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Japan to loan ¥5 billion to Pakistan

Among the common folk in Pakistan, The most famous and liked Japanese person in Pakistan is perhaps this guy


Famous Japanese wrestler Muhammad Hussain Anoki ( AKA Antonio Inoki )he is famous in Pakistan because of his wrestling match with Jhara


He recently visited Pakistan and lent support for establishing a free style wrestling academy

Japan's investment in Pakistan is quite significant , Toyota , Suzuki , Honda and many others have had a positive impact on Pakistan's economy

As a Pakistani and well wisher for both China and Japan , I would hope at the two resolve their differences amicably otherwise 'some others' will try to take advantage of both
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which era do you live in? We have Noon league on now!

No strings attached?

No I mean, the effects of bad goverence of PPP still lives. People think that PPP is out and PMLn is responsible for load shedding. People have to realize that once they elect a gov't, they not only bear the current term, but the 'aftershocks.' For example, when hitler died, people didn't blame new responsible gov't, but hitler.

I heard that WAPDA employees get electricity for free, that subsidy needs to be axed too.
I heard that WAPDA employees get electricity for free, that subsidy needs to be axed too.
Imagine if we gave feee education... How much kids would study!
You give me free electricity, I'd have 10 ACs. You give me subsidy till grade 10, that's as far as i can go. You guve me subsidy for college, I'd go there. I think sweden or some country has free college or university. I think same is true for cuba. Seen the litercy rate in cuba despite embargoes?

This is problem with Pakistanis. They should be on streets demanding all subsidies be cancelled and money goes to education foe the needy. The litercy rate is less than 50%. How much of Pakistan is under darkness if electricity were to be removed? People lived their lives without electricity, transportation. They were intelligent then. Electricity should make our generation smarter, not less. If it doesn't, we don't need electricity.

Point is, first comes education, then anything else. God didn't give Muhammad (PBUH) bijli, free food etc. He gave Him (PBUH) knowledge. And from that knowledge, we're here today. Remember Iqra? God didn't say eat and Muhammad said "I've no food." God said read, and so He did, when He knew not.

Education first, bring illiterecy to <10%. We need infasstructures, but please end subsidies to everything but education.
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I think once Japan excepts it's wartime atrocities and also excepts that it's future is Asia - then China and Japan can become allies and the whole of Asia will be better for it.
You can bet that the standard quid pro quo is alive and well, when business matters are involved. Just because you haven't been made aware of the strings, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Any successful country is going to have a keen business sense. But I don't think anyone can question the amount of manpower and resources the US contributes when there is a humanitarian crisis almost anywhere in the world (if invited to help). Even to governments and populations that are not particularly friendly towards America at any other time.

Could be true, but Japan is the least bad guy when it comes to helping other nations. It was bombed, so it knows how it feels..

USA, China, Middle east and so forth, all those countries have far bigger vested interests. Despite knowning close relationship of china and Pakistan and it's hostility towards Japan, it helps Pakistan.

Would you help your enemy's friend ever to change their friendship?
No I mean, the effects of bad goverence of PPP still lives. People think that PPP is out and PMLn is responsible for load shedding. People have to realize that once they elect a gov't, they not only bear the current term, but the 'aftershocks.' For example, when hitler died, people didn't blame new responsible gov't, but hitler.

Imagine if we gave feee education... How much kids would study!
You give me free electricity, I'd have 10 ACs. You give me subsidy till grade 10, that's as far as i can go. You guve me subsidy for college, I'd go there. I think sweden or some country has free college or university. I think same is true for cuba. Seen the litercy rate in cuba despite embargoes?

This is problem with Pakistanis. They should be on streets demanding all subsidies be cancelled and money goes to education foe the needy. The litercy rate is less than 50%. How much of Pakistan is under darkness if electricity were to be removed? People lived their lives without electricity, transportation. They were intelligent then. Electricity should make our generation smarter, not less. If it doesn't, we don't need electricity.

Point is, first comes education, then anything else. God didn't give Muhammad (PBUH) bijli, free food etc. He gave Him (PBUH) knowledge. And from that knowledge, we're here today.

The Blessings of the Almighty is usually through self empowerment , the Spirit of God has the capability of making an ant of a man into Father of nations. For example, the same is seen in the Prophet Abraham / Ibrahim. Or the Prophet David / Da'ud. Or the Prophet Isaac / Ishaq.
As to friendship - China is the closest ally we have.
What if Japan is getting advanced hydrogen warhead material or designs in return, since they know the US will never help them in that regard?
Then Pakistan will be getting something in return too. Maybe their mitsubishi fighters, once Pakistan is able to afford. For now, Japan is loaning solely with little interst. Compare that to Saudi dollars. $1.5b came, in return Pakistan could be supplying weapons etc.
Japan will provide ¥5 billion in low-interest loans to Pakistan in order to help the country improve its electric power infrastructure.
The Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Pakistani government signed the deal in Islamabad on Wednesday.

