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Japan to loan ¥5 billion to Pakistan

yes that is why i said tsunami in post 120...we do get earthquakes in Pakistan...but eventually I agree that nuclear energy is safe energy (green energy) but very dangerous...

Iran is earthquake prone too, and Pakistan should have some spots that are suited for the mini nuclear reactors.
For me it is suggesting another possibility, nothing more. If combined with other possibilities it can alleviate 5 or10% of the problem, than it should be taken into consideration. and these mini nuclear reactors should be built in Pakistan with high standards of safety on top of their safe locations.

True, everyone is armed there, but we've religion in Pakistan. India attacks, we call it hindu attack. Afghan can't really attack.

I'm not saying we need to lower budget, as pointed out earlier. All I'm saying is we need to work on our budget. We should take loans to improve education. Tameer e school is ongoing project. If we took a loan for education, that tameer e school would've finished way early!

All I want ks education to put before anything else. As mentioned earlier in thread, God gave Muhammad (PBUH) knowledge to fight the jahalat. He didn't give Him nuclear weapons, horses, angels, food etc to fight. First comes knowledge, then anything else.
You are right, but even our prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had to fight, there is a Surat about that, after most of his first followers were savagely killed. He PBUH is our guide in education and all other matters of life, he PBUH has put much emphasis on education by following the Order of Allah Surat I'qra' (read).
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I didn't say decrease, i said not make it 'bigger.' Bigger meaning, we lowered budget for education and inreased for military. Sure increasevit according to inflation, but to take cut from education...
No, military budget should not infringe on the education one, only in case of war, or danger of war, or else, if most education objectives are met and there is some excess!!!
These are mostly (and unfortunately) Political issues for balancing the yearly budgets, the 5 years plans and so on, on different sectors. if this comes to the people will for every question of this balancing of budgets, it will certainly be different than the government one, but it might also take much more time to decide, that is why the majority have voted for some decision makers, hoping they will take the right decisions as fast as possible.
Also please accept the fact that it is Pakistan who has started most wars with India and lost most of them. Billion muslim won't come to aid. Did indian army muslims not fight pakistani muslims in all wars?

It is difficult to assess who starts a war, but those were mostly skirmishes or at worst some battles , apart from the east Pakistan major battle, with Pakistani forces split in two and India in the Middle!!!

Not a billion Muslims, but a formidable force of dedicated ones will come to aid Pakistan in case of war, apart from other economic sanctions.

There are very few Muslims serving in India's armed forces, even a negligible number.
Thanks, it seemd we both agree that education comes first. Yes Muhammad (PBUH) went to war. But He got education (Iqra) first by God and then the surah for fighting. So my point was, education first.
Thanks, it seemd we both agree that education comes first. Yes Muhammad (PBUH) went to war. But He got education (Iqra) first by God and then the surah for fighting. So my point was, education first.
We agree that education comes first, but for me it is a separate issue but still related to military affairs.
Remember that if you want peace, you should prepare for war, since peace is of utmost importance for Education in peace of mind, because one can not educate a troubled mind, or a paranoid one , who is always asking himself if he is going to be attacked, when, and how can he defend himself. So those matters are left to a dedicated military force that also should be educated.
The point is that peace is the most fertile hub for education, only in peace you can have the peace of mind necessary for absorbing much knowledge for higher education. the military role is to assure that to the population, it is like having an insurance policy for the sake of peace of mind without which you can not have education.
Prophet Mohammad PBUH had the Surat Iqra before the Surat to fight 1400 years ago. We have both at the same time, so we should always pursue Education, and also be ready to fight at any time.
Lol some houses in my neighbourhood cost more than $50 million.
You can bet that the standard quid pro quo is alive and well, when business matters are involved. Just because you haven't been made aware of the strings, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Any successful country is going to have a keen business sense. But I don't think anyone can question the amount of manpower and resources the US contributes when there is a humanitarian crisis almost anywhere in the world (if invited to help). Even to governments and populations that are not particularly friendly towards America at any other time.

collateral damage out weights humanitarian effort by big margin. And one more thing, poor are kept poor for a reason, so the rich can benefit.
Mini Nuclear Power Plants Could Power 20,000 Homes (Update)


(PhysOrg.com) -- Underground nuclear power plants no bigger than a hot tub may soon provide electricity for communities around the world. Measuring about 1.5 meters across, the mini reactors can each power about 20,000 homes. (Please see below for an update)

The small energy modules were originally designed by Otis "Pete" Peterson and other scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Now, the technology is being commercially developed by Hyperion Power Generation, which recently announced that it has taken its first orders and plans to start mass production within five years.

