Sugar consumption (2)
Cotton production (1)
Cotton consumption (1)

Meat production (1)
Meat consumption (1)
Pork production (1)
Pork consumption (1)
Beef production (3)
Beef consumption (4)

Poultry production (1)
Poultry consumption (2)
Chicken production (?)
Chicken consumption (2)
Egg production (1)
Egg consumption (1)

Fish production (1)
Fish consumption (?)

Dairy production (?)
Dairy consumption (1)
Milk production (2)
Milk consumption (1)
Cheese production (?)
Cheese consumption (?)
Butter production (?)
Butter consumption (?)
Yogurt production (?)
Yogurt consumption (?)

Fruit production (1)
Fruit consumption (?)
Apple production (1)
Apple consumption (?)
Orange production (4)
Orange consumption (?)
Banana production (3)
Banana consumption (?)
Pear production (1)
Pear consumption (?)
Peach production (1)
Peach consumption (?)
Plum production (1)
Plum consumption (?)
Watermelon production (1)
Watermelon consumption (?)

Vegetable production (1)
Vegetable consumption (?)
Tomato production (1)
Tomato consumption (?)
Carrot production (1)
Carrot consumption (?)
Potato production (1)
Potato consumption (?)
Cabbage production (1)
Cabbage consumption (?)

Lool you proved my point even more superpower China :rofl: you are indeed even more funny than superboy .:lol:

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