JICA will provide the loans in a cofinancing program with the Asian Development Bank, which will put up $400 million, and the World Bank, which will lend $600 million.

Pakistan will be the second Asian country to receive JICA soft loans for electric power projects, following Sri Lanka.

Pakistan regularly suffers daily blackouts of up to 12 hours. The country is unable to fund improvements to its power supply infrastructure because government subsidies keep electric rates low.

The cofinancing program is designed to help Pakistan set government subsidies and electric rates at adequate levels and reduce power generation costs.

Reference: The Japan News, Yomiuri Shimbun

Thank you very much our friend Japan.

Post war Japan has always done a great deal to make fellow Asian nations strong and has poured investment into various countries, including Pakistan. Pakistan really does need to shore up its energy generating capabilities and this will go a LONG way in helping that.

Having been to Japan several times now, I have never failed to be impressed at how humble and polite the people are.

Once again, thank you land of rising sun.
Could be true, but Japan is the least bad guy when it comes to helping other nations. It was bombed, so it knows how it feels..

USA, China, Middle east and so forth, all those countries have far bigger vested interests. Despite knowning close relationship of china and Pakistan and it's hostility towards Japan, it helps Pakistan.

Would you help your enemy's friend ever to change their friendship?

To add my input, I don't think Japan is doing this to change the Pakistani feeling towards China, our policy with our friends in Pakistan is not to sow ill will amongst Islamabad and Beijing. We know that China has a profound interest in Pakistan, and that both your countries are directly linked now. But for us, our concern is to develop stronger relations with our partners and neighbors. Japan is a major power in the world and for a long time we have taken the back seat. With the Abe administration, things are different, Japan, for once, is now interested in projecting soft power on our neighbors. BY fostering good relations, we are planting the seeds of future investments and more opportunities for bilateral growth. If you follow Japan's policies recently, we are reaching out to not only Pakistan, but also India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia.

Pakistan has the potential to be a regional power and a force for peace and stability. I am confident in her national destiny.
To add my input, I don't think Japan is doing this to change the Pakistani feeling towards China, our policy with our friends in Pakistan is not to sow ill will amongst Islamabad and Beijing. We know that China has a profound interest in Pakistan, and that both your countries are directly linked now. But for us, our concern is to develop stronger relations with our partners and neighbors. Japan is a major power in the world and for a long time we have taken the back seat. With the Abe administration, things are different, Japan, for once, is now interested in projecting soft power on our neighbors. BY fostering good relations, we are planting the seeds of future investments and more opportunities for bilateral growth. If you follow Japan's policies recently, we are reaching out to not only Pakistan, but also India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia.

Pakistan has the potential to be a regional power and a force for peace and stability. I am confident in her national destiny.
I know it isn't doing that to change feelings, hence my example. No money can turn Canada against USA. No money can turn Pakiatan against China. It's better to have close friends than far. It's better to have enemies far than next to your border.
But people think wrong.

Yes Pakistan will help Japan.. For example during tsunami etc. That's why world help each others, so they're helped when they're in trouble.
Thank you very much our friend Japan.

Post war Japan has always done a great deal to make fellow Asian nations strong and has poured investment into various countries, including Pakistan. Pakistan really does need to shore up its energy generating capabilities and this will go a LONG way in helping that.

Having been to Japan several times now, I have never failed to be impressed at how humble and polite the people are.

Once again, thank you land of rising sun.

On behalf of my country to yours, you are welcome. I pray there will be more and more we can work with each other on. I hope we can do more in inftrastructure development, next time, i hope we can partner up in investing in education , health care. Some day, my friend, i hope to visit your beautiful country. I want to visit Lahore, Karachi, and the famous Sindh region.
To add my input, I don't think Japan is doing this to change the Pakistani feeling towards China, our policy with our friends in Pakistan is not to sow ill will amongst Islamabad and Beijing. We know that China has a profound interest in Pakistan, and that both your countries are directly linked now. But for us, our concern is to develop stronger relations with our partners and neighbors. Japan is a major power in the world and for a long time we have taken the back seat. With the Abe administration, things are different, Japan, for once, is now interested in projecting soft power on our neighbors. BY fostering good relations, we are planting the seeds of future investments and more opportunities for bilateral growth. If you follow Japan's policies recently, we are reaching out to not only Pakistan, but also India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia.

Pakistan has the potential to be a regional power and a force for peace and stability. I am confident in her national destiny.

I think Japan has been of recent years quite disengaged from some parts of Asia e.g. South Asia, and more engrossed in South-East Asia. This however is understandable due to their own policy.

I'm sure we all look forward to Japanese engagement.
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