"Our goal is to generate electricity for 10 cents a watt anywhere in the world," said John Deal, CEO of Hyperion. "[The nuclear plants] will cost approximately $25 million each. For a community with 10,000 households, that is a very affordable $2,500 per home."

Because of their small size, the mini power plants can be assembled relatively quickly and transported by truck, rail or ship to remote locations, even places that currently do not have electricity. The power plants provide an alternative to current nuclear plants, which are large, expensive, and take about 10 years to build. Also, large-scale power plants don´t fit the needs of small populations or areas without available land. Hyperion´s modules can be connected together to provide energy for larger populations, as well.

In addition, the Hyperion modules have no moving parts to wear down, and never need to be opened on site. Even if opened, the small amount of enclosed fuel would immediately cool, alleviating safety concerns. "It is impossible for the module to go supercritical, ´melt down,´ or create any type of emergency situation," the company states on its Web site. Because the Hyperion plants would be buried underground and guarded by a security detail, the company explains that they´ll be out of sight and safe from illegitimate uses. Further, the material inside wouldn´t be appropriate for proliferation purposes.

"You would need nation-state resources in order to enrich our uranium," Deal said. "Temperature-wise it´s too hot to handle. It would be like stealing a barbecue with your bare hands."

The reactors need to be refueled about every seven to ten years. After five years of generating power, Hyperion says that the module produces a total waste of about the size of a softball, which could be a candidate for fuel recycling.

Hyperion now has more than 100 orders for its modules, mostly from the oil and electricity industries. The first order came from a Czech infrastructure company called TES, which specializes in water plants and power plants. TES ordered six modules and optioned another 12, with the first planned to be located in Romania.

Hyperion plans to build three manufacturing plants, with the goal of producing 4,000 mini nuclear modules between 2013 and 2023. Next year, the company will submit an application to build the modules to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

While acknowledging that the commercial development of mini nuclear plants is a lofty goal, Hyperion believes that the potential benefits of the technology make the effort well worthwhile. Along with bringing electricity to remote locations, the Hyperion modules could also be used to provide clean water for the 25% of the world´s population that currently does not have access to clean water. The modules can provide power to pump, clean, and process water, which in turn can help decrease disease, poverty, and social unrest.

Update (November 12, 2008): The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) contacted PhysOrg.com to state that the NRC has no plans to review the Hyperion design in the near future, although the NRC and Hyperion have had preliminary talks. Because the Hyperion design is unique, the NRC expects that it will take significant time to ensure safety requirements. In a response to a letter from October 2008, the NRC stated:

“Hyperion Power Generation is in the early stages of development of this design, and very little testing information is available for this design concept. Hyperion Power Generation has indicated that it will submit technical reports to support a pre-application review in late FY 2009. The NRC cannot engage in any meaningful, formal technical interaction with the potential applicant until we receive those reports. Because of the very limited amount of test data and lack of operating experience available for a uranium hydride reactor, the NRC staff anticipates that a licensing review would involve significant technical, safety, and licensing policy issues.”

More information: www.hyperionpowergeneration.com



We do trust you for now. If you don't do anything, then it is your turn to pack your stuffs and to leave Asia immediately. :pop:

Eventually, it will be China's turn to beat the Tosa Inu into submission and to rule East Asia again. :butcher:

Your ranting makes me believe that you are insecure. What for???
Let me be specific nawaz Gov is No 1 beggar, getting loans for development might not be bad but unable to return is a big problem in case of Pakistan. When you have no water, electricity and Industries are sick...most orders are cancelled for various goods, even state bank of Pakistan and local banks have refused to fund Gov of Pakistan for various projects including youth loan scheme because it is a deep loss...We hope that any Next fair Gov would refuse to pay back loans from IMF/WB/Islamic Bank these Organizations can recover it from zardari and sharif brothers, these organizations can go to International court of Justice and take these two big thieves...

What next Gov just like dubai should do; suspend payments to these Organizations for some Years [5-10 Years] until Economy is back on Track.

See again borrowing is not a problem; implementing that money into specific projects is. That is what your PM must try. He has a major mandate but the Army doesn't let him create business and jobs. What can he do?
What if Japan is getting advanced hydrogen warhead material or designs in return, since they know the US will never help them in that regard?

Or maybe it's your brain farts at work ?

See again borrowing is not a problem; implementing that money into specific projects is. That is what your PM must try. He has a major mandate but the Army doesn't let him create business and jobs. What can he do?

Thanks for educating us about our internal politics .. Please go to indian section n cry abt "sikular" "congress" "evil muslims" etc..

Thank you come again.. Namaste !
Yes i agree. However, i think Japan should follow Chinas example by investing and carrying out the projects themselves instead of just giving aid which is prone to corruption/embezzlement by government officials like its the case in most developing/poor countries.
I have been to several African countries, and i can attest to you that we in the west for 100s of years we have been present/giving aid to Africa has nt helped one bit in improving things there. it has instead create more dependence/encouraged corruption. The people havent seen/benefited of it one bit. They havent even seen/know such aid was ever given.
If you go to almost every african country today, you can see the difference Chinas method has helped. most projects carried out by the Chinese are very visible/can be seen by the people and are less prone to corruption/embezlement since they are carried out by the chinese themselves(which otherwise will have end up in governemnt officials pockets). This is one reason Africans now have a largely favorable view of China than they do to other western countries, Since they can clearly see what they Chinese have brough/helped them in building. Its wayyyy better than Aids which are never seen.
I think our governments in the west should learn/acknowledge their method of aid has largely failed in changing/making a difference in deveoping/poor countries, they sure can learn something from the chinese method. Im sure if they did, it will be more beneficial to the people of Africa and other poor asian countries.
Japan also should look into this AID stuff, and focus on more ways to provide direct investment themselves than just giving free money which they know will be stolen by officials.
I thank you brother for giving up compliment of our method. You see, donation gives a country a good image from the media, sort of like getting cookie bonus. Our method, while getting little credit in the media, gives result and thus why the people in Africa like us every much.
I thank you brother for giving up compliment of our method. You see, donation gives a country a good image from the media, sort of like getting cookie bonus. Our method, while getting little credit in the media, gives result and thus why the people in Africa like us every much.

You are welcome bro.
well im just saying facts and what i have seen/witnessed. Afterall, we are in a discussion forum, we should be impartial/unbiased when discussing world news/issues. we are mainly ehre to exchange ideas/make a point/point of views. Hence i believe we should be honest/unbiased when doing so. However i know its difficult for people in general to be unbiased towards their country and towards other rival countries. But i think for us to have a meaningful/constructive conversation/discussion we should try and be honest and avoid being too biased like i have seen with many members on here.
So you dont have to thank me for my comment, since i have seen with my own eyes/interacted with several people in the african countries i have visited(my wife is half cameroonian half french, she was the one who introduced me to visiting Africa:-)), and i can tell you what i have witnessed there was an eye opener, what China has done in africa in just over a decade there is more than what we have done in over a century. The people there are very grateful to the Chinese as they can see for themselves the difference with what they had before, so of course they largely have a favorable view of China. Despite the fact that our media always try and focus on the bad aspect of some chinese companies, they knowingly ignore the good things China has done which i think is wrong. I cant blame them though, since they are mostly trying to protect our interets and keep people thinking more positvely about us, Afterall, when you are used to being number 1 and have a monopoly, you cant expect to give up that position to anohter without a tough fight. so China shouldnt take it personal, because we will do the same to any country who is string enough to want to challenge our supremacy in the world, be it India, Russia, Japan, Brazil etc.
But the Unfortunate part i feel bad about is our governments in the west/U.S are still not ready to change their policy towards Africa/developing world even though its obvious to everybody its has been a huge failure. Call it pride of being embarassed to learn from a non western country or maybe its just intentional since they have their own interests/political will of keeping Africa poor/dependent on us, I dont know which one of them.
But i can say Africans are the most welcoming,accomodating/non racist people on earth i have ever seen. They are welcoming to everybody regardless of their race , be it Chinese, Indians, WEuropeans, Amwericans, Arabs, Latinos etc. I think its this their naiveness/welcoming attitude towards others which is has caused Africa so much harm, since the world is not all a fairy tale, and countries are mostly there to protect their interest/.exploit others for their own well being. If only the world had this welcoming/warm mentality like africans towards others i believe we will be all united in one world.:-) sadly its not the case.:tdown:

Anyway hopefully people on here will try and be more unbiased when making comments on here, even if it means criticizing their own countries when they are wrong, Only by doing so can we have a better/constructive discussion on here.:tup: thats why i try and be honest/unbiaed in my comments/views(though i might be biased in favour of my country/west, i keep that personal and try and make rational/honest comments on here, even if it means criticizing my coutnry or the west:D).
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lol , did you hack this poor japanese guys account or is it just a sham ?
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