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Japan PM says will take time to provide patrol ships to Vietnam

@Soryu @Viet

bro,any news on 4 Indian OPV purchase,which India offered $100 mil credit line??Indian OPV is quite good and its size is greater than some Frigates.didn't know which kind of Patrol vessel Vietnam is going to purchase (is it something like Hateruma class or is it Hida Class??) patrol vessels from Japan.but they're buying 10 of them.thats great news.but for long patrol,Indian Saryu OPV would be ideal for Vietnam.
about Vietnamese Coastguard,its looks like a lot of new equipment are coming soon.

USA offered them $32.5 million from which they'll buy 5 fast patrol boats,probably in this year.

10 patrol boats will come from Japan soon.though don't know what kind of patrol boats it'd be.Japan offered Patrol vessels which appeared to be smaller version of Tsurugi Class Patrol Vessel.they're also donating 2 Shiretoko class vessels as well.I truly hope Japan will give Hateruma Class or Aso Class patrol vessel,which kind of Patrol vessel Vietnam has dire need.a capable one with either having capability to handle intruders,which is Aso class' spaciality ,or having helo carrying capability as well as landing craft carrying capability like Hateruma class to mount any reef/island in SCS and will fill the role of 1000 Ton patrol vessel.

Hateruma Class..........


Aso Class....


and if they get Indian OPV,it should be Saryu Class,massive 2300 Ton vessel with massive range(11000 KM) and endurance(2 months) and Helo carrying capability as well as offensive weapons can be fitted to make it more deadlier.

Saryu Class........


Saryu-class patrol vessel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
whats your take on this,vietnamese members???
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Actually I'm just talking factually. Japan+US+NATO fleet dominates all seas. If China dares to go out of its box. We know how to put her back in her box and give a good beating so she won't do it again. Are you trying to say Chinese navy is stronger than navy of the allies? Because that what I'm getting from your msg. Vietnam has NOTHING to worry in this regard.


Japan is not Ukriane, I hope China makes the mistake thinking their neighbors are "Ukriane". Unlike Russia, China is surrounded by hostile, POTENT, and capable enemy armies.

Yeah, potent. JSDF would surely put China to its place with its sub 200km range anti-ship missiles and sub 50km range AA missile. Or maybe it will shame China to death with its 30 year old aircrafts and armored vehicles that cost more than a MBT. I am sure the angry and impotent rage would put China right in its place.

I don't get why people would imagine Japan as an actual power, let alone one that can be compared to China. Japan is one of the few countries in the world that has less military budget/GDP ratio than China and it has seen its military systemically neutered over the past six decades. Sure, it may have a few pieces of gear that is more advanced than say Vietnam or Turkey, but they are hellish expensive and is technologically behind the state of the art equipment from actual major powers such as China, US and Russia. Look, strategic environment wise, European nations are way more potent than any Southeast Asia countries or Japan and both Koreas. What exact did all this accomplish against another major power? Nothing.
Yeah, potent. JSDF would surely put China to its place with its sub 200km range anti-ship missiles and sub 50km range AA missile. Or maybe it will shame China to death with its 30 year old aircrafts and armored vehicles that cost more than a MBT. I am sure the angry and impotent rage would put China right in its place.

I don't get why people would imagine Japan as an actual power, let alone one that can be compared to China. Japan is one of the few countries in the world that has less military budget/GDP ratio than China and it has seen its military systemically neutered over the past six decades. Sure, it may have a few pieces of gear that is more advanced than say Vietnam or Turkey, but they are hellish expensive and is technologically behind the state of the art equipment from actual major powers such as China, US and Russia. Look, strategic environment wise, European nations are way more potent than any Southeast Asia countries or Japan and both Koreas. What exact did all this accomplish against another major power? Nothing.
Japan is rebuilding their armies at very quick rate. Within short amount of time they will be dominant military power in the region again, capable of projecting force deep into East-Asia. Also you shouldn't see Japan as sole force. NATO and more precisely. US has biggest navy in the world that would smack and crack China into multiple parts if they go down the road aggression. Ukrania is special case. They didn't have allies but all of China's neighbors has military ties with another. In addition they have very capable and POTENT armies which Ukranian army was clearly not. Also, I don't see China being able to take on Vietnam for example. Japan, North-Korea, Thailand would jump on you for their own personal and collective benefit.
Japan is rebuilding their armies at very quick rate. Within short amount of time they will be dominant military power in the region again, capable of projecting force deep into East-Asia. Also you shouldn't see Japan as sole force. NATO and more precisely. US has biggest navy in the world that would smack and crack China into multiple parts if they go down the road aggression. Ukrania is special case. They didn't have allies but all of China's neighbors has military ties with another. In addition they have very capable and POTENT armies which Ukranian army was clearly not. Also, I don't see China being able to take on Vietnam for example. Japan, North-Korea, Thailand would jump on you for their own personal and collective benefit.

Yeah, no. If a military confrontation with China can work, US would have did it long time ago. What? With US' invasion record, you didn't really think it left China alone out of the kindness of its heart right? Anyways, the argument now falls under the standard "would, maybe, in the future" drivel with neither base nor evidence in the present. And what military ties? Most of the Southeast Asia countries have disputes with each other and none of them are not even remotely aligned with Japan.
We are only producing like 40% of our capability, yet Japan is already suffocate with it. Now they want to provide aid to Vietnam when they need every single boat they got to keep up with us? LOL
Vietnam donate a base and so beautiful **** to USA, then anything can be solved, :-)

Just how beautiful would they be :-)

Maybe I misunderstood his comment. I thought it was aimed at US forces, which is why I responded to him the way I did.
I can just as easily say "Good, well within attack range of USN Ohio Class SSBNs and SSGNs" This isn't a video game though. So lets get out of the belligerent chest thumping video game mentality shall we?[/quot/]

I'm too old to play video game. Just telling the truth, what kind of offer can you give to US for fighting with China? It's all about state interests.

Just how beautiful would they be :-)

Maybe I misunderstood his comment. I thought it was aimed at US forces, which is why I responded to him the way I did.
Why not send a mail and ask for it?
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