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Japan to loan ¥5 billion to Pakistan

What if Japan is getting advanced hydrogen warhead material or designs in return, since they know the US will never help them in that regard?
..........so you think Pakistan will just hand warhead plans over? we didnt give them to KSA, so why should we give it so someone else?
I know it isn't doing that to change feelings, hence my example. No money can turn Canada against USA. No money can turn Pakiatan against China. It's better to have close friends than far. It's better to have enemies far than next to your border.
But people think wrong.

Yes Pakistan will help Japan.. For example during tsunami etc. That's why world help each others, so they're helped when they're in trouble.

Yes, of course, my friend. Better to have friends than enemies, period. :)
On behalf of my country to yours, you are welcome. I pray there will be more and more we can work with each other on. I hope we can do more in inftrastructure development, next time, i hope we can partner up in investing in education , health care. Some day, my friend, i hope to visit your beautiful country. I want to visit Lahore, Karachi, and the famous Sindh region.
Don't forget to visit Northern Areas deserts in lower Punjab are also welcoming......:tup:
On behalf of my country to yours, you are welcome. I pray there will be more and more we can work with each other on. I hope we can do more in inftrastructure development, next time, i hope we can partner up in investing in education , health care. Some day, my friend, i hope to visit your beautiful country. I want to visit Lahore, Karachi, and the famous Sindh region.

Thank you my friend and you are right, the focus next should be education and health, two areas that push Pakistan way down the HDI.

I myself have visited Tokyo, Osaka, Hokkaido and Narita.

Once again best wishes to Japan and her people.

By the way you guys need to start producing more. The fertility rate is way too low. :(
Thank you my friend and you are right, the focus next should be education and health, two areas that push Pakistan way down the HDI.

I myself have visited Tokyo, Osaka, Hokkaido and Narita.

Once again best wishes to Japan and her people.

By the way you guys need to start producing more. The fertility rate is way too low. :(

Too much Japanese women are working and not having enough children. I blame this on the japanese society that focuses importance of professionalism , and work-a-holic tendencies. People in Japan put too much emphasis on jobs, and professional development, to the extent that it impedes family life. We should , indeed, set up more programs to encourage family life.
I just posted an entire report that shows where ~ $1bl/yr in direct aid goes. This is separate from the military assistance that we cannot control what happens to it.

I think just this thread sums it all up nicely. You have proof that the US gives more assistance for non-military support. But Japan loans money, on the condition of scaling back your national defense capabilities, and continuing to provide them the rare earth resources that they need, and you see them as the more moral party.

The basic human psychology is that the stereotypical American looks different far more different compared to a Pakistani than a Japanese person does. Nothing will change the perception of us by some, but oh well.

The fact that you could blame a gift-er for the misuse of the funds, instead of the abuser, is mind boggling from this side of the world, but alas our cultures are obviously different.

The aid that US gives is welcome by Pakistanis. The problem is the image of USA as a whole in the muslim region. It is not good and the media certainly doesn't help here. I know scores of Pakistanis whoa re proud of the fact that their kids can go to schools thanks to USAID. However, in order to have a mutually conductive relationship b/w Pakistan and USA, it is must that such positive gestures are reflected in media of both the nations and during diplomatic wrangling as well. There will be Pakistanis who are skeptical of USA in the region, after all we have firm reasons to believe so. USA ditched Pakistan after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. From being a front line ally, we got sanctions in return. That is why we view the recent warming of relations with skepticism. We believe that since USA pursues its interests when it likes, it might not always be beneficial to us. It will take long time for USA to prove in the region that it is a reliable partner. Same for Pakistan. If you don't trust us, then we can trust you. It's mutual thing.
Too much Japanese women are working and not having enough children. I blame this on the japanese society that focuses importance of professionalism , and work-a-holic tendencies. People in Japan put too much emphasis on jobs, and professional development, to the extent that it impedes family life. We should , indeed, set up more programs to encourage family life.

I agree. I think tax breaks should be given to working women who have children. There should be payments for more children and so forth. The Japanese need to do this now.

That isn't because of what the US is actually doing for Pakistan compared to China. That is because of the narrative about America and Americans that is told by certain power centers and extremists. That is why a website like this is so groundbreaking and important. The exchange of information and ideas lets people make up their own mind about the world.

Meanwhile, the reality is the US gives away more money for non-military assistance to Pakistan than Japan loans, and almost every year. I doubt that gets much word of mouth, though.

http://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1871/USAID_PAKISTAN_Report 2013_0.pdf


There is no doubt that the US has helped greatly and they have been great allies. However being abandoned during crucial points in our history e.g. post Afghan Soviet war has made us cautious.

However the past is forever gone and I hope ties between the two prosper, and being quite keen of the US myself I am eager to see this.
I agree. I think tax breaks should be given to working women who have children. There should be payments for more children and so forth. The Japanese need to do this now.

I agree ! Also, we need to pass the new resolution by the Abe Administration to increase more skilled worker immigration into the country. We need to bring in professionals and encourage them to live/ stay in Japan for life. Basically, to find a Japanese spouse and procreate...
I agree ! Also, we need to pass the new resolution by the Abe Administration to increase more skilled worker immigration into the country. We need to bring in professionals and encourage them to live/ stay in Japan for life. Basically, to find a Japanese spouse and procreate...

Best the native Japanese do it my friend. With large scale immigration you see a dilution of the culture and people. Some skilled immigration is ok, too much is a no no.